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Everything posted by Chrisd

  1. I care about you, does that mean I have to suffer when you reject me? I suffer because I'm attached to your opinion. Attachments = suffering
  2. I'll show my intentions right away, hope you'll appreciate it haha I'd like to think about dating as matching, so I have an energy and intention, you feel it and you either match or you don't. In this sense the OP simply didn't find a match.
  3. It's tough though. I'd like to believe Bashar when he says aliens are going to show up next year. I feel great energy when I watch the guy speak, unfortunately that just isn't enough His predictions: One prediction that I personally remember, youtube video conveniently removed. Prediction: We know that other forms of life exists When: Between 2015-2017, focal point in the fall of 2016 Probability: 98%
  4. Riiiight And aliens will show up, and armagedon will happen, and jesus will return to earth, you can go on Blind faith Why not transform earth slowly, 1 evidence at a time
  5. I like the idea of your state, and I'm home alone with nothing to do, so I'm taking it up as a practice: no doership. With the exception of functionality, because I do want to function properly.
  6. Plenty of interesting things to talk about, why talk about those topics specifically? (you said any opinion is welcome ) Secondly, I think we do have the power to influence each other. I get that you're trying to force this thing. How long do you estimate it will take for her to change?
  7. It's crossing boundaries without regard for the other person.
  8. Muhammad Jawad, Sounds to me like you need to permanently realize yourself as beyond suffering I don't look for permanent solutions because I don't think they exist
  9. You know this saying before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water
  10. I'm scared of this term, I feel it comes with a lot of responsibility if you're God
  11. It's mind on auto pilot that is the problem
  12. I share your aspiration, I suppose we have the intention and then we apply a method, such as feeling. Can you type and feel flow at the same time? Maybe if we combine feeling flow with our activities we incrementally increase the time we spend there. I like to listen to a talk when in public transport.
  13. 2 options, fulfil your needs, that's one. Second, strive to be happy without anything. Why not do both?
  14. M(nisargadatta): A tremendously complex work is going on all the time in your brain and body, are you conscious of it? Not at all. Yet for an outsider all seems to be going on intelligently and purposefully. M: What is wrong with a life which is free from problems? Personality is merely a reflection of the real. Why should not the reflection be true to the original as a matter of course, automatically? Need the person have any designs of its own? The life of which it is an expression will guide it. Once you realise that the person is merely a shadow of the reality, but not reality itself, you cease to fret and worry. You agree to be guided from within and life becomes a journey into the unknown.
  15. Right, that would be exhausting. When you're in a flow state you don't need to think I typed that sentence without thinking, but hey now I'm typing this with and without some thought
  16. If you don't think you can function without thinking, I wouldn't attempt to silence the mind.
  17. Contemporaries who claim to function basically without thought: guruswamig, gary weber (, christopher cornelius ( You can also look at what Nisargadatta Maharaj said: about his mind "M: Of course not! I am fully conscious, but since no desire or fear enters my mind, there is perfect silence" I'd say silence isn't the point though, it should be pleasurable silence. Gary Weber describes a sweetness to his silence, while guruswamig does not. I imagine ultimately a silent mind + ecstasy is ideal.
  18. You're saying I can't impart truth to my belief systems or logic. Isn't this a matter of choice? I can choose logic or belief systems to be my truth.
  19. Freedom from identification from the mind and body.
  20. I'm happy you had an awakening. I suppose you can't prove that your perspective is all that is, and I can't prove there are multiple perspectives.