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About KaRzual

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  • Birthday 07/18/1996

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  1. When you feel like sh*t, these 5 mantras will help
    When you feel like sh*t, these 5 mantras will help
    Image credit: Volkan Olmez, Unsplash.
    1. “I love you.”
    This mantra brings you back to the natural state of self-love and kindness. It helps you re-establish peace with yourself instead of feeling like crap because you feel like crap (which is an endless cycle). Kamal suggests using this mantra abundantly when you are walking, washing dishes, waiting in lines, brushing teeth, anything. Repeat and repeat relentlessly so that your thoughts will gradually start gravitating towards self-love.
    2. “Nothing bad is happening.”
    This mantra originates from Samantha Bennett and it’s a pure gold. She advocates the idea that whatever is happening is not bad (of course, if we are willing to see it so).
    If nothing bad is happening, what IS happening?
    Maybe something painful, uncomfortable, confusing, new, difficult, challenging, however, not bad. The fact that you’re feeling terrible doesn’t have to be bad either. It shows you that something is off, that you need a change, that your actions and values are discordant, that you are growing and stretching yourself. None of which is bad. This mantra is powerful because it will help you to reframe your experience.
    3. “I meet limited circumstances with limitless thoughts.”
    This is the mantra from The Course in Miracles and I love it madly. On a mortal, material plain, our circumstances are always limited. We only have so much time, money, energy, contacts, projects, subscribers, Facebook friends. However, on a spiritual plain, we are all limitless in terms of ideas, energy, potential, possibilities.
    When I am at my worst, I usually start identifying with my limited circumstances rather than my limitless thoughts. And I suffer. Everything seems rigid and bounded. This mantra helps us see beyond our tiny perspective. It helps us choose higher and better thoughts. It helps us transcend our sadness and search for the solution for the spiritual problem in the spiritual realm.
    4. “I am willing to see this differently.”
    This mantra from The Course in Miracles actually invokes miracles. When you say this mantra, you are surrendering your limited world view. You are admitting that you got stuck and that what you see or feel right now is not the best image. But more importantly, you are claiming that you are willing to do something about it, to understand it in a different way. To change your perspective and perception.
    You are not asking for your circumstances to be different, rather you are stating that you are willing to see them in a new light. You are stating that you are open for something new. The universe will always respect your free will, thus you have to state that you are willing. And the new perspective will show up. A new idea will pop up. Without a particular reason, you will feel a bit better.
    5. “Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”
    Wild Geese
    You don’t have to be good.
    You don’t have to walk on your knees
    for hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
    You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
    Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
    Meanwhile. the world goes on.
    Meanwhile the sun and clear pebbles of rain
    are moving across the landscapes,
    over the prairies and deep trees,
    the mountains and the rivers.
    Meanwhile the wild geese, high in clean blue air
    are heading home again.
    Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
    the world offers itself to your imagination,
    calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting-
    over and over announcing your place
    in the family of things.
    Mary Oliver
    When I feel like crap, I read this poem. It never failed to make me feel better. The line that particularly resonates with me is “let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” That verse is a reminder of self-compassion and kindness.
    You don’t have to be good, or productive, or superstar. You should only be kind to the soft animal of your body. It is doing the best it can. It is fighting some hard battles. Give it some love.
    As Danielle Laporte says:
    “Self-compassion is the best self-help.”
    Source: https://medium.com/the-ascent/when-you-feel-like-sh-t-these-5-mantras-will-help-3eecd89b91a0
    If you want a personal mantra against depression, anxiety, and more, contact us by telegram +584147492006 
    Blog access: https://tupropiomantra.blogspot.com/2021/04/we-create-your-own-mantra-with-your.html

  2. My peers aren't even doing consciousness work and their life seems better
    My peers aren't even doing consciousness work and their life seems better
    Yeah (:
    @fopylo You´re scared of not being enough and therefore try to fix yourself. Do you notice however that you´re trying to avoid fear by raising your conciousness? I used the exact same tactic man...
    I tried to cure my low self-esteem by meditating every single day ( forcing myself to do it). It became like an OCD where I had to do it in order to be enough and cure myself and where I had to become more conscious to solve my neurosis. But, the fact of the matter is this...
    THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU and the " needing to" mediate and raise your consciousness feeds into this negative feedback loop.
    Look at this feedback loop model and you will see.
    " I am not good enough " ------ " I need to change myself in order to be enough -------- I should meditate to change myself --------- If I don´t do this I will not be enough and then I will be unlovable, worthless or whatever"
    This is what you´re doing. You think you´re solving your neurosis but you´re not. You are MAINTING IT, instead of solving it because you´re acting in accordance with it.
    That said, you shouldn´t stop meditating because of fear of being driven by fear, because that will also feed into the dynamic of you not being good enough. Instead - meditate and do it and everything else in life because you love it and because it feels awesome and because you want to.
    Discover what you want and then go after it, if that is getting girls, consciousness, success, money, or whatever pursue it. Let your inner compass be what makes you feel good, not the fear of not being good enough.