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Everything posted by eggopm3

  1. I don't think i could be aroused with a sex doll. that shit's not hot. at all. Also imagine cleaning it afterwards.
  2. There are other possibilities. Maybe you triggered an underlying condition or opened yourself up to an ungrounded state. If you felt the drug that is the feeling of the drug being used by your body, it is not used twice. Once it is used it breaks down into various metabolites which are excreted. Anything that lingers would linger at smaller and smaller concentrations as more and more gets eliminated from your body so even if it still affected the user that entire time the effects would drop off drastically and quickly. If your body lacks the ability to break down these types of molecules, then you would probably not have survived childhood because the same enzymes that break down psychedelics do the same job with serotonin and other neurotransmitters, and you need that to be alive at all. If somehow you are an extremely rare anomaly to all this then your brain chemistry could make a valuable contribution to science, and you should contact some researchers or something.
  3. LSD staying in your system is drug war propaganda bullshit. Weed can stay for up to a month or so because it gets stored in fat cells, but you ain't getting high from that.
  4. I can't help but imagine what kind of trip the real Michael Jackson would have had.
  5. I think most people could have a positive experience on weed their first time if they only had a little bit. Just ONE hit of weed for most newbies is probably equal or greater to an entire joint or more for a regular user. But most people don't know what they're getting into and end up in over their head. My first experience (when I was drug naive except for alcohol) the entire world turned the color red, everything went slo-mo, got tinnitus, and a head rush so intense that I passed out from a standing position. I was lucky I didnt hit my head on something. After that I was much more careful.
  6. I can't speak for Leo obviously, but with my best experiences with weed it accelerates my mind in a way that maximizes insights extremely effectively. If unique or strange states of consciousness are what I'm after than weed isn't necessarily it, but if insights alone are what I'm after than weed is terrific. in my sober state i can get stuck in certain thought patterns pretty easily but weed just bursts the doors down and starts spinning the wheels of what my mind is capable of, while also deepening my emotional response and connection to the world around me. Massive waves of love and joy, gratitude and passion. With LSD for contrast even though it's far "trippier" and it's a more radically altered state of mind, I need to actively choose to start thinking and contemplating about things, or else I'm just in whacky acid land for a while (which is still great of course, just not always productive) but with weed it just starts happening. It's like point A leads to point B leads to point C leads to point Z leads to point infinity and beyond.
  7. LSD isn't special or unique in having a long duration. Many psychedelics last even longer than LSD. Most of the DOx series for instance, as well as ibogaine.
  8. Josie Kins has been doing stuff like this as one of several tools to help generate psychedelic visuals using AI.
  9. No. Not legally available in Canada at the moment and I'm not interested in using the black/grey market for cannabinoids. As far as I know these cannabinoids mostly exist in the plant in small amounts already so I'm not too concerned that they're bad for you but the current lack of evidence to benefits of their use in such high isolated concentrations makes me hesitant to seek them out. There are some formulations of CBG and CBN that have appeared in stores recently. maybe I'll give them a go eventually but they're really expensive so I haven't been in a hurry for something that I can be reasonably certain wont be anything to write home about (I already know I dont like CBD). delta 8 has appeared in a few places here as well, and I'm sure it's fine but most of what I've researched about it says it's less potent than THC while feeling fairly similar so while its probably a good option for people in non-legal states it seems like a rip-off when normal THC is available. Also I prefer smoking flower more than other ROIs so the idea of alternate cannabinoids that can only be consumed via oral or vaping doesn't get me too excited. I have heard about attempts to engineer plants that have radically different balances of cannabinoids, that's something I would be more interested in trying (IME the overall combination of a variety of cannabinoids and terpenes working together is preferable to isolated compounds). I'm open to trying a lot of this stuff sooner or later but the majority of what I've been seeing with the new cannabinoids seems like people trying stuff for the sake of novelty and still coming around to the conclusion that you can't beat normal THC.
  10. It's solid. I prefer smoking but of all the ways to consume cannabis other than smoking it's my preferred method. It's pretty flexible in how you can use it since you have full control over your dosage. If you eat it directly or mix it into food it will be more like edibles, if you let it absorb sublingually under your tongue and then spit it out then it'll be somewhat more like the high from smoking. (though still it's own thing). There is some variability in effects depending on the kind of oil you have, different strains, cbd content, extraction method, whether or not if its full spectrum, ect. So you may want to try a couple different oils out for yourself to see what you like. If you have no tolerance to weed then take just a few drops to start. I'd usually take half a dropper for a mild lift, which is about 15mg with the stuff I get, or a whole dropper (30mg) if I want a solid but not too intense high. If I wanted to get really out there and get some more psychedelic effects I'd take probably 2 whole droppers (60mg). But obviously your mileage may vary. You can also redose easily with it if you want to extend the high, but it lasts pretty long on it's own.
  11. One thing I was reflecting on today in regards to all this is that no matter what happens to twitter, in a way Elon still wins because he has kind of gotten the entire website to revolve around him. So much of the internet and so much real world news is connected directly to twitter, and therefore whether or not anybody else likes it it's all now also connected to Elon and there's nothing we can do about it. Everyone's attention is on him, moreso than ever before. everything twitter related is now also Musk related. If you love him, if you hate him, it doesn't matter. Major news stories are being written about all this, people are spending hours and hours every day wasting time that could be spent on literally anything else talking about Elon, more so than ever before. And Elon's personality seems to be like a middle school bully who just pulls the "i'm rubber youre glue" attitude towards anything you throw at him positive or negative. So it's not like you can hurt him by him "losing" somehow (in contrast to Trump, who was clearly hurt both by losing the election and by getting kicked from twitter which I'm sure satisfied many of his enemies). Elon's purchase of twitter may have been "bad business" for tons of obvious reasons, but in doing so the guy has also bought his way into the history books in perhaps a far more deeply culturally ingrained way than any of his previous business ventures. Even if it all comes crashing down a few months from now he'll always have this "glorious" period when the internet really did seem to revolve around him, and if it doesn't come crashing down then he gets to be the center of attention indefinitely.
  12. The live/dead era can be just the ticket sometimes too for sure. Binged all the Dick's Picks during the lockdowns back in 2020, that was a killer way to pass the time. Haven't been to a Dead-related show yet because they don't come to the Vancouver area too often (for a city full of hippies, legal weed, and decrim psychedelics the music scene is painfully lacking), though I hope to try and swing Dead and Co at the Gorge this year if the timing works out. I've seen Phish several times though and while that's a different scene for sure there's definitely still a lot of overlap in the fan-culture with most people dosing at shows and stuff. I don't have too many friends into the same music as me so I generally go solo to most shows so I have to be a bit careful with my dosing since I've got no-one to watch my ass if I get a bit too far out there. But there will be many more opportunities in the future! I'm pretty turned off by alcohol culture in general. Ruins my vibe completely. I don't know how you can even appreciate the music when you're wasted as much as some of the people I've encountered. I want to be as dialed in to the music as I possibly can be, that's why I'm there after all!
  13. @John Paul Dont know what the first video is cus it says its unavailable. But Billy Strings is great.
  14. But of course! Grateful Dead + acid + weed is like stepping on the gas pedal into infinity. the years from '72 though '77 are my sweet spot.
  15. Grateful Dead brah.
  16. I thought I was doing something wrong for the longest time too. But I've tried multiple different methods of vaping by this point and the same thing always happens. It seems fine at first, but after a few vape sessions I can feel the irritation getting worse and worse. I like to sing a lot and I can feel it especially settling on my voice box making me sound really phlegmy, that's a big turn off. And the effects linger for like a week after I stop. Started with disposable vapes, and wasn't too surprised that those were bad (though all of these were purchased legally in Canada so I'm not getting fake shit like still exist in some places), but maybe it's low quality materials. Tried a 510 distillate cart, ok maybe it's low quality vape juice or the vape pen is bad. So I got a yocan to use, everyone recommends those, but it still happens. I see online that people recommend using much lower temps for better smoother hits and maybe it's just that distillate sucks and I should get higher quality stuff. So I got a few different brands of live resin carts and turned the voltage on the yocan way down. But no matter what settings I use it still happens even with the live resin. Long hits, short hits doesn't make a difference. OK then, screw carts entirely let's try a dry herb vape, surely that will give me the purest highest quality vaping. So I try one of those davinci vape devices to use with flower, and STILL it's irritating to my throat and mouth. There are a few things I havent tried, like people talk about those volcano vaporizers being good (too expensive, but if I had a friend with one I'd try it) or pulling the vapour through water with a bong contraption, but I'm kinda sick of trying out different setups (and wasting money) only to be disappointed every time. I can only ignore my body's signals of "stop doing this" for so long. Never at any point did the high from any of these methods come close to matching the high from combustion. It's not a terrible high all things considered, I agree that it does have a "clean and clear" quality to it and I prefer it to edibles by a large margin, and I wouldn't mind it as an alternative to smoking if it wasn't for the physical side effects it gives me. however what I really am looking for from cannabis is the acceleration of my mental processes that allows my mind to reach personal insights and deepen my emotional connections. And vaping never seems to press that button in my mind in any significant way. it's a decent mood lift, some heightened senses and that's about the extent of it. I can pretty reliably reach mystical states on cannabis, but it's always been via combustion, never happens with vaping. What really cinched the deal for me was when I opened up one of the live resin carts, and poured a bit of it into a bowl and combusted that as an experiment to see if it would be different than using the cart the intended way and BOOM instantly back to that fantastic high, it was like smoking a bowl of kief or hash. If using it "wrong" is so much better then I don't want to be right, lmao. Dumped the rest of the cart out and mixed it with some bud to make infused flower and it was excellent.
  17. It's the same for men I can assure you. Really good weed can have me borderline orgasming with no external stimulation whatsoever, and generates tons of incredible sexual fantasies if I allow my mind go in that direction. I agree it can be addictive, but I've never found it's reputation for short term memory loss to be all that accurate tbh. The only memory-related problem I get from consuming weed is that it makes it difficult to recall dreams (supposedly it reduces REM sleep), and I like to dream quite a bit so that's often a motivation for moderation. And I dont think it's mild at all. A bowl of flower reliably rockets me into tremendously blissful high-consciousness states. yes of course it's different for everyone (i think there is some research out there suggesting that there is a genetic component to how it affects people differently). Leo says he vapes it for instance, and great for him if that's what works. but IME the high from vaping weed is garbage, inferior to all other ROIs I've tried by a significant margin. And I feel immediate acute irritation in my mouth and throat every time I vape weed which just feels like it's asking for trouble in the long run. The one ROI I have basically no experience with is dabbing, anyone willing to give their thoughts on how that compares?
  18. Edibles (11-ho-thc) have a horrendous body load. It's quite psychedelic sure, but only if you want a trip through hell. For me they screw with my body's temperature regulation and I get chills that go on for hours and I end up sitting in a hot shower spending the whole time wishing I was sober. Taking tincture sublingually generally bypasses the liver conversion so if I consume it orally I vastly prefer that.
  19. Been drinking yerba mate the last couple days instead of coffee. Pretty nice alternative so far! I also agree matcha is excellent, though it's quite expensive in comparison.
  20. If Biden doesn't run who would be the most likely Democratic candidate? Kamala Harris?
  21. Weed definitely changed for me after I started taking "normal" psychedelics, becoming way more consciousness enhancing than it had been prior. There's also a period of up to a few days after a big trip where weed's effects are enhanced significantly. My fav time to smoke it is the next day after an acid trip. it can also pull me out of a negative state if i'm spiraling into a bad place and smoke a bit while tripping. I agree it's excellent for trauma work. It's helped me work through a lot of my personal shit. I get tons of personal insights that are relevant to my life on weed, as opposed to lsd and mushrooms which give me plenty of insights too of course but more on a cosmic level that's less immediately applicable to my life situation and those are much harder to "bring back" in a coherent way than with weed, where I can remember most of what I come up with pretty easily once sober again. And the more gradual tolerance buildup means that you can do it more often than LSD or mushrooms. which while not always being a good thing (habit forming) sometimes that is exactly what you're looking for. Keeps the spiritual channels open for as long as you want. I do find however that weed makes me extremely horny sometimes. Which I wouldn't mind if I had a suitable partner, but I don't. So it can pull me into jerking off a bunch sometimes which is fun sure, but obviously not so productive. Gotta be careful of that.
  22. If you consider psychedelic to mean a substance that activates the same receptors and works via the same mechanisms as classical psychedelics like LSD or Mushrooms then no, Cannabis is in it's own category. But if you consider psychedelic to mean simply substances that can cause drastic alterations of consciousness then yes absolutely. But it heavily depends on the individual, the method of consumption, the tolerance level, and the quality of weed. In my experimentations I've found smoking strong sativa strains can reliably (moreso with lower tolerance) generate visual effects both open and closed eyed, while enabling deep introspection, especially when used with the right set and setting. While edibles, vaping, and anything with a lot of CBD in it don't work very well (and I've come to actively dislike and usually avoid these). But it massively varies from person to person.
  23. I Identified heavily with INTP as a teen and young adult, but now I'd say I fall into the INFP or INFJ categories and INTP doesn't resonate with my personality much at all anymore. But like @Adam M said, I think it's more about gaining a deepening understanding of myself rather than my core personality changing. Like when I was younger I admired the traits of INTPs so I'd try to align myself more closely with it, rather than it genuinely reflecting how I actually behaved. But also experiences can influence you to reveal more of yourself, I was very emotionally repressed when I was younger whereas now after going through some intense life experiences I'm much more comfortable with my emotions. And surely there are many other things that I haven't experienced yet that will occur in the future which could reveal more dimensions of my personality that I don't yet realize.
  24. I don't think I even knew there was a 2-3 minute rule. it practically takes me 2-3 minutes to write even a short post most of the time. Perhaps consider if you have a need to send messages every minute that you haven't taken an appropriate amount of time to consider the content of your posts very much? Plenty of users here still manage to post tons even with this rule in place.