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Everything posted by eggopm3

  1. A few weeks ago I took 3.5g of mushrooms from a batch I was unfamiliar with (mistake #1, should have tested a low dose from this batch first), when I was already feeling sick with a cold (mistake #2, colds reduce your body's ability to feel pleasure). I had just had an exhausting day at work (mistake #3), and I took the dose after eating dinner (mistake #4 having a full stomach made the shrooms kick in more slowly and unpredictably). I was thinking the cold wouldn't make much difference to the trip, but my sick feelings became amplified and made me feel extremely terrible. I was completely couch-locked and my mind was really numbed out, so I drank some really strong caffeinated tea to try and get my energy up (mistake #5) and I smoked some weed hoping that would boost my mood (mistake #6. the weed was also a really mediocre strain which was mistake #6.5), but it just made me over-stimulated on top of being sick, and the bad feelings kept getting worse and worse. I felt like I was on a runaway train that kept speeding up and getting ripped out of my body (and definitely not in a good OBE kind of way). I felt horrible and was tweaking the fuck out. I suddenyl had a ludicrous amount of energy and mostly neutral to bad feelings, so I was just running around my house at full speed and kind of having a mini-freakout. I knew nothing I took would kill me or hurt me long term so I was able to not panic too much, but it was maybe about an hour or two after the effects had fully come on that I recognized that this trip was a complete failure and not only would there be no salvaging things but that the bad tweaked-out feelings were only rapidly getting worse. So for the first time ever I took a benzo to abort the trip (though I had to contact a family member who was ignorant and disapproving of my use of psychedelics to get ahold of one which was humiliating, and has now caused significant family drama in regards to my drug use which I would have really rather avoided), and even still it took almost an hour for the benzo to kick in so I still had to bear the bad trip for a while longer. So yeah on this occasion I made a lot of mistakes that I won't be making again that's for sure.
  2. why do people need their accounts deleted? just stop posting and leave.
  3. more like improvements to brain chemistry amirite
  4. I'm not reading through all 40+ pages of this thread so maybe this was already talked about, but in my view placing your attention on writing and reading posts on a forum is inherently consciousness-reducing, so claiming to be "awake" while doing so is kind of contradictory.
  5. From scratch maybe not, but i think it could be possible to train the AI on an actor and then instruct the AI to exaggerate or modify certain characteristics, so potentially we could get AI Pacino that's *more* Pacino-y than the real thing. Or have an AI trained on multiple actors and then combine the outputs. Like why not combine Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt into one ultra-celebrity, heck we could have different Cruise-Pitt iterations each with a different balance of each actor, 35% Tom 65% Pitt and so on.
  6. I always find I fret until I take it. but once it kicks in I forget I was ever worried.
  7. I saw a talk a while back which I'm looking for and cant seem to find again where the speaker presents research that higher EPA to DHA ratios gave the best results compared to equal amounts of EPA and DHA or ratios where the DHA was higher. Currently I get "triple strength" omega 3 supplements, cus they have more EPA and DHA than the others. (600mg and 300mg respectively, and I'll take 2-3 capsules)
  8. yeah me too. and I agree with it being a distraction, but a frustrating one since it's a super pleasurable state to be in so it's often hard to pull away from it to change the direction of the trip. Like if I'm tripping with the purpose of gaining insights and instead I fall into a horny hole for most of the peak then that trip was, in spite of being enjoyable, ultimately kind of a failure.
  9. Mushrooms are good for healing. just seriously contemplate your problems while youre tripping.
  10. Dont take drugs if you dont know what they are. a quick websearch tells me that if its not 2CB it could be some kind of cathinone (aka bath salts), or maybe ketamine mixed with some other stuff. no drug is normally pink that's some marketing BS by the people who threw this stuff together. fuck that.
  11. No way to judge the potency of changa compared to pure synthetic since you cant know the dose of dmt you're taking. So just start small and try increasingly larger doses each time.
  12. Definitely have had both mushroom and lsd trips in my dreams. though usually the dream is in the context of taking the dose at an inopportune time like before work or something, and then it's kicking in while i'm supposed to be taking care of some responsibility.
  13. When Leo makes posts like this I sometimes imagine while reading it that I am a student of martial arts and Leo is the wise old master. We spar during training and I think I'm holding my own. But then Leo stops to put a blindfold on himself, ties his hands behind his back, and then proceeds to use nothing but his pinky toe to annihilate my entire universe.
  14. Not fear mongering, just being realistic. It's a possibility, just not one that the vast majority need to be concerned about however. We may have evolved to use the damn thing, but we did not evolve to use the damn thing 20 times a day, high on meth or whatever else, watching porn every waking hour of every day. Guys like that are out there. If you think their dick is coming out of that unscathed you're fooling yourself. Anyway, my main thought is that it's your dick and you want it to work as best as it can, so you should treat it with respect. Sometimes masturbation is treating it with respect, sometimes it's not. It's all about having a healthy relationship with your own body and sexuality. for some men that means eliminating porn or reducing masturbation, while for others it doesn't.
  15. You can damage your dick by jerking off too much. That's a good reason to be moderate with your wankin'. Tho you'd probably gotta be on the far extreme end of the frequency bell curve for that to happen (stimulant addicts who watch porn all day for example). Most guys concerned about jerking off too much are not on that level, but they're out there.
  16. I can't top anything that's already been posted, cus my "worst" things are mostly kinda silly. I ate a grapefruit during my first really epic LSD trip and it was amazing. I recall having the thought that this "grape"-fruit was really a "great"-fruit, and that brought me much joy. So I decided to eat another one the next trip. But the 2nd time I was impatient and ate it during the comeup, and then almost immediately felt my stomach say NOOOOO, I ran across the room to the door to the backyard but couldn't make it in time and projectile vomited the entire contents of my stomach across the room. So then I gotta spend my first hour peaking on 350ug while cleaning up all my barf off the floor. I then had the thought that this "grape"-fruit was actually a "not-so-great"-fruit, which made me laugh my ass off and feel like the situation was the punchline to a joke that the first trip had started.
  17. My parents are Keto& sugar free (as much as possible anyway), and in the process of eating their many artificially sweetened desserts, the conclusion Ive mostly drawn is a thumbs down in terms of taste. Maltitol and Monk Fruit are the most palatable (but maltitol can cause diarrhea, so Monk fruit is the winner). But honestly I'd prefer to just eat unsweetened things rather than the weird icky-sweet tastes of the alternate sweeteners. What would be a massive game changer would be Left-handed Sugar. It's literally just the sugar molecule mirrored, but because biology evolved to adapt to right-handed molecules our bodies cannot process it, BUT it still behaves exactly like sugar in every other way and tastes exactly like sugar. The only reason it's not used is because it's extremely expensive to produce at a commercial scale because nature REALLY wants all sugar molecules to be right-handed. But one day I could envision a breakthrough allowing it to go mainstream, since it would be what all artificial sweeteners wish they were: 0 calorie sugar that tastes normal and doesn't affect blood sugar.
  18. Good decision. far too often I come to this forum looking for a 2nd tier perspective on things, and then end up getting sucked into wasting my time reading a thread full of drama and immaturity or whatever else. If I wanted to read facebook-level discussions then I'd go on facebook.
  19. My friend did this combo and had his ass handed to him. He even went to the hospital cus he was freaking out (they gave him a placebo telling him it was a benzo and told him to go home and he was fine after that lmao). Made me a bit unsure if I want to try the combo out for myself. Might be better off just taking a higher dose of lsd or mushrooms rather than crossing them. Maybe I might try a double microdose one day to see how they interact at a lower dose. Like a quarter tab plus half a gram or something.
  20. if youre ok with plugging oil then that would work fine. and tinctures are themselves just oils themselves so you can use the same product for both sublingual and for plugging, find the most potent per ml you can find of a good quality tincture and you'll be set. probably should be sure to use 2 different droppers for each method though . My prediction is that because both sublingual and plugging methods bypass the liver's conversion of THC to 11-ho-thc (the edibles effect) the effects from both would be similar in effect. maybe differing rates in how fast the kick in or minor stuff like that but both would be a pretty pure thc experience. You can find nearly flavorless oils btw, so sublingual doesn't have to be that unpleasant if you dislike the taste of weed. I think sublingual would be better just because you can consume more at once. If I want to have 3 droppers worth of oil at once (what i would take for a very strong effect) i can easily fit that in my mouth, but going for more than 1 dropper worth of plugging might be too much to ask.
  21. This is a drawback for me too. Sometimes it's fun but other times it can be frustrating to be on a deep train of thought and really getting to someplace beautiful, and then suddenly getting really horny and being completely distracted. When you were saying vaping in other posts I was thinking of vape pens not shatter, but yeah if you're hitting dabs then those will take you all the way for sure. I'd be curious how the tincture affects you. It's good for what it is, but the alteration of consciousness I get from it is miniscule in comparison unless i take a ton of it and even then it's still fairly different. I'm skeptical if pure synthetic THC would actually be ideal, otherwise it would be a more popular method of consumption than it is considering how popular weed is. everyone wants stronger potency flower and higher % concentrates, but seems like the market for actually pure isolates is pretty small. I think there are some dabbing products that get closer than Shatter though. I've seen THC "diamonds" listed at 96-99% thc for instance. could be a more pure alternative to the shatter if you can find it. THC isn't water soluble so that would complexify the plugging route. You could plug thc oil/butter, but then it wouldn't be pure thc anymore. There are now "water soluble" (nano-emulsified) thc products out there which could address this, but it still wouldnt be "pure" if that's what youre looking for. I would expect the effects from that to be nearly identical to just using the same product sublingually though.
  22. as high a dose as it takes for you. everyone is different. but you want to get as high has you can comfortably (or not so comfortably) get. work your way up slowly if youre not sure. sativa strains are preferred. but having high quality weed is more important than the specific strain. I don't like eating it because the physical effects of edibles are unpleasant for me and it doesn't put me in a mystical state as reliably as smoking, but some people prefer it. depends on you. put on music. something you can have an emotional connection to but isn't distracting. dancing or any rhythmic movement help me a lot as well. chanting or mantras would probably work too if your into that. or silently meditate if that's what you prefer. avoid anything that could potentially distract yourself from the flow state you're in. never ruin perfectly good weed with tobacco. and you'd just be diluting the weed anyway. how does the legal weed system work in Thailand btw? Curious to know what the scene is like over there.
  23. i don't think it's that complicated. lsd is really stimulating, your body is working on overdrive for 12 hours. of course you'd be exhausted and drained afterwards.
  24. This thread is a train wreck. Merry Christmas!