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Everything posted by eggopm3

  1. I listened to some of his talks on a trip once, it was stunning. Deep spiritual power in that man.
  2. One thing that has struck me about the development of science is that even though it always claims to bring us to truth, that truth changes drastically from one scientific era to another. For example, science once said that the sun revolved around the earth, but eventually science made new discoveries and changed it's position. So my question is: How can we discern which things modern science claims to know as true will remain true within science, and which things will be replaced with new science? Is it inevitable that every piece of scientific "truth" will evolve into something different over time? If so, than to what degree should we even take modern science seriously? Surely someone from the year 3020 would look at the scientific "truths" of 2020 as being quaint and outdated, much like how we see the scientific views of the middle ages. (and likewise someone from 4020 would look at 3020 in the same way, and so on for as long as humans continue to exist) However, there were also many qualities of the science of the middle ages that remain relevant today. So how do we determine which facets of science will remain stable and which won't? Is it not possible?
  3. Mushishi is an anime with deep spiritual power. More than any other I think it would appeal to users here. The main character is basically a shaman, and the series is about him going around Japan doing his work. Lots of powerful lessons about Japanese philosophy, religion, and spirituality. And the show's music and atmosphere seem designed to put you in a calm and soothing, yet often eerie, state of mind. There are many seasons and it never drops in quality (if anything it gets better as the series goes on). Also, unlike most anime series, it's fully episodic so you can watch it at your own pace, start with a later season, or even skip around in the episode order if you want.
  4. The pope does not just declare something and Catholics go along with it. the hardcore Catholics in my circle think Pop Francis is evil and undermining the church, and these types of comments from him will just be more evidence for that. If the pope says something that disagrees with the catechism then according to them it is the pope who is wrong, not the church doctrine.
  5. Yes I still keep a dream journal. Though my use of it vacillates widely because some days I remember tons of dreams and some days I cant remember any. It lasted just a minute or two at most probably. It was noticing that I had to pee that alerted me to my dreamstate. I observed my perspective in the dream walking along the side of a road next to a fence. From within the dream I was able to consider whether or not I should wake up to go to the bathroom. And eventually after holding on to the dream for as long I could I consciously chose to wake up and go to the bathroom. When I went back to bed I almost was able to return to the same place in the dream. It was like I could perceive the same place I had been dreaming about begin to materialize in frot of my eyes once again. But I couldn't quite go all the way with it and eventually gave up. I'm not actually sure what I would plan to do during a lucid dream if I had one. Probably just walk around and observe things I guess.
  6. Somewhat spontaneous. I had started keeping a dream journal a few months prior, so I was paying much closer attention to my dreams than usual. But I wasn't trying to LD in particular.
  7. I lucid dreamed once, but it was just becoming aware that I was dreaming and then realizing I was on the verge of waking up and trying to hold on to it. I'd like to experience it again one day.
  8. This is why I don't talk to my family about psychedelics and spirituality. They are all stage blue catholics and christians, and my mom in particular views things like yoga, meditation, psychedelics, and so on, as vehicles for evil spirits to invade your mind and whatnot. It's a shame since I'd love to be able to share that side of myself with them, but being realistic I know their minds are not open to it so I always try to steer around the topic. My cousin once told me that her parents taught her that buddhism was evil, and when I asked her to explain why she had literally no idea, she just believed what she was told and never questioned it.
  9. Doesn't seem like that ROA would change much except for how fast it kicks in. Curious if you notice much difference other than that.
  10. Maybe to curry the public's sympathy in a latch ditch effort to get more people to vote for him. Or maybe he could use it as something to blame his loss on so that he doesn't have to take responsibility.
  11. What are the chances this is a ploy for the election in some way? I wouldn't put that past trump.
  12. I love how epic in scope the Life Purpose course series feels. I hope that's a quality that remains in future courses, really helps it feel special and set it apart from the main youtube episodes.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump makes more money selling crap to his fanbase after he's out of office than he did with his business ventures prior.
  14. This is something I wrestle with. Being in an emotionally charged place when you trip definitely amps up your experience. But of course that makes things more risky too. When I first discovered psychedelics I had several life-changing trips in a relatively short span of time, this period coincided with a time in my life where many significant personal events had me emotionally heightened. But since then, I've tended to only trip when I feel like I'm in a good place for it, and my trips have been a less intense (at equivalent doses). this holds me back a bit though since I'll often use that as an excuse not to trip. Like "oh coronavirus and the US election have me super bummed out, so I guess I wont trip today" but of course, I know in the back of my mind that if I did trip that day I'd probably feel a lot better about the current situation!
  15. wtf? Are nofap intentionally trying to ruin people's dates with horrendous advice? (also it occurred to me that if you imagine this quote said in the style of stand-up comedy, it scans as a decent joke.) porn addiction and erectile dysfunction go hand in hand. Admitting to one practically admits to the other.
  16. I'd love for Trump to be crushed, but I thought the same thing would happen in 2016 and it didn't. So I'm not getting too confident in a Biden victory. But circumstances in the world are so vastly different from what they were in 2016 that that could make all the difference. However I'm really not sure whether the covid19 scenario will help or hurt Biden's chances, on one hand Trump's incompetence at handling the situation has been clear, but on the other hand the situation has divided people into opposing camps largely along political lines which might intensify people's support for Trump when they might have not otherwise because they think a democrat victory means they will lose all their libertarian freedoms and cause enforced corona vaccinations or mandatory mask wearing and stuff. If Trump does win I think he'll still lose the popular vote again. I can't see the reverse happening though. If Biden wins I think it will be decisive.
  17. If you use weed every day for an extended period of time you will likely become addicted. But if you use cannabis with the same frequency as you might use a psychedelic then it is not addictive. In my experience if you're new to weed and have a low tolerance you're more likely to get way too high to want to use it every day anyway.
  18. Will it revolutionize the world's economy in the next few years? Not likely. In the long term (decades into the future) it's possible, but it's far too soon to tell. I don't know if the future of the technology will even resemble its current state in any way, but I don't think it's going to go away either. It's a useful technology with a lot of potential applications. Personally I think it's value lies more with the technology involved than it does the specific coins that people like to hype up. It is likely to continue to grow in popularity and it will make an increasingly large impact on the world as it develops. So it is definitely worth having knowledge about. It's still pretty niche as far as these things go, most people have heard about it, but a relatively tiny percentage of people who've heard about it actually understand or use it. So you can be a bit ahead of the game by learning about it now.
  19. Petition to rename men as "penis people". I like the alliteration.
  20. Don't you just start having "wet dreams" / "nocturnal emissions" on a regular basis if you dont ejaculate for a long time?
  21. I recently tripsat a close friend of mine for his first psychedelic experience. He'd done his research and initially was going to go for somewhere between 2 and 3 grams of mushrooms so he could get the full experience without it being too crazy. At first that seemed OK to me because I was going to be there to watch him so he'd feel safe, and for me it takes at least 3.5-4 grams for a breakthrough to become possible. Anything below that is firmly in recreational territory for me (and even then, I've had 4gram trips where my ego stayed completely intact the entire time). But upon reflection I advised him to start with a lower dose to get a taste for how the experience suits him and then he could do a higher dose next time. So he decided to do 1 and a half grams instead. And thank god for that because to my surprise about an hour into his trip I realized that he was having a full-on breakthrough experience. He told me afterwards that he had lost all sense of time, was getting extreme visual and auditory distortions, was well beyond ego death, and experienced epiphany after epiphany after epiphany. Just off 1.5 grams! That same dose would give me enhanced perceptions, mild visual effects, and a clear and present state of mind, but not much more than that. And while judging by what he told me afterwards his trip went extremely well (I guided him as best as I could, he felt safe around me and fully trusted in my instructions to let go and surrender to the experience) I realized that it could have also gone very wrong especially had he started at the higher dose he originally intended to take or if he had taken that same dose on his own without a sitter. I would have told him to start with half a gram at the most had I known how sensitive he was, but it took me completely by surprise. So I thought it would be interesting to poll the forum on what dose it takes for you to breakthrough. I was under the impression that my sensitivity was more or less in the average range judging by other trip reports online, but maybe I'm way off on that. Clearly there's a lot more diversity in people's sensitivity to psychedelics than I had been led to believe. So I'm wondering if people will have similar numbers or if the spread will be wider. So like I said for myself with mushrooms it takes around 3.5-4 grams for a breakthrough to begin to become possible for me. Whereas with LSD analogues (1p and ALD-52) 300ug seems to be the range at which a breakthrough begins to become guaranteed. Though I still can gain many insights from 200ug. My experiences are limited to psilocybin and LSD analogues, but obviously list whatever substances you want.
  22. If you're interested in Bache's work I'd recommend actually reading the book, he goes in far more depth and detail there than he's able to in interviews, and answers most of the questions that I had after just watching interviews. It's a worthwhile read without a doubt.
  23. It's the same title. here's an English trailer. This movie is pretty over the top in many ways but it's a lot of fun and definitely fits into the strange loop category. I was completely spoiled for it before I watched it, but even considering that I thought it was pretty effective.
  24. Great image! Is there a higher resolution version? Some of those tiny letters are hard to make out. what are the letters referring to? white letters A through I ascending on one side and grey letters N to V on the other (except the V looks to be red or brown? hard to tell).
  25. I really struggle with being overly vague when asked questions about myself. It can be tough for me to pin down my thoughts into specifics. I'll often end up rambling, being overly wordy, getting unnecessarily philosophical, resorting to metaphors, talking in circles, or ultimately saying nothing. I'll think of many possibilities from many different angles, and I'll see the worth of all the possibilities that come to mind, without being able to focus in on which of those angles actually represents my views and desires most accurately. This comes up in counselling sessions a lot for me. My counselor will ask me about my goals or about how I feel about something, and I'll often find myself stumped, even though I almost always do have a lot of deep feelings about the subject. I often feel like anything specific that I say couldn't possibly convey what's in my head. Even when I think of something in specific language it often falls into ambiguity as soon as I try to translate thought into words. I'll question if what I said was accurate and begin going back and revising and rephrasing and end up off in the clouds. I'm a very artistically-minded person so in some ways I've come to see this as a strength of mine when it comes to things like writing poetry or music (I'm quite good at creating art that has multiple meanings or could be interpreted in different ways by different people), but I also recognize that this tendency for vagueness holds me back in terms of building relationships with others and especially when it comes to setting concrete goals. So I'm curious if anyone has any advice for how to overcome vagueness?