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Everything posted by eggopm3

  1. Great video. The similarities with spiral dynamics are very clear. An excellent summation of Wilber's integral model.
  2. I got a very mild case of it from excessive weed use. It went away when I stopped the weed though.
  3. I had one dream which involved a small segment involving a few months ago. Quoting from my dream journal: Make of that what you will I suppose.
  4. While I don't like the idea of a government who I don't trust making everybody take a vaccine, I'm also more than ready for this shit to be over with. So if taking the vaccine is what it takes then most likely that's what I'll end up doing. I think one factor that makes people hesitate, at least in my area, is that there have been relatively few deaths here and infection rates are mostly pretty low. Because of that most people around here don't see the virus itself as a serious problem, all they see are frustrating safety measures and governments infringing on their freedom (lots of libertarians around my neck of the woods) and that stuff is what they're really reacting to when they react against the vaccine. People who are young and healthy are probably in the best condition to be unaffected by side effects anyway (if side effects even exist). And we'll also be among the last to have the option to receive the vaccine since the elderly and immune-compromised will be the highest priority. So by the time we have an opportunity to take it, enough other people will have already taken it that we'll be well aware of any potential issues that might come up. Of course there's always the possibility of unknown long term side effects, but that's true of literally everything in life. Most common unhealthy habits (smoking, drinking, unhealthy diet, ect) surely cause thousands of times more side effects than any vaccine ever could but obviously that hasn't convinced most people to stop doing those things!
  5. I'll miss the live awakening videos if you no longer want to do them. It's such a unique type of video that you really can't get anywhere else. But I understand why. They're so easy for people to cherry-pick and misunderstand without having watched any of the other content. But I can always take a psychedelic and have my own live awakening, and that's better than watching a video anyway. I wish guys like Adeptus would just reach out to actually talk to you about stuff like this rather than making gossip/drama videos about these things. I'm kinda surprised some of the other psychedelic youtubers haven't reached out to ask to do podcasts/interviews considering how most of them have collaborated with each other several times at this point. Maybe they're intimidated? Or maybe they just feel awkward about the idea of talking to a guy who they've publicly criticized. I dunno.
  6. either a publicity stunt for some sort of viral marketing which will be revealed in the near future (they already adapted Arthur C. Clarke's 2001 and 2010, but his 2061 and 3001 books are still up for grabs. surprised they haven't been adapted yet considering how famous the series is). or just some folks having a laugh, and copycats imitating them in other locations around the world. A monolith isnt too hard to build after all since it's just a big rectangle. The hardest thing would be lugging it to and from the location, but a small group of people could pull it off.
  7. Leo's teachings made me take spirituality far more seriously than I had before. Learning this material had only deepened the mystery for me.
  8. Playing drums on psychs is a blast. LSD more so than mushrooms. Mushrooms often make my body all loose and floppy, but LSD makes me feel super coordinated. It feels like I can play at the full potential my skill level allows without the ego saying "that wasn't good enough" to get in the way. And I can just keep playing nonstop for hours without a break (except for the bathroom). Sitting behind my drumkit while tripping feels like I'm in the cockpit of a spaceship and all the drums are the various flight instruments that take me to where I want to go. Whatever I play informs the images that form in my mind and the images in my mind in turn inform what I play. Playing heavy tom-based stuff felt like I was travelling through tribal jungles, while playing light cymbals and jazzy stuff felt super feminine and sensual. And I'd often become inspired to play weird rhythms I'd never normally play which creates even more diverse imagery. If I'm in a groove and I fuck something up the fuckup becomes immediately incorporated into a new groove shifting the trip into even more different directions. It can actually become hard to *stop* playing after a certain point because it feels like the drums are playing me as much as I'm playing them. You can't go too high with the dose though. 200ug was the highest I've gone with good results. When I tried to play drums on 300ug it would work amazing well for a couple minutes but then my sticks would turn into noodles and I wouldn't be able to hit anything, so that's definitely overkill.
  9. Is getting between 5-8 hours of sleep even considered insomnia? 5 is on the low side for sure, but 6 or 7 hours is fine for most people, that's usually where I'm at. I'd be more concerned about how angry and depressed you seem to be about it. If you weren't so mad about going to sleep maybe you'd sleep more easily? The vast majority of the time if I can't fall asleep it's because my mind is racing thinking about shit. Anyway, my suggestion would be to eliminate as much caffeine from your diet as possible (if you haven't already). Even drinking coffee exclusively in the morning still alters your natural waking/sleeping cycle. Definitely affects certain people more than others though. Also try meditating immediately before going to sleep. Personally I prefer to meditate in the morning, but that's precisely because if I meditate at night I'm more likely to nod off. But I've used that to my advantage before on nights when my mind is overly active. Perhaps try some more gentle supplements. Melatonin for example. Some people find it doesn't do anything, but it works for some people. I've been experimenting with Kava recently and I've found that to be relaxing and a nice sleep booster. Could be worth a shot. I'm sure there are others. There are also many types of herbal teas that can function as sleep aids. Teas with ingredients like chamomile, valerian root, passionflower are good. The last liquid I have in the day is often in the form of one of these teas. Cannabis at night always knocks me out cold. Not for everyone obviously (depending on the legal status, the thc/cbd amount, the ROA, your personal reaction to it, ect), but I'd go the cannabis route over sleeping pills any day. Or just get sleeping pills. But be careful not to become dependent otherwise the insomnia could be exacerbated if you stop taking them.
  10. How does cetylpyridinium-chloride compare to fluoride? Usually that's the type of mouthwash I get (though occasionally I end up with fluoride mouthwash instead because the labels look nearly-identical).
  11. It was a mistake to give WWII that name. People should have just let WWI remain "The Great War" while calling WWII simply "The World War" or something. The presence of a 2 primes people to await a 3. Let wars have their own names.
  12. If you're open to psychedelic-themed suggestions for the booklist I'd put forward: PIHKAL & TIHKAL (Shulgin), True Hallucinations (McKenna), Diamonds From Heaven (Bache), Sacred Knowledge (Richards). Those are probably the ones where I that I have gained the most educational, historical, spiritual, and entertainment value from (in various proportions). At least so far.
  13. As much as I'd like to see Leo discuss science with somebody, I kinda think it's a tall order right now, since most scientists and public intellectuals don't want to have someone dismantle their worldview in front of them. How do you even pitch that interview in a way that makes a scientist actually want to participate in it? Leo might have a million subscribers but he's still far from being a well known public figure who could pull big guests on clout alone. I'd bet a lot of people who would otherwise be good candidates for this discussion who haven't heard of Leo before might look him up and be like "whats this woo woo crap? I'm not talking to this guy."
  14. Legalization/decriminalization of psychedelics will have a bigger impact on the country (and world) than whoever is president for the next 4 years. But of course this is going totally under the radar for the vast majority who are focused on the big horse race. I kinda think a lot of America is going to be completely blindsided by this since most people are completely ignorant about psychedelics. Radical change occurring right under their noses!
  15. How is it that every time I check, the % of votes counted remains exactly the same? Surely they've counted SOME in the last few hours? When are those percents going to start rising?
  16. There were some psychedelic legalization/decriminalization bills too I think.
  17. as far as i know first polls begin to close at around 6-8 eastern time. so presumably results will begin to come in after that. Of course there are still tons of mail in votes to be counted and plenty of other crap could still happen to delay things. But the more decisive the victory the more quickly we'll get a result.
  18. Regardless of the result, I'm just counting down the hours until it's over. This shit stresses me out big time.
  19. I'm canadian and US politics are shoved in my face all the time, so I don't know how you've managed to avoid it. We just had a provincial election in BC and over the last month I probably saw 10 times more coverage of the US election I can't vote in than the election I actually could.
  20. Yeah this is the reason I find it difficult to recommend Leo to other people. I know that they will not understand. Frankly, it's Leo's dedication to not dumbing down his content and to reaching for the deepest possible insights that make his work valuable, and I don't think he should change that approach. But that simultaneously makes the videos very inaccessible, and perhaps even offputting, for new people. so perhaps there is a role for others who can frame things in a way that can help those at lower levels start to see what he's getting at.
  21. How do you feel about Rupert Sheldrake's views? He makes many similar points about science.
  22. I laughed out loud at the guy who posted a link to rational wiki as if that was a reasonable source for an explanation of who Leo is.
  23. it's fascinating to see the responses to this video. Seems to me like the people who miss the point the hardest are those locked in the belief that science and facts and logic are out there in the world rather than projected onto it by the mind. For those people understanding what Leo is saying becomes like 100x more difficult, he might as well be speaking in paradoxes for all the sense it will make to them. One of the biggest points I liked from the video is that you need to explore the limits of science in order to do better science. That seems completely reasonable to me. But i think many people within the scientific paradigm are so locked into that way of thinking that they dont realize that there are limits at all. Like the room labelled "science" is so big that you can't see the walls or the ceiling when you're standing in the middle of the room, if you explore deeply you'll find that those limits are there, but most people cant be bothered to put in the effort.
  24. Thanks for sharing, I've been really enjoying this series. Contemplating some of his ideas has inspired some really good self-reflection too.