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Everything posted by Soul_Guy

  1. How does it work? From what I understand the substance is diluted so much that no molecules of the original substance remain. So that makes me skeptical about its efficacy.
  2. What about finding the beauty in dark and "negative" things? A pure mind would focus not only on positive and beautiful things, but also would be able to see the beauty in "negative" and "ugly" things. The pure mind is one that embraces both the light and dark - and sees it all as God, whereas the corrupted mind is one which is stuck within the illusion of separation - and thus controlled by the "darkness".
  3. Damn, that's pretty lit.
  4. @Leo Gura If the world's most successful people are lost in delusion, why is this necessarily "bad"? If they are living very successful, happy lives but are cut off from "truth" because of their endless success - why is this necessarily inferior to living a life of truth? Why would someone in this situation want to break out of the delusions and seek truth - what would be in it for them?
  5. Yeah that part was stupid, but everybody has blind spots. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Did you watch the whole video? To be honest I didn't really understand a lot of the technical stuff he was talking about, maybe some of it is right and some of it is wrong - but what I DID notice was the underlying philosophy behind everything he was saying. The whole model he was describing seems to be rooted in a philosophy that is much more in tune with the way that reality works according to spiritual teachings - balance, oneness, etc. For instance, the periodic wave of elements he describes basically says that all of the elements are actually the same one substance but it is being perceived in different ways. Here's my understanding of the whole 1x1=2 thing. Obviously, yes 1x1=1 in our current mathematical system. But he is arguing that this entire system is based in bad fundamentals that don't align with the natural balance of the universe. So what he's saying is that we should create a new system with different fundamentals - and this will allow us to do things that were not possible under the old paradigm.
  6. Yes, I think that is how the universe that we are currently experiencing operates. We are drawn towards the light - we are playing the game of finding our way back to the light. But here's an interesting perspective I've been pondering recently. Imagine that there is another universe that operates in the exact opposite way to what you described. A universe in which the goal of the "game" is to move towards the darkness.
  7. Maybe everyone can do it, but it just comes more naturally to some people. Like, if you spent a lot of time training yourself to do it, maybe you'd eventually be able to do it.
  8. While I realize that Owen sometimes exaggerates things, I think he does this to reach people that are stuck in a deep hole of apathy, to help them jolt out of that state and take action. Also, he doesn't claim that looks don't matter. I've definitely heard him say that looks matter, just not to the extent that people think they do. I've also heard him talk about how his looks do hurt him but he makes up for it with good "game" - because he can't win if he's playing in the same "lane" as the conventionally attractive guys, he creates his own lane and wins in that - that is the core of his "game". Isn't this very similar to what you are saying?
  9. But how do you know this though? Unless you know him personally, it seems like you're just guessing.
  10. The issue is they put the shorts right in front of your face so it's tempting to click on them. It's like if you go to a restaurant and don't order the ice cream but the waiter comes and puts ice cream on your table right in front of you anyway. You are more likely to eat it because it's right there. I found that once I disabled YouTube shorts, I stopped watching them completely. Out of sight, out of mind.
  11. Here is how to remove YouTube shorts on iOS: Go into your YouTube app and there will be 4 YouTube shorts showing up on the homepage. Click on the 3 dots and click "not interested" - do this on all 4 of the shorts, so that all of them are gone. When you refresh the page, the shorts will be gone. Even if you close out the app and open it again, the shorts will be gone.
  12. Great job dude, keep it up! It's cool that you've decided to not go out specifically to daygame anymore, and instead just approach if you see a girl that inspires you as you move throughout your day. I think when first starting out with daygame, it's important to specifically go out and approach a lot of girls to get the reps in - that's exactly what I did too. But now that you know that you can do it, you can take a more natural approach and only approach girls who you genuinely feel inspired to approach. In general, I've found that these approaches tend to be better too because they are coming from a more authentic place.
  13. Baggy pants are back in trend right now.
  14. Looks similar to the alien in this video from 12 years ago -
  15. There's no magic time. Just do what works best for you.
  16. I understand why you feel that way because I'm in a similar situation - I've approached probably thousands of girls over the course of the past several years - way more than most men will ever do - and while I have come close a handful of times, I still haven't really gotten ANY results. Which is so fucking frustrating. But what keeps me going is the inner growth I've had. I keep getting thrown down onto the ground but each time I get back up, I'm stronger than I was before. Every now and then I get a little bit depressed and I'll have to process some strong emotions that come up. But that's just part of the journey. Just keep on going!!!
  17. Can you explain what method you use to manifest? And how did you increase your concentration?
  18. Yeah, "state capitalism." Great video on the topic: China has the government on top, followed by private corporations, followed by the workers. The US has private corporations on top, followed by the government, followed by the workers.
  19. I had some thoughts about how the whole idea of "freedom," which is traditionally a liberal value, has been adopted by conservatives recently. All the complaining about censorship and freedom of speech. While freedom of speech is more of a liberal Stage Green value, Stage Green is still Tier 1 and tends to be intolerant of other stages. So while they are supportive of freedom of speech, when it comes to things that they vehemently disagree with, they push to censor and ban it. And this is what is making conservatives so passionate about freedom of speech nowadays - it's only because they are now being affected directly by the liberals censoring them on a large scale. Also, I think that the current backlash against censorship committed by liberals can come from two perspectives. There is the conservative perspective, which I explained above - they are mad because it's affecting them directly but they would also censor liberals if they had the chance. But also I think it could come from a Stage Yellow perspective - Stage Green is going a bit overboard with the censorship and not able to see the validity of other points of views - a Stage Yellow perspective would allow for more discussion on these topics and not just shut down conversation. I think that this is the perspective that Owen Cook might be coming from when he talks about this stuff, but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?
  20. It's not thousands of hours chasing vagina - it's thousands of hours developing yourself as a person. The amount of personal growth you can get from pickup is insane.
  21. I can attest to this. I've solo gamed countless times and now I've got a forest down there.
  22. Has anybody tried David Klein's vegan healing diet? He wrote a book called Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's where he advocates for this diet, and there are these guys on YouTube called HighCarbHealth who are heavily influenced by this book. The basic idea is to do a temporary "healing" diet consisting of mainly fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies, along with a few steamed vegetables and starches (sweet potatoes, squashes, etc.) - he says that since some people with Colitis and Crohn's cannot properly digest fiber they have trouble eating vegetables - but if they are juiced then it's fine. So in the "healing" phase, it's a lot of juices and smoothies - and once the gut is allowed to heal your body will better be able to digest fiber, and you can gradually add in more types of food. Here's what a typical day might look like in the healing phase diet: Morning juice (apples, celery, lettuce) Breakfast - fruit smoothie (bananas are highly recommended) Lunch - fruit smoothie Before dinner juice (carrots, celery, cucumber, lettuce) Dinner - steamed vegetables (carrots, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, squash) I'm thinking of trying out this diet to help heal my gut. Has anybody here tried it?
  23. I would like to believe that this is true, but I've been going out every weekend for the past several months and I haven't gotten laid yet. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm not establishing that man-woman frame - I'm just being a fun and social guy and going around talking to everybody having a lot of great interactions, but for me to get actual results I will have to start leading more and have a more man-woman vibe.