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Everything posted by Mosess

  1. there is no way to accept it, you just do it How? Find a way How stupid of me; You are already trying to find a way, arent you? you know exactly how to find "the way", you are just distracting yourself in a very smart way right fucking now. The way is not by asking
  2. Infinity will always be a problem you realized it acceptance is key
  3. Maybe what you are expecting is what needs to be sit through, felt, accepted and let go of
  4. then "when" also ceases, but nothing remains
  5. when you cease, everything ceases with you
  6. "the truth about truth", lol utter nonsense
  7. Your "shadow" being the aspects which you have suppressed throughout your life
  8. Does anyone have an idea how shadow work and the concept of painbody are connected together? Noticing and becoming aware of your shadow will produce pain in the body, which needs to be released through sitting, feeling, accepting, and letting go
  9. Notice how i am giving 2 contradictory answers. They are 2 different ways of looking at the question
  10. The illusion can be seen through easily the "head" does not exist Every thing is held within the "head"
  11. @SelfHelpGuy the question assumes that you exist. YOU DONT EXIST
  12. nothing. absolutely nothing will be left just like before you were born
  13. I regard you and i as 1 unchanging fixed being, without an S The screen is only 1, and contains All
  14. the screen never changes though, doesn't it
  15. the screen you are viewing, that is the body The confusion is one of language
  16. @WokeBloke Well Then, i am you ❤️ How can a body contain another body, if the body is all there is?