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Everything posted by Mosess

  1. the "you" being conveyed here is a thought, you do exist, but not as a thought. in other words, the you that you think you are is ALWAYS, not real. the you that you are can never be translated, distinguished, or identified by a thought or a word.
  2. what now? is an expectation held by your mind, like, what now am i supposed to have gained from this? drop it, it should be: i am awake, period. anything else is extra.
  3. i guess in order for you to celebrate it, you must first become miserable and suffer from it as much as possible out of your lack of understanding of everything, then you can earn your freedom and celebrate it
  4. thoughts have no house dude, try observing it for yourself and see, they appear and disappear, from nowhere to nowhere. for no one. You can tell yourself they are located inside of the brain , in a neuron, but that makes absolutely no difference, nor does it make any positive influence to your personal development or freedom. it is, in the end ofcourse, just but another thought that you are telling your self to diverge yourself from the true nature of what a thought is. Observe your thoughts for yourself, and see for yourself. Stop listening to me, or to an outside source that tells you what is going on within you. do you see how fucking stupid that is? only you can know, by doing it your self. not by reading it, LOOK AT IT AND SEE!!
  5. those are false observe them in your direct experience and re-evaluate them everything is conscious of itself! you can only be conscious of 1 moment at a time If you are conscious and a computer is conscious, then you cannot differentiate whom is conscious of whom, you can only say there is consciousness that seems to be the case in any way you could think of. because that is truth But to reach that awareness, you as you know yourself right now need to stop. you must come to an end only then can you realize that man has no soul, not the soul that you think of. Man IS soul itself.
  6. no. It was created for the purpose of conscious beings, not vice versa. In other words, a rock is being created for the purpose of fulfilling the dreams of the creator. rock here is synonymous to any still object, such as a computer, a wall, a wallet, a human being in samadhi, etc.. The question implies that there is a soul, that is, an internal non-object that is alive. Man has no soul, how then, can man that does not have a soul, install a soul, which he never had, into another thing? someone who does not have something can never give it,
  7. so what would happen, in your direct experience, when the subject does not interpret any perceptions occuring within time and space. That is, when the subject does not give any meaning to anything, who is left to describe the beingness of things?
  8. where did this something come from? To whom, is this something appearing to and, to whom is it disappearing? what happens to things when you are not, witnessing, rather, when you ARE the thing you point to? is it still a thing then? to whom?
  9. what makes a thing a being, is that its being!! this question is invalid, there isn't a thing called non being, everything is being it refers to itself, try typing up on google define is. the definition is in itself! no attributes
  10. after self realization, i feel a lack of motivation/energy in doing anything. I do not have the energy to talk to human beings, so i avoid interactions as much as i can. I feel very drained throughout most of my day for no reason at all. my actions happen effortlessly, but i am depression. I am not labeling it as something negative, but i want to know from any self realized being if that was also a part of the process for him/her.
  11. to prove that its possible otherwise it's just self deception if you actually believe you can do that Well, i could send you a video of doing that but, what difference would that make to you?
  12. but You can create a refrigerator out of thin air
  13. for someone to think of it, there must exist a thinker, and an object. both are concepts of the mind, they are notions that are interchangeable to each other
  14. Someone who is completely dead inside does not act a certain way, rather the actions automatically take place without any effort from him, because he is not there. Only actions exist without a co ordinator. GOD is in control of that individual, or vessel. You are looking for an idol to copy. A person to look up too. There isn't anything wrong with doing that as long as you know that that is what you are doing. But i am telling you, "an enlightened being" could act in a way that would produce an outcome that if you tried to imitate, would produce an entirely different outcome, maybe even one that would negatively impact your life. Do inner work, more and more, until you purify your self so much that the people that you call "your friends and family" can no longer resonate with the way you act, unless they also do some inner work themselves.
  15. to focus, is to zoom in on 1 or multiple things, out of infinite things in the present moment
  16. maan, look at what you just wrote and reflect on it, here, ill do it for you; Imagine a hypothetical void, that you go to when you die, its a void, and you are aware of it, there is a problem with language though, because in the void, there is only the void, which only you are aware of. you are not in or out of the void, there is void, so there is awareness of void, no in, no out, no you to shout and say: "A Void!" just awareness. a void being in itself, just a void, without language to validate it. That seems to be the case in the dream you dreamt last night. It was real to you only to notice later on that it wasn't, it was only something appearing nowhere, just like what is appearing infront of you right now. wake up
  17. it means whatever you say it means, theres no one to say anything but you
  18. Truth about who, what, and where you actually are against who, what, and where you think you are. defending of who, what, and where you think you are is the beginning of all unconsciousness and ignore/ing (ignorance) of truth about who, what, and where you actually are