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Everything posted by Mosess

  1. @Denial It is HELL, Pure HELL. E.M.B.R.A.C.E it, LOVE it as much as you currently hate it, if you can't, Hate the fuck out of it. Cry your eyes out if you want to. Get angry, Go to the gym and beat the hell out of a punching bag. You will experience ALOT of emotions during this phase. EMBRACE! <3 You Are Growing! This IS growth! Keep reminding yourself of that when your at your lowest. You are in the right direction, even though it won't feel like it.
  2. @fopylo I live in a similar environment as you do, and from my experience I simply quit trying to "Improve" their lives. It is impossible if they are not willing to receive the help and will simply drain my energy. I personally think you should keep working on yourself, and as you grow they will start to notice and eventually approach you and ask you for advice as they see you advance. Good luck Bro <3
  3. It is hard for us to have enough discipline to feel any emotions as they are present, especially the type that does not feel "good". It is much easier to distract ourselves from them by acting out from them, or by just simply doing something else that makes us forget about the emotion completely. I tend to ignore my emotions sometimes because of the uncertainty of the nature of it. My mind loves labeling things but it can never put a name to what The Body feels , it never serves the feeling justice. The name of the feeling is not the actual feeling, its something indescribable. The mind hates that. It hates when it can't label something so it needs to find ways to ignore simply feeling what it cannot label or put into words.
  4. @BlackMaze What "things" are you talking about?
  5. Hello awakened peeps! I noticed a pattern that everytime i go into non dual awareness, I get sucked back into duality and get identified with the body again. This happened about 3 times now, each time its always the body that i attach too. how can i stop attaching to the body? its like i can be either inside or outside of nothing. if i am inside of nothing, i am inside but attached to the body, which is nothing, but now is something due to the identification if that makes sense lol. but when i am outside of nothing, it is literally nothing. And no im not high hahahaha just meditated my ass off this month any advice on how to fix that would be kewl! ❤️
  6. @arlin Try concentration practices, helped me control what i put my attention too. The practice i use is as follows: I Close my eyes, Focus on different sounds around me in my present experience. The trick i do is that i only allow my mind to jump from a sound to the next as long as it is a sound in the present experience. (it could also be sounds coming from your thoughts.) when i get sucked into a thought, i instantly label it internally as "Distracted" and return my attention on any sound in my present experience. This is the essence of the practice and Doing it continually should train your mind to put your attention on what you want to put it on. Peace! ✌️
  7. @Javfly33 My life ended when i realized i am nothing inside of nothing lol
  8. So what you call "Your" Body would be doing shit on its own. Its not you that is controlling it, its controlling itself. I do not have a personality, which was one of my biggest fears a year ago. My question is, how can I survive in society and have ambitions without having/developing a personality or in other words an ego? Is it possible? Or should i reach whatever goals i currently have first then kill the I that reached it? how does it work lol
  9. Yea well we gotta do what we gotta do to communicate what we mean I want what is better. I still lack financial independence so i think i'll focus on that for a while, won't abandon my spiritual practices though. Thank you for the advice everyone! Much love <3
  10. so your saying it is better to drop everything and go full on enlightenment now?
  11. I'm currently living with the illusion of having one which i know is an illusion. Should i keep living with the illusion of the ego for the sake of survival and then willingly die/awaken after reaching whatever the fuck i wanted to reach?
  12. Yes, i understand. But isn't it wiser to fulfill basic needs such as being financially independent, having a passionate career and all that shit before jumping off/going for enlightenment?
  13. When i make eye contact with anyone it almost seems like they are becoming aware of their self through me. Are most people self aware? And can someone become self aware from engaging with someone else?
  14. I'm a 20 year old dude who is inquiring reality, meditating/being almost everyday. Now, all my friends are interested in stuff that i am no longer interested in anymore (football, sex, dating, money, alcohol & drugs, cars etc..) I can't really relate with most of them anymore, and don't really have "fun" when I'm hanging out with them. They just talk about those stuff which I'm just not into anymore and to be honest, i would probably guess that 95% of people my age where i am are exactly like that. Whenever i hang out with them, they give me this "genuine" advice; Dude, you are wasting your precious time as a young man doing things that will get you nowhere. Ignore whatever your doing and enjoy your life! You'll get old and you won't regain those youthful days again ever! This makes me sad. Because i see how they are right in a sense. Assuming i could stop this truth hunt and live my life as most people my age are living, should i? Or should i continue down this path that i think i am already way too deep in?
  15. I can't explain most of the things that i want to to anyone. most of the times People either don't understand what i am saying, or are misinterpreting it. it is creating problems in my work life, relations and family. It is as if my brain does not want to function anymore, like an error has occurred lol
  16. Why would i? when i think of it, why would i want someone to experience the suffering that comes after a rude awakening? (DNOS and all that other shit). why would i ruin it for them? If i was in the position of someone sleeping i would not want someone "awake" to wake me up, in fact i would find it pretty annoying and downright "rude" ?
  17. A dream looses its meaning once it is realized that it is a dream. In a sense, the thrill of perceiving everything as real is what makes the dream appear good or bad once you get lucid in a dream, everything is the same. Hence nothing is good nor bad
  18. Its always there. Happiness and peace are just words describing the beauty of what is right in-front of you, what has always been in-front of you. Its not a glimpse, its always here!! we are just ignorant and constantly deny it at whatever cost
  19. @The Lucid Dreamer that is if everyone is living in a nightmare, yes it would be good to wake up. what if someone was living a good life
  20. Alot of suffering comes after awakening. And i mean ALOT lol.
  21. I understand. the suffering that takes place before reaching the part where you can transcend control can be too much for some people. For some i think it much wiser to let them live out their lives till their body dies