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Everything posted by lina

  1. If you need to disarm, besiege, imprison and sabotage the livelihood of your neighbor to ensure your security and survival, then maybe it's time to question the legitimacy of your establishment. But of course, we live in a corrupt world where the strong will exploit the weak with no regard to any morality or ethicality. Palestinian leadership in the west bank recognizes Israel and doesn't use violence, yet Israel's land grab, killing of civilians, imprisonment of children has been going on. Hamas had no existence prior to the 80s, yet Israel's same strategy of expansionism on the cost of human lives has been nonstop. narratives like this will only lead to oppressing the weaker side and help in fueling hate and terrorism. I don't really see a way for peace before holding Israel accountable first for their crimes. There has been some conflicting news about Hamas's willingness to negotiate with Israel if approved 1967 borders but no cooperation was met by either side so both Hamas and Israel are killing the process, so supporting this war and picking a side will only result in more civilian deaths with no peace in horizon. Only if their intention is to actually ethnic cleanse Palestinians or force surrounding countries to take them in, which has already been told by one of their officials.
  2. I am afraid it might be real '--' This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle. We saw this in the horrors that the reprehensible murderers perpetrated in the communities of the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and in the killing field at a festival in Re'im.
  3. @Leo Gura nothing was mentioned regarding Israel firing back at a rocket. Egypt’s foreign ministry strongly condemns the incident and says that Cairo considers this “deliberate bombing of civilians to be a serious violation of international, humanitarian law and of the most basic values of humanity.” The IDF says it is still investigating whether its forces were responsible for the strike, or whether it was the result of a failed rocket launch or other cause. Also, using this logic, if it's okay for IDF to kill thousands of children to fight Hamas, why isn't it okay for Hamas to kill children to fight occupation ?
  4. "they don't target civilians" they said .. "killing hamas will bring peace" they said ..
  5. Yes it has not only been this video. The complete lack of empathy and dehumanization of Palestinians in the western media has been sickening.
  6. That's not unbiased that is factually true. The deaths caused by the IDF is so much more than any deaths caused by Hamas. The Israeli president himself suggested that civilians are legitimate targets. Even if such quotes are exaggerated , the prevention of aid, mass deaths of civilians and the shooting of peaceful protestors on multiple occasions both in Gaza and the west bank has no other interpretation than that.
  7. @Nivsch no justifications for war crimes. please watch the video that I shared
  8. @Merkabah Star Yes. 'Israeli authorities yet to allow aid entry into Gaza': Egypt “At the moment there is neither a ceasefire nor humanitarian assistance in the Gaza Strip in return for the exit of foreigners,” the Prime Minister’s office told CNN. The fact that there 10,000+ injured people in Gaza, and the world is watching Israel prevention of the entry of the aid until this day, just speaks volume about the complete failure of the international community to prevent such an atrocity in 2023.
  9. @Socrates I feel like that's the main point that most people turn a blind eye to. The whole Zionist project in land that had inhabitants from the start was a terrible idea. Israel exhaust its citizens and resources and commit war crime in a desperate way to survive in the region. I doubt this situation will ever be sustainable. If they managed to completely ethnic cleanse Palestinians and end the state solution, the entire Muslim and Arab population which is like 1.6 billion people will continue to hold grudge towards them for a very long time. No situation is ever permanent, if they managed to get away with it now because of USA/Europe support, who knows what the future would bring.
  10. Yeah the sort of media that doesn't headline the western mainstream media.
  11. @Nabd Unfortunately that's very true. What happened in Syria was extremely traumatic even for the observer I can't imagine how it would be for Syrians.
  12. That's a very different situation. First of all you're comparing between oppressed people that have been treated as subhuman for a very long time and live in an actual open air prison, to them it was a form of rebellion and a break out of an illegitimate prison. Israelis on the other hand, live a much more safe and privileged life. And even with that, an Israeli official already called Palestinians "animals", and I have seen countless Israeli officials and citizens who are cheering for what is currently happening in Gaza. Also, I think you should look up the term "Atrocity Propaganda" and be careful to not believe in everything the media shares because most of those horrendous incidents have not even been confirmed yet.
  13. If we spent the day listing the gruesome atrocities of each side it will never end, if we want to solve the problem we need to focus on the root cause and not get lost in reactions.
  14. I agree. comparing WW2 wars to what's currently happing in Palestine and Israel is not accurate, because Palestinians didn't start the aggression or invade anyone, all their actions were a reaction to the occupation. For this reason it's within Israel's responsibility to take the necessary steps to solve the conflict.
  15. Israeli President Suggests That Civilians In Gaza Are Legitimate Targets Where is the international community to stop this madness?
  16. @Lila9 @Truth Seekah I said we should stay vigilant and not believe in everything, so far it has not been confirmed according to the Israeli officials, , the main focus should be on what's confirmed to be happening and that's the current genocidal war on Gaza. At this very moment civilians are waiting for their death with no access to electricity, aid or water. Please try to differentiate between ISIS and Hamas, there are Christian Palestinians and they are not targeted by Hamas. If Israel is the civilized country then don't you think it's within their responsibility to stop the illegal settlements and apartheid to give an actual chance for peace? Do you think more violence will solve this conflict?
  17. @ExplorerMystic Thank you for sharing this I really respect Gabor Mate :))
  18. @Nivsch @Leo Gura I understand why Palestinians need to get rid of Hamas, however the main question remains is will getting rid of Hamas solve the conflict? Hamas was only created in 1987, before that Palestinian leadership was secular, yet Israel kept violating the international laws took more lands, created massacres and the Nakba of millions of Palestinian refugees who are are still waiting to return home one day.
  19. I agree with this, but how could this be achieved with Israel's nonstop land grab and their interest of evacuating Palestinians to Egypt?
  20. @Leo GuraThe way I see it is there is a big difference between Nazis and Hamas, Hamas sees itself as a resistance movement who is trying to jihad against occupiers. Also, Hamas is not equal to ISIS, ISIS was far more violent and was trying to create a global Islamic Caliphate and invade other countries, not resist against occupation.