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Everything posted by lina

  1. That right there summarizes the whole thing. It's really bewildering., like what in the WORLD made early Zionists think whoever was living in that region would easily submit to having their lands taken away? It really seems one of the two things: 1. They were looking for trouble, which I don't think was the case, or 2. They considered Palestinians less human to them so they felt entitled to getting rid of them while expecting no resistance in return. All those years, and they still can't fathom why Palestinians insist on resisting. Another point, a lot blame Hamas for endangering Palestinian lives because they insist on resisting a much stronger military, which is understandable, but why nobody is blaming early Zionists for endangering Jewish and Israelis lives, some of whom were already fleeing danger and just decided to invite them to go to a stolen land, which would 100 % guaranteed to endanger their lives for years to come?
  2. I understand you represent a reasonable Israeli perspective, but I still cannot find any justification even for shooting their leg. Making people crippled for life or amputees is not something to be taken lightly. Especially because this was in the occupied territories of west bank, from a legal and moral point of view Palestinians have every right to resist.
  3. 2 children got targeted by IDF sniper in the west bank and caught on video
  4. I think you're conflating here. maybe but military dictatorship is no better because it prevents any development.
  5. I don't think you're very familiar with middle eastern politics. I am not talking about Islamist dictators, I am talking about military dictatorships that were literally placed by external powers. For example Egypt's dictator El-Sisi was funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE and USA. Western and eastern govs should stop supporting dictatorships so people can develop.
  6. During the Arab spring plenty of countries tried to but ended up hijacked by external powers. Secular moderate leaders are actively persecuted and imprisoned by dictators which kills the chance for any development. Yes and no, but for collective development if you live under a dictator government that doesn't spend on education or health with poor economy it's very difficult to for most to evolve.
  7. A lot of the Arab tyrannical regimes are funded and supported by western powers to thwart any real democracy to secure the western interests and protect Israel. That's another reason why some Arabs don't like Israel, because they know as long as Israel in the region, any attempts for break off dictatorships will be manipulated to place a puppet who follows the west. It's not just the west, Russia is also guilty for doing the same in other Arab countries. In other words, for a nation to remain secure, other nations are forced into oppression. So it's expected for those oppressed people to resent whoever caused the oppression.
  8. I can't say I am 100% sure of the translation of him saying "Be cool, without compassion or mercy" , but the idea of a Zen master spreading 'wisdom' about how to kill 'better' especially in regards to such controversial conflict, and also at a time when the morality of waging this war in itself is highly questionable, is just really unsettling and disturbing. Seems like taking advantage of the dissociative qualities of meditation and use it as a tool to make shooting and bombing 'easier' for one's mental health.
  9. Especially with that nature ambient music in the background it gives me the creeps.
  10. Netanyahu acts as if he is only defending Israel but then reveals his intentions AND actions to keep occupying more land :'D .. all that and there are still some people who reject the "occupation" label.
  11. It's not just the US, and not just on the Israeli war. Western countries have a consistent pattern in voting against UN resolutions that calls for their own promoted values; like that of human rights and cultural equality. I understand other non-western countries are not any better, but it's worth acknowledging western governments' hypocrisy. A very important video worth watching:
  12. Actually most Zionists are neither Israelis nor Jewish.
  13. gotta admire the grandiose sense of entitlement some Zionists have...
  14. The Armenian Patriarchate issued a statement calling for help for facing an existential threat in regards to the destruction of their quarter in Jerusalem.
  15. I listened to this first video and what I understood so far is that Sam Harris thinks Israel is more moral because Palestinians support Jihadists whose religion and culture contribute to a 'nihilistic death cult'.. In my opinion, this just reflects a misunderstanding of how Palestinians think. It's true that some religious people value dying to become a 'martyr' according to; possibly what could be a skewed belief--- but realistically speaking that strictly happens when they're forced to choose between a continuous state of oppression, humiliation or between death. Palestinians are humans after all, and even if they believe in some ideology that glorifies 'martyrdom', their natural primary human instinct is to preserve their lives, and the lives of their loved ones. It's only extreme dire circumstances that might counteract that, not an ideology. An ideology might support their innate desire to break off oppression by becoming completely fearless of death, but it will not turn death to become the actual goal. Extremism is a result of continuous oppression, dehumanization and injustice. Even for Hamas according to their charter, they are fighting Zionists because to them they're occupiers. They are not doing this because 'they hate Jews and can't wait to become a martyr'. We all agree Hamas is not doing much to secure their citizens, but you also have to mention that Israel restricts the entry of building materials and wouldn't even allow bomb shelter materials in. Palestinians should be allowed first to have an actual state with a decent army before being compared "morally" with Israel. It's a an unequal situation because one side is having their boot on top of the other.
  16. As mentioned in this video, Major General Giora Eiland, former head of the National Security Council and current advisor to the Defense Minister wrote a genocidal piece that was retweeted by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. It's written here: "Israel must, therefore, not provide the other side with any capability that prolongs its life. Moreover, we tell ourselves that Sinwar is so evil that he does not care if all the residents of Gaza die. Such a presentation is inaccurate since who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters, or wives of Hamas murderers. On the one hand, they are part of the infrastructure that supports the organization, and on the other hand, if they experience a humanitarian disaster, then it can be assumed that some of the Hamas fighters and the more junior commanders will begin to understand that the war is futile and that it is better to prevent irreversible harm to their families." "The way to win the war faster and at a lower cost for us requires a system collapse on the other side and not the mere killing of more Hamas fighters. The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers" Other Israeli officials try to present their intentions in a more diplomatic and less devilish way but what matters is actions. Words mean nothing when the current situation in Gaza is as horrific as witnessed by people who actually follow in-ground Palestinian media.
  17. That's the truth, and then you find people justify this because people in the middle east are not "developed" or "score high enough" in the spiral dynamics so they deserve to be oppressed, if anything it's because of the west's actions that are keeping the middle east in this loop.
  18. @Twentyfirst to occupiers any resistance even the peaceful ones is usually labeled as terrorism that should be abolished. Ex Obama Adviser Says Killing 4,000 Palestinian Children ‘Wasn’t Enough’ This is not just another hateful racist. This was a senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003.
  19. Exactly. All discussions seems futile and end up getting lost in blaming Hamas for everything. It seems to either stem from massive misinformation or just the inability to see Palestinians as equal human beings.
  20. The emergence of extremist groups is of Israel and western powers' own making. It's time for Israel to grow up and start taking responsibility for their actions.
  21. Even though it's difficult due to the US and Israeli policies, I think one state solution is the ideal one. A secular non-zionist state that supports and embraces everyone regardless of their ethnicity or religion, I think it's the only way for true integration and the final end of this conflict. Whoever doesn't like sharing the same country is free to seek refuge somewhere else. Israel killed the 2 state solution already and after all that happened some Palestinians might be satisfied with it but for others the desire for revenge might not completely dissipate. @jaylimixThe way you stereotype an entire population is not just offensive but it reflects ignorance and brainwashing as well.
  22. We can't get there with the current US and Israel policy either. They literally just voted against a UN resolution calling for a stop to illegal settlements. Its just pure self delusion to actually think Israel is doing this for "peace".
  23. Yup I'll just give up. @Lila9 IDF propaganda is getting exposed by the minute and their credibility is very low. Yes I choose to believe his grand daughter over the IDF.
  24. Sorry you can't use the Hamas excuse this time, his own grand daughter reported about it on her Instagram and in her stories.