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Everything posted by lina

  1. Sadly it was very effective. Just look around and you will see most people are literally numb to the fact that there is an ongoing genocide and starvation happening to an entire civilian population yet choose to remain mentally stuck in October 7th.
  2. Former IDF intelligence member masquerading as a journalist in New York Times, Is anyone surprised?
  3. The Crisis in Gaza: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Dr. Gabor Maté & Daniel Maté High-quality conversation worth listening to.
  4. I am not going to argue about the celebration thing because many already did but there is just one thing to point out : If an armed soldier cannot control his emotions, restrain himself to not act out of vengeance and follow the international rules of war then maybe they are not really fit or qualified to hold arms and it shouldn't be surprising when they become the terrorist they're fighting.
  5. @zazen @Karmadhi thousands around the world have been suffering from nonstop secondary trauma just from watching the in-ground media coming from Gaza mostly shared on X, Instagram or TitTok and witnessing new levels of barbarism on a daily basis , yet no matter how much you argue or debate it just feels like it's all in futile, I guess the dehumanization of the other is just deeply ingrained.
  6. Yes I agree he might have some biases possibly because of some personal experiences he went through but overall I think he referred to some points that are worth contemplating regarding his criticism on Zionism and what really fuels antisemitism. When I read this comment I imagined being a Palestinian and wondered what sort of reaction they would have towards such thinking, I mean considering that some of them took in refugees in their own homes back before 1948. Speaking of level of development, are you exposed to in ground Gaza media? Like real footage and first hand personal reports what's happening there. I'm seriously curious to know the answer.
  7. It's very strange how this took place the day after the ICJ provisional measures. I think it's another blatant unfortunate manifestation of how western governments are regressing rapidly in terms of the values they have always called for including the importance of international law and human rights.
  8. Very good post, I think one thing that both sides might agree on is the fact that both Israelis and Palestinians are victims of exploitation for their trauma. So unhealed trauma is also a significant theme here. Also, I understand I need to make an effort to be as objective as possible, and I think most of us agree that leaderships on both sides needs to be changed, but the problem is the current conflict is not a simple war between 2 nations, it's an unequal urgent situation in which one side is currently facing a serious risk of genocide and the other is living relatively in peace to some extent. Few months ago I think a neutral stance would have been an acceptable one, but right now the conflict has reached a point where it would be unrealistic and unfair to try to keep one because it simply doesn't align with the reality of the events that are currently taking place and happen to show Israel and USA in a negative light. But don't you think the only constructive path to peace is only within Israelis hand, as they live in a democratic country and actually have the highest chance to change the situation?
  9. Apparently Insulin pens pose a serious threat to the Zionist entity.
  10. @kenwayin regards to their statement yes I read it it's posted here: It's difficult to know for sure but there's certainly a possibility for it being a form propaganda, but honestly I still find it more believable than the Israeli narrative, especially with the recent investigations stating that a significant number of civilian death was caused by the IDF. To me it does seem like an exploitation for what was intended to be a limited operation for prisoners exchange to start a war and take over Gaza for good. Also the most important point as noted by Dr. Norman Finkelstein is the fact that Hamas has been calling for international investigations but Israel is the one that has not been cooperating, which says a lot.
  11. He is not but he is happy to use their support to remain in power and achieve his goals.
  12. I honestly don't know all the details about the Lebanese civil war but a quick google search says this: The beginning of the civil war is typically dated to April 13, 1975, when the Phalangists attacked a bus taking Palestinians to a refugee camp at Tall al-Zaʿtar, Lebanon. The attack escalated an intermittent cycle of violence into a more general battle between the Phalangists and the LNM, whose coalition of Lebanese leftists and Muslims supported the PLO’s cause. The Phalangists were a right wing nationalist militia. It seems there was long history of sectarian clashes in Lebanon and got triggered also due to the arrival of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon (thanks to Israel). I disagree with this. The way I see it is that Palestinian violence have mostly been a form of retaliation. While the source of violence have started from far-right separatist racist groups.
  13. That was a very terrible massacre indeed, but it should be placed in context that it was during the Lebanese civil war and that particular massacre was a response to Karantina massacre that started the chain of violence in which 1500 Muslims were killed by right-wing Christian militias.
  14. There's a theory for that, he is an ENTJ and you're an INTP I think? That's your MBTI golden pair right there x D *jk* There can be some truth to that though. They make great politicians, are very intelligent, hardworking and never succumb to external pressure. Their only priority is themselves and their clan. Other than that, they will have zero empathy or care for. Being master manipulators, their charm and manipulation makes people think they can possess the ability to care for other things/beings but in reality they don't. They also manipulate people to make them think they're democratic, but in reality they prefer dictatorships. For Netanyahu, he has never believed in the 2 state solution because he genuinely thinks pushing Palestinians out is the only method to keep Israelis safe, he has been manipulating everyone to make them think otherwise, while in reality he's been doing nothing but keep expanding the illegal settlements. His problem is that he doesn't realize the counterintuitive reality that by doing so, he will achieve nothing but the opposite of safety for Israelis. @zazen totally agree.
  15. that's good to know thanks for sharing, but the idea that they are "minimally" functioning does indicate that all of them have been subjected to some amount of destruction and prevention of their operation. The main point was about Israel careless bombardment or attack on hospitals, the remaining ones are already on their way for to completely stop operating. Two-thirds of Gaza’s hospitals have now ceased functioning and losing Nasser would further curtail the limited trauma care still available. Two other hospitals – al-Aqsa and the Gaza European – are also at risk of closure according to the UN. Gaza: Khan Younis battle threatens biggest hospital still working No other creative reasons, It has been officially stated by Netanyahu no Palestinian statehood would be allowed, I don't see any other interpretation for this other than an admission to ethnic cleansing.
  16. Horrific... Remember when we were debating few months ago about who bombed the first hospital? Now NONE are left. And here Netanyahu willing to continue the war into 2025....!
  17. @Nivsch you guys (anyone still supporting whatever that's going on) are up for a rude awakening, whether you realize it now or in 50 years, but Israel's image and reputation has been broken for years to come and no amount of justification will fix that.
  18. @Danioover9000 Yeah I understand you, I was mainly referring to when people use the model to paint entire nations with a stage or two and then start to justify why those peoples' lives are not as worthy and don't deserve to have sovereignty as @zazen mentioned as an example, or why violence and oppression is the only solution to deal with them. If anything the emergence of red stage is due to the constant threat of violence, so purposefully inhibiting the development or a certain group and then blaming them for it to keep them in this cycle sounds very devilish to me.