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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. Yes you did it! Welcome home to the world of the Self. That feeling of "everything is the self" shows you have awakened for real. Update tomorrow or in a few days how it feels.
  2. You could receive shaktipat instead, if you find a powerful one it can be equally powerful yet without any negative side-effects.
  3. Yes! This book is amazing. Yes! Charlie has good advice. Read non-duality books and listen to talks because it's fun. Receive shaktipat because it feels good. Contemplate on non-duality-truths because it's interesting. This worked for me.
  4. @Dutch guy One can always take blood tests to make sure there are no deficiencies. I did that once, and will probably do it again some day to make sure. Also, you know that a normal person will lose weight if they don't eat, people who live on prana successfully don't lose weight, some even gain weight. Also, my teacher have ways to test his students to make sure it works, so it's not just blind faith. You judged this thing before learning about it. <3
  5. Yes, some people in the non-duality communities have this neo-advaita-rhetoric that makes no sense, they are basically just nihilists or mind-dwellers. They think denying that they are the body makes them free but it's just a belief-system, not an actual transformation. I'm not bothered by them though, and I'm glad there are some people on this forum who have genuinely awakened.
  6. Hehe yes. But from that perspective, should we really claim it doesn't exist? No need to create these theories.
  7. @James123 The human can overcome things. Maybe one of those highly advanced yogis who are not even affected by pain, could stay chill on datura Because if pain can't hurt you, then nothing would be scary.
  8. @Nate0068 Yes, people who astral travel have reported seeing new colors, for example in the angelic worlds.
  9. Nice to see that someone else here is interested in pranic living. I had an initiation a few years ago, I still eat because it's fun but I'm starting to want to eat less, I get so much energy when I don't eat. There seems to be two types of pranic-living teachers: Those whose teachings involve and rely on techniques, and those who help their students change so that they get nourishment without needing to do anything. I like the latter because it feels more free. Do you think you will quit eating completely in the future?
  10. Exactly, no need to take it that far, keep it simple. There is a great joy in being a human, interacting with other humans. <3 We can have the feeling that everything is the Self all the time, that only makes us want to embrace this human experience even more, duality becomes wonderful and familiar.
  11. Good answer Leo. I had that experience of nothingness for a year, and I felt a sense of duality in that state. Nothingness can change into "everything is me", and then the question would be answered.
  12. Very interesting! Perhaps you have the answer I'm looking for: There is a meditation technique I'm looking for, only a few people know about it, it's power is unfathomable, after using it 1 hour every day for a few days; it heals the body completely, it can heal any illness, we embody our higher self completely, we have a lot of energy always, we stay healthy and balanced forever, we follow our intuition and feeling only, we can change our body and make it look however we want, and more. Do you know of such a technique? Could you please teach it to me? I'm guessing it uses visualization, maybe in combination with something else, I just know it exists, and I believe anything is possible, so it has to exist.
  13. @Shan According to the channelings I've listened to, God did not bother with the details. There was simply the innocent desire to explore and so creation occurred, the slightly lower aspects like the Elohim and creator Gods and souls took care of the details. The highest aspect of God is like an innocent childlike being of pure love, it's a being beyond knowledge.
  14. @LfcCharlie4 Good! I have read all his books Drank celery juice for a while but it got too expensive, but I loved it. I did his 9 day detox program, it felt really good, I felt a blissful feeling in the body I had never felt before, I did it again after a couple of weeks just because it felt so good and for the benefits. It was like the body was telling me: Yes! This is what we want
  15. @Mosess Are you familiar with the term "derealization"? Your consciousness work may have triggered derealization. It seems you have also expanded your consciousness a bit, but you are not at the final destination so don't worry, you are not doomed to experience this pseudo-reality state forever. When you finally reach the last stage, and you look at things there will be a clear sense that it's you, but you will still know that's it's different from your body and you will have the natural understanding of what it is, just like you had before. Your mom will still be your mom, but you will also feel that she, and everything is your own Self. It's the best feeling ever, truly.
  16. @IAmTheHolySpirit Hehehe. Identify? No. Speaking from the heart; I don't even know what identify means, the mind knows. Delusional or not, I still love people like you who are on this path and we are in the same boat.
  17. @IAmTheHolySpirit I think all humans want to have a nice experience, even those who feel they are "awareness". When the world became the Self, I embraced this world as a human living within my higher Self. I don't feel that I am the body, but I know that I am it as well as the higher Self, it's a wonderful experience to be a human, you should try it! Much love.
  18. @IAmTheHolySpirit Ok, it seems you are enjoying the human experience, me too! What if there is a higher level where everything feels like the Self, would you want to experience that? Or do you feel happy where you are now, or maybe you feel that things couldn't possibly be better? I have felt that many times on my journey
  19. Good idea! However not all teachers are worth meeting I think, try and find someone with a powerful aura/energy around them. That way you will evolve and receive grace by being near them. I once met a true avatar, their entire house was full of energy, part of this energy came from the disciples because they were actually very evolved, but when I met the teacher it was so strong, it felt like the sun, normally I can't even feel peoples auras.
  20. I agree with the essence of what you are writing, I think it could be helpful to someone. Do you perceive reality differently now than before awakening? Do you feel very strongly that everything is yourself? Some say that's the last stage of awakening.