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Everything posted by IAmTheHolySpirit

  1. Yes, and the same "I" that was convinced, and the same "I" that grew past that, will have many more "I" experiences, many more "I" growing past more things. That is the "I" that is coming and going. But what are you? It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about as you use the example of "other people" to give more power to your statement. A very useless thing to do, because truth does not come from other people talking about it and you understanding and resonating with it, it is directly experienced. By saying "He says so too, just like me!" you are discrediting your own experience, saying "Look, even this Ralston guy thinks like me" as if that is of any use. You must realize that you are actually not seeing the truth as it is, you think of the truth. You can't speak the truth. You can only be the truth. What is that which is aware of truth appearing to be spoken? You are that in which this "I" is coming and going. Anyway, seeing you calling yourself "The observer" it is obvious to see it is merely the mind pretending, hopefully you'll mature into one who knows himself directly experiencing himself as the observer, instead of merely a title and a roleplay. Soon you will say "Yes, I outgrew this mindset of "absolute love" not existing." This will be you in a few moments. Stop holding these concepts, stop holding your identity. You know nothing, and by thinking and believing you are, you are simply deluding yourself and others.
  2. Actually nothing is better than anything you do.
  3. "It is too much to take in" is merely a thought. It is not true, for there isn't really anything to "take in" it is merely a shift of attention. Infinity naturally appears to you and is unfolding perfectly, it is not something "you" "take in" because, in fact, you are the infinite itself. The infinite can easily contain the infinite. There is absolutely no worry about "it being too much" because you are the "too much" and you can't be too much. "I must kick and scream and burn in purgatory" this is not true, actually this is the opposite of what should happen. All you need to do to come to clear clarity about what you are is to keep perceiving the perceiver. That is only one thing you need to "do" and it is pretty much effortless. The ego that "kicks, screams and burns" is merely a phenomenon appearing within you. If you simply shift your attention to the awareness that is perceiving it, there is pure awareness and silence. So you have no worries about the ego dying or dissolution. These are all thoughts the mind wants you to believe, he is interpreting enlightenment and the consequences to its own benefit. Do not trust it. The one who says "You don't want it" is talking to your ego. If you identify as the ego, "you" don't want it. But you are not ego. You are the infinite itself. And you do indeed, want to know yourself. It is not a matter of "wanting", the fact that you have stumbled upon all this wisdom is in fact proof from the universe that it must that you sprout into your true nature and there is no way for the ego to stop that. You are already too aware for you to go back. Waking up is not dumb, that is absolutlely foolish to say. It is the most amazing discovery a human life can ever discover. What believes to be finite, reveals itself to be infinite. All the worries, depression, anxiety, everything becomes replaced by the truth, absolute serenity, peace, love, compassion, wisdom, absolute oneness. There is no reason to believe it is "dumb". It only appears dumb to ignorance. The ego thinks it is dumb to awaken, and dissoluting the ego. Of course the ego will believe that. You are not the ego. Exactly, there is nothing for you to stomach. You simply realize it is all ALREADY "stomached" within your self. The impression that you got about awakenings being "too much to handle" is absolute bullshit. The more you go along the path of ego-dissolution, it only becomes easier and easier to be in the peak of your stillness. It naturally becomes easier to dissolute because more and more attachments are being dropped, the more attachments you drop, the easier it is. Awakening is only "hard" if you resist it. Awakening itself is completely natural and easy, it is only if we resist it, use the mind too much that it appears to be "complex". To be enlightened is completely simple and all you must actually "do" is remain aware of your true self. You must discover the true self, its existence, and then merge with it, be one with it, love it, enjoy it, never look for anything in or out of this world, know your true self to be the source of all existence itself. When you know your true self, you are completely fulfilled, you are like on the peak of "MDMA" except you are completely sober. You have no limits, completely free, completely yourself, completely still, completely honest, completely real. Completely one with the universe. That is your true self. You are that infinite that "you" appear to have glimpses of. It is a matter of acknowledging it, and being with this discovery and directly experienced truth. At one point you simply say "no" to anything that says "you are not the truth". Any thought, emotion or sensation, is simply perceived. It is not bought. Naturally there appears to be something within that is "keeping up" the observing of the mind. You are not aware of being aware in effort, if effort appears, know that it is because you are trying to use the mind. It is completely effortless to be aware of being aware and stay aware of being aware. Know everything else to be a complete distraction. You need your attention on the TRUTH ONLY. No matter what happens. Awakenings are NOT hellish. They are only hellish for the ego. You are the true self, and for you it is a joy. The ego is burning away in your presence. It is absolutely wonderful. Nothing hellish about that. Don't listen to the ego's perspective, the ego's perspective will soon be gone and you'll be left alone as god itself. You might identify with the ego a bit and suffer, and that might be inevitable, but it is completely minimal and gets easier to see through, see that it is merely the ego and you are that which is perceiving the perceiver itself. Just know this is major relief because it is true and we usually ignore this fact. You can completely throw out this impression. It is completely useless for you and only brings doubt. Whatever gave you the urge to make this post, it is the ego, and it is doubt, and you bought it. You must not be confused, you must not look into confusing things. It is only when you have interest in the confusing, that you then believe yourself to be confused. You are that which is perceiving the confusion. That is not confused, and that is yourself. There is nothing to stomach. Relax. Ego-death awakenings are completely flowing, fluid, perfect, natural, they are NOT challenging and difficult. They are literally ONLY challenging and difficult if you are doing some stupid shit. Take some psychedelics and watch Moojiji on youtube and you'll become a sage in a few months. Obviously you must be vigilant and you must honestly be ready to embody the truth. You won't accept half-assedness. You are completely all in for the truth. I completely encourage you to go beyond the mind, beyond distractions, beyond illusions. You can awaken and it is completely natural for you. The mind will appear to be confused but you simply stay perceiving of that which is perceiving. Stay aware of being aware, that is your true place and nothing can touch you there.
  4. Who feels sick? Who is watching negative emotions? Who is getting deeper into enlightenment? You must clarify for the sake of truth. You can't be saying "There is no one to be enlightened" and then assume the identity "I feel sick" and believe these thoughts.
  5. Enlightened compassion and kindness is not simply to say kind things or say compassionate things. It is to BE compassionate, meaning you will expose the ego in the other, even if it pains you, because you love the other as much as yourself, and you are not willing to see yourself suffering from ego and being delusional. I expose them because that is what I would want anyone to do for me. To expose the ego, to discern between the ego and the true self. I never wanted to be delusional, yet if there is no one pointing out that you are being delusional, you will never know. That is the highest kindness and compassion, to expose that which is false, so that you'll be closer to that which is true. There is no higher than this. It is beyond the intellectual understanding of the mind on how to act in this world, but see this.
  6. How is exposing lies and ego hypocrisy? I am literally the universe itself. Take another evaluation, or speak to Leo about this. You will be able to discern between what is true and what is false.
  7. Shut the hell up, you wouldn't know how love at deep levels feels like because you are afraid of love. You are completely delusional, you are delusional because you are not willing to trust life, you would rather hold on and be attached to your silly little ego. Fuck outta here with your bullshit. @Leo GuraIs this forum for truth or for perpetuating egoic-tendencies? Are you able to perceive that indeed these people are full of ego and are ruining the quality of this forum by being ignorant and arrogant, meaning they spread a shit ton of misinformation and actually bring people further away from immediate enlightenment. How it appears to me you are an earnest one, so I ask you to not be compassionate with the ego, and cleanse all that filth away from this place. People are being delusional and are pretending to be seeking enlightenment or truth. It is better for me to be in this forum and expose the ego than to cast me away and then you'll be left with just egoic-pricks. Although whatever god decides will be completely fine. It is better to be in the presence of one who has conquered the mind than in the presence of 1000 egoic-sheeps.
  8. I am exposing the ego. I can reflect to an ego what he presents to the world, I am not affected because I am serving as a mirror. There is no ego in me, there is no person in me, there is nothing personal in my interactions with the world. When you are enlightened, you simply serve as a mirror. By being a mirror, you enlighten the other party the quickest, because it has to deal with an intense amount of reflection of all the garbage that is believed in, all the identity, all the personhood lies. By me tackling their ego directly, they automatically suffer more, meaning they are closer to awaken to the truth. We can't be compassionate to the ego, because he will use that compassion and deceive us away from enlightenment. We must expose him, burn him alive, until he doesn't dare to show up anymore. Only then can truth emerge.
  9. Who the fuck is born with ego? There is no baby with ego. There is only pure consciousness. It is only later that they develop an ego because of conditioning. You are so ignorant, arrogant and delusional. I am not wasting my time on you, trash.
  10. Keep barking dogs, it is like music to my ears. I appreciate your company my dear dogs
  11. No, you have not yet understood the truth. There is no one to keep it. There is no "it", it is all there is. There is no "you" and "it" there is only this. You are still identifying with thoughts, otherwise you would not ask me these foolish questions. Don't believe your mind. You are currently just saying things you read somewhere, you are not directly experiencing the truth, there is no intensity, no presence in you. You smell like a person. Go sit in the silence of your own being. That will clean you up from these smells.
  12. Look how your ego always wants to have the last comment, you are completely exposed you ignorant person. There is no enlightenment for you, you are truly wasting your time. You are unbelievably pathetic and smelly, you reek of personhood. Just notice how triggered you are.
  13. If it is your direct experience, very well
  14. Yes as if you would know how an enlightened one would be. You are a noisy little fool. You are pretending to be someone who knows, now appearing to be lecturing me on how to be life. Shut the hell up you delusional person. Sorry, I can't teach you, it is a waste of time for both of us. You are ignorant and arrogant, the worse combination. Enlightenment you will never find. Go waste your existence elsewhere, trash.
  15. Now playing the good guy, you are such an unbelievable hypocrite. You are completely untrustworthy, I don't know what the hell you are doing on a self-actualization forum, you believe you are seeking the truth while in fact you are simply being led by the devil to spread foolishness and ignorance. You actually believe you are a person. LOL. You don't exist for me.
  16. You think you are pretending, you are just delusional.
  17. Don't set up any expectations for the trip. Don't even think "I am going to roll a blunt later" just let everything unfold completely spontaneously. It will be a gift to yourself, and the gift is your true self. I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube or listening to a meditation of his, it will bring you to a place of complete silence, and under LSD/Shrooms it can bring forth directly experienced insights and truths realized and of course the truth will be revealed to you in absolute clarity and divineness.
  18. Don't pretend to be someone who understands anything at all, you are not in the position to discern between what is true and what is false. If you were to be on the side of truth, you would be agreeing with me right now. It is because you are ignorant currently that it appears to you as if I am self righteous or angry, while I see it all as a play of consciousness unfolding, for me it is not anything personal, but the truth always prevails, because the truth is true. Lies and ego can't keep up with truth. Truth will expose you completely. It is you who is currently leaning on an ego, pretending to know anything at all, it is better for you to keep quiet because you are not yet one with the truth. In that case, shut up. If you would be one with the truth you would not make such a foolish comment. Completely conditioned, like a robot, zero individuality, zero presence, just a "thought", it believes it has depth but in fact you don't even exist for me.
  19. Better solution: Stop identification with the egoic mind. Nothing can touch you when you are enlightened. Become enlightened and then smoke all you want.
  20. Beautiful, you can bark there all you want
  21. Hide behind that little smiley face mr.ego, you are a chicken, bwaak bwaak
  22. You are literally so pathetic... it is so natural for you.
  23. Kid get the hell outta here with your ignorant arrogant ass. You are in full identification with the ego.