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Everything posted by IAmTheHolySpirit

  1. Yes and yes. But do not go to delusion territory expecting you'll keep this character and keep the body alive. It is completely possible and yet it mustn't happen according to the mind's projection. The projection is merely a projection, it is not true. In truth it is possible, because it is infinite. The universe works according to its own will and nothing can overpower it. Even the power that appears to be taking you into unconsciousness is actually brought to you by consciousness itself. You use it to transcend the mind and see life truly as pure consciousness again.
  2. It is not reliable to be looking for feelings for confirmation of what we truly are. There is nothing a feeling can tell you about your self. You are that which is perceiving it. You have no use for any thought, emotion, sensation, feeling, they are all there merely because you are there. It is in your presence that they appear. You are that in which mind itself and feelings themselves appear. You don't need them, they don't exist without you, yet you exist without them.
  3. Feelings are perceived in consciousness. Feelings are a product of the egoic-mind (until you have overcome it). As long as you are in identification with the mind, all feelings are false and are steering you away from the truth. Feelings are not the language of the soul, the soul has no language in fact. It is beyond language completely and it has no language and it must be like that. Soul and Truth are the same thing and you can't even put the infinite in relative to the finite. It is foolish. I understand you probably mean the higher vibration kind of feeling, and not the egoic-minds feeling, and yet we must clarify these things so others will not be confused. We must use the correct language to transmit the truth most efficiently and not create more confusion. You can't say "Listening to the body" and then say you meant "listening to feelings" and in "feelings" you actually mean "higher power/intuition" which is beyond the realm of thoughts, emotions and sensations.
  4. You don't listen to the body, you listen to the highest intelligence in which both the body and the mind are perceived. The body doesn't speak that you "listen" to it. You simply stay aware of awareness and rest in that silence and natural peace, and if something needs to be done, the body will do it, you will simply be resting aware of the awareness. That is all you need to do, and you are not even doing. It is before doing. You are noticing that which is timeless and eternal within yourself. You go back to 0.
  5. It is not a concept you realize. It is a truth you directly experience. Be aware of being aware.
  6. Yes. All you must do is rest in the infinite place within your own being.
  7. If I may, I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube. Just give him a try, you'll like him. He is very lovable. He is one of the buddhas of our time so go ahead.
  8. Good luck
  9. What is "deeper and deeper" for you? Truth is not that deep. Truth is beyond "depth" so it is not "deep" at all actually. Literally just be aware of being aware. That is ultimate happiness. By being aware of being aware you are literally saying to life "I choose to be happy, not to engage with the mind and distracting thoughts, emotions and sensations".
  10. No, that statement said "feelings". Love is not a feeling. We both agree that following love is the way.
  11. I am directly experiencing the truth right now in this moment. You can call me on video if you want to speak and are curious about it. I am only showing you "the path" because I have already walked it and transcended the mind. I am the higher self. I am the embodiment of the buddha-nature. I am not leading you astray. I am not blinding you. In fact the highest wisdom of the universe is being revealed to you. There is no "ego" left in my self, there is only pure consciousness. And I, pure consciousness, am telling you that you can directly experience the truth "just like that", the truth is ever-present, and obviously it is present now also. To experience it you must simply become aware of being aware. Currently you are identifying as a seeker of truth. There is an awareness of an identification with a seeker of truth, otherwise you couldn't say "I am a seeker of truth". Now, you are able to be aware of this awareness, otherwise you couldn't say "there is an awareness of the seeker of truth". So, there is a seeker of truth (who you think you are), there is an awareness of that seeker (presence, the holy spirit of god himself) and there is something that is able to perceive the presence (the source, universal consciousness). You must realize this, you don't need anything to realize this, truly even a 3 year old kid can completely understand this and become aware of their true nature. The true nature is very simple, it is not complex, it is merely a matter of looking into that which we call "I". We believe "I" to be a person, we identify "I" with thoughts, emotions and sensations appearing within consciousness. That is the fiction of what we are. It is not true. There is something that is aware of identification, and that is more true, that is presence, but even that presence can be perceived. You are that which is perceiving the experience of perceiving itself. You are life itself and the witness of life. You must simply remain in the place of witnessing presence, instead of witnessing the mind (thoughts, emotions, sensations). By merely shifting attention from mind (thoughts, emotions, sensations) to presence (The awareness that is effortlessly, ever-presently aware of the mind) then you naturally become peaceful, serene, calm, there is even a joy and a lightness. Stay there for a while. When you become stabilized in that and you feel ready to go next, see if the perceiver of presence can be perceived.
  12. In recognition of the true self, "suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief" might still appear. They appear but they are perceived to be momentary. You are simply not attached to these thoughts/emotions/sensations and so they don't stick on you. You must be sad for a few moments but quickly you are crystal-clear and present and aware of your true nature. Nobody is saying that suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief are not beautiful, but they are only beautiful from the perspective of the truth. The one who is suffering, does not feel that his suffering is beautiful. So then, we must transcend the egoic-mind which is not able to perceive suffering as beautiful. It is only from your oneness that you can perceive the beauty of the duality. In duality you have no sense of duality, you are completely lost. You are completely identifying with the egoic-mind. In that place of suffering, there is no one to perceive it as beautiful. And that is a shame. This is a life wasted in identifying with the mind, identifying with suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief. The experiences themselves are not the problem, but when you (pure consciousness) identify yourself as these experiences, it is pure foolishness. Truth is not about appreciating foolishness. Someone doing "hard work" for someone else because of their attachment that they call "love" is foolishness. You must not appreciate it, because it is pure foolishness. No one must "work hard" for anything and anyone. One must only be one with their own heart. You say "parents work hard to ensure a good life for their children" but what is this other than a thought? What hard work is anyone on this planet doing? We think a lot of unnecessary crap in our mind and any activity becomes "hard work" simply because you are thinking so much. Instead of cleaning the dishes you think "there are so many dishes to clean... when will this end... why am I doing it??" and after that you'll go to your mom and say "yea mom I did so much hard work today, I cleaned up all of the dishes!" you literally did nothing but clean dishes. It is not hard work. It is only the mind saying it is hard work. You must live life effortlessly, because you are one with life. Life does not do "hard work" to be itself. There is no need for such beliefs. It is only holding you back from the ever-present truth that is consciousness itself. Be aware of being aware. You say "We like that suffering" but who is that who likes the suffering? It is the sufferer itself that in retrospect loves the suffering. In that moment it is very painful, it is very foolish to suffer in that way so absurdly. It is mad completely. Human beings are not meant to suffer and have attachments to suffering. It is very unnatural. The one who "likes" suffering is merely the mind. The mind doesn't want to let go of the suffering, because only in suffering can the mind exist. The mind, suffering can't exist in a peaceful, serene mind of the supreme self. And so it will make you believe "I love suffering" but you must not believe this thought. You do not like suffering, it is only a thought. The impersonal supreme self does not care about suffering. It wouldn't think twice about it. It is merely another phenomenon perceived within consciousness. It doesn't get attached to it and says "But I like suffering" because it doesn't give a single flying fuck about suffering, about grief, about sadness, about love, about joy, about peace, it actually is completely detached and impersonal, has absolutely no interest in anything. It simply is. And that is what you are. Be aware of being aware. When you are aware of being aware, you are successfully "just being". That is wonderful. Remain as you are. We don't do irrational things and suffer because of love, actually what you believe to be "love" is just "attachment". Replace the word "love" with attachment, because you are talking about attachment, not love. Love is universal, it is beyond duality, attachment/passion/obession are not love, and they are not greater than true happiness. I don't know what you mean by "superficial happiness", I don't think anyone is seeking that here. Currently you are attached more than you are aware of your true nature. You must be more aware of your true nature than you are attached.
  13. It is not allowed, it is choicelessly so. You are one with that love. You are not merely seeing it... You must be atleast as divine as this love to be able to recognize it, isn't it?
  14. You are only choosing this path because you know not of a better path. I am showing you a better, easier, more straight-forward path, a path which is pathless, simply by being aware of being aware you are automatically transported to the highest truth. As long as you stay there, all the necessary wisdom will appear. Do you want the path of distractedness (what you appear to believe that is good for you) or the path of direct truth? Is the path more important than the truth itself? Will you insist that the truth appears only in the projection of the path you have made up in your mind? If the truth revealed to you itself right in this moment, would you say "No, not now, I need to do some other things before recognizing the truth".
  15. Yes I would advice seeking the truth anyway. Even if you have no interest in that, that is even better for you. When you have too much interest, it blocks your clear seeing. Minimal interest is needed actually. It is a very sober, clear way of realizing what you truly are. You don't need to have interest and have thoughts and desires about enlightenment and believing it is some great thing. You can quietly recognize it and be it. It does not have to be messy at all. It is only the attached mind that makes it messy. Yes even one who believes (because it is not true) he wants to stay ignorant, will be infinitely happier with the realization of the self. It is not something that you may compare... you are comparing ignorance and the minimal pleasure that comes from the ego to literal infinite joy, love, peace, compassion OF THE HIGHEST INTELLIGENCE AND LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE ITSELF. You don't have to have some "deep" desire, none of that is necessary. You can get there because it is natural for you. It is the truth of what you are. This isn't about desiring it, but merely having a bit of curiosity and being vigilant about it at first. The feeling is unreliable, unstable, unconsistent, so you can't believe it when it says "Do not go there". The thing within you that would EVER say "Do not go to the truth" is the untrue. It is the ego, manifesting itself as a feeling, transmitting the information of "Do not go there" so now you'll experience doubt, and know to steer away from the truth. It is all the plot of the ego. It is extremely manipulative and you can't take it lightly. That is the ultimate phenomenon appearing within consciousness that you must transcend to reclaim your true nature. It might be hell for a bit, but if you know what to do in the moments of hell, and if you have trust in yourself that you will make it on the other side because you directly are experiencing god; it becomes not so bad, and also it is exactly the time to exercise your power of discernment. Hell only appears in identification with the mind. If even in the strongest "mind storm" you simply remain aware of awareness, it can't touch you. It will steer up a lot of thoughts, emotions and sensations, but if you merely stay in the "I Am" or watch some Moojiji videos on youtube, you'll be golden. You simply do this until you become one with god. I recommend taking psychedelics and watching Moojiji on youtube, that is the fastest way to become enlightened efficiently.
  16. That is not true. The truth is the truth. Feelings appear within the truth. The feelings are not the truth, feelings are coming and going, they are not stable and not to be trusted. Do not trust feelings. You can trust the truth. The consciousness in which feelings is perceived. That alone you can trust. That is not true. Actually god doesn't even put a "sense of worthiness" on "you" beceause actually "you" don't exist, only god himself exists, and god does not need a sense of worthiness. Whether good or bad, a sense of worthiness is merely another thought/sensation appearing in consciousness. Future doesn't exist for god, and it doesn't exist for presence either. Future is merely a concept of the egoic-mind. God does not use such relative terms. God is the timeless, he won't be putting itself under the effects of time. God is eternal, god doesn't know future. You are that which is perceiving time itself. Perceive that which is perceiving. Be aware of being aware. A lot of these were good, but some are just nonsense from the mind, somehow you must have not interpreted it correctly or something.
  17. Just be aware of being aware. I do this 24/7 and I embodied the buddha-nature itself.
  18. If you had any kind of "awakening" it must mean you have tasted true universal love. You can't really go back from that... The love is too great, too powerful, you fall in love with it automatically.
  19. If you need to ask strangers about whether you should end a relationship - yes, you need to end it. End it, and instead of wasting time on relationships with other people, have a solid relationship with yourself. I don't mean a relationship with the mind, but a relationship with the higher power. The source itself. Instead of being in a relationship with the mind (thoughts, emotions and sensations) be in a relationship with pure consciousness (your self). Be aware of being aware. The relationship you have with yourself (Your god-self) is the only relationship you actually need. That one relationship will end all other desires for any experience in life. So first find the god-self, merge with it, be one with it, love it, and then all relationships will naturally be in the vibration of god. You'll be having a god-connection with every single person you meet simply because you are aligned with god himself. You'll be like a vessel for god to manifest itself in human form. That god-self is what you truly are right now also, and the god-self has no problems, has no attachments to this world and to the mind. You simply stay in the god-self. Be aware of being aware. I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube. All your problems are coming from personal identity. If you were not personal, would you have any problems? Find out the true self, the impersonal self. That is yourself. You are the impersonal, infinite, serene, eternal and timeless self. Anything that can be perceived is not you. The mind itself is perceived, and therefore anything that comes from the mind is perceived. This whole "world" is appearing within the mind, and the mind appears within consciousness. You are that source consciousness. Delight in this knowing. Marinate in this knowing. Be that consciousness in which it all appears. Do not speak with any identity. Live as though "you" (personally) don't exist. Be aware of being aware.
  20. It is not about percentages. You can't put truth in a box like this. You want to absorb a certain kind of wisdom, lets say 2-3 hours a day of satsang, if not more (depends on how empty you are that day, the emptier you are the more you are able to listen). I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube. "Practice" is simply being aware of being aware. Your whole life should be the practice of surrendering to truth in any moment. Surrender every single thought, emotion and sensation to the truth. Stay as what stays. Consuming information and knowledge counts as a distraction at a certain point. When you have already the knowledge and insight you need, and you keep watching aimlessly, mindlessly more videos to consume knowledge - that is the mind. The truth is very simple, it doesn't need knowledge. You can still watch satsang because it is a joy, but you don't watch it because you are seeking anything. There comes a time where the seeking stops and you are just watching satsang to reaffirm yourself as the truth, and from there your dynamic expression automatically transcends to a higher level.
  21. It is just a thought. You can simply reframe it to: "I have the intention of being one with love completely" and at the same time what gets completed is the escape of suffering