I'm needing assistance today, and I will try my very best to keep the conversation away from mental illness as much as I can. But today, I am feeling depressed, today I am having an off day. So.. Maybe this is not the place for me right now, because I know there are several issues that are causing me to feel this way, and I hope that I can address them individually to help figure out what to do about them. But for right this moment I am only about to feel sadness, lonely, anger, depression. For right this moment I just don't know what to do. I learned that just talking things out is a good coping skill for me, but I don't want to "bask in the depression". It wouldn't be my intention, but I'm feeling so lost at the moment. Probably if I had to make this about one thing, to improve myself on; I'd ask, how do I make friends? More importantly friends who want to talk to me or spend time with me on a regular basis? Or should I be asking, how do I become okay with being alone? Honestly, I don't know if these are the right things to be asking. All I can think about is how I want to stop feeling so hurt and crazy. I'm trying to hard to self improve, I have a lot to deal with, and I've come a long way already, but for today, this is where I'm stuck. I'm sorry.