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Everything posted by AtheisticNonduality

  1. They are incompetent, not necessarily evil.
  2. This whole "the Dems control the cities, therefore anything bad happening in the cities is the fault of the Dems" is the worst argument I keep hearing repeated. Look at the district attorneys and police union presidents--not all Dems.
  3. This guy always denies the fact that he's a literal Nazi. Nope, he's not a Nazi. He's just a far right totalitarian ultranationalist that advocates for a white ethnostate and self-identifies as a "Polish National Socialist."
  4. Havahart traps work well for small animals.
  5. You can't tase all of us. I say, the next time Leo becomes a cop and attacks unarmed black people, we should throw a riot in his house. "No please."
  6. Brainwash those guys, give them authority and weapons, then set them loose. Me, as a non-soldier, knows that blowing up a hospital full of orphans in order to make Exxon's stock go up by .0000001% is immoral, but some colonel or general would still say, "Woah there, you don't have any experience whatsoever and have no idea what you're talking about." If a gang of cops grabbed, cuffed, and transported Leo into a cell for possession of 5-Meo or whatnot, he would find himself in disagreement with the wisdom and 20 year experience of the great and just officers of the law. Authority is not equivalent to being correct.
  8. The cops think the actions of the cops are justified? No way.
  9. A guy with a taser running away is not a threat to your life.
  10. Are there any situations where salvia would be appropriate?
  11. Fuck the police. My point with the Brazil/US comparison is that the Americans can ask for more. Just because cops are necessary as a function doesn't mean that most cops or cop actions are good, and people are waking up to this.
  12. Again, if a taser is enough of a threat to warrant deadly force, cops that threaten to use tasers on innocent people deserve to be shot by that same logic.
  13. America and Brazil are not at the same level of development.
  14. Yeah, Leo, psychedelics are really bad because the damage the brain, just like porn. You're just a drug addict, Leo. Now record the hot witch girlfriend video and upload it today. Pls no ban me. I sorry.
  15. We have no idea what happened there. He may have been the provoker, as most of the riots have been justified self defense against pigs that don't like the first amendment.
  16. If a drunk guy that was just passed out is able to steal your taser and outrun you, you are not fit to be a cop. Also, if somebody with a taser is dangerous enough for the police to kill him, a police tasing an innocent person is also justified to be shot in a similar situation.
  17. Relationship broken. Add more people.
  18. Somebody that sits around and watches porn everyday most likely won't experience health benefits, so I agree there.
  19. There is this thing known as horniness.
  20. I don't see how pictures and videos of people having sex are supposed to mess up the brain in any substantial fashion.
  21. Okay, never mind that, the movie Split is a good example of nondual transcendentalism.