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Everything posted by AtheisticNonduality

  1. Did you arrive at that conclusion through your own thinking or through that of someone you look up to?
  2. All clothing is stupid unless to serve a purpose of comfort, and shame is not comfort. Good aesthetics and protection from temperature / the elements is comfort. So, niqabs fail when it comes to function.
  3. Attractiveness is a real essentialist quality.
  4. @GreenLight Take it to the press.
  5. Jewish nationalism vs white nationalism is like gay pride vs straight pride.
  6. I see the fast is treating you well. Anyway, we're sick of holistic thinking. We only care for hole-istic thinking. Where are the new dating episodes, Leo?
  7. And Leo should disown the quantum mysticism thing. There is no reason to think quantum mechanics implies idealism since there are physical explanations for the observer effect. And definitely don't go down the Deepak route of using it as a metaphor for everything.
  8. They may be counting "psilocybin" as the whole mushroom material itself and not just the specific chemical.
  9. Yes, this obvious. For someone as cognitively contemplative as Leo, this should be very very obvious. But I suspect he is nervous about being a bad debater. Despite all the pickup stuff, he still has traces of social awkwardness, like in his Martin Ball video where he speaks a lot less eloquently than usual. When it comes to "Professor" Dave (is he a real professor?), you can be good at balancing equations and teaching physics concepts while still having a garbage unintelligent view of reality, ie. the idea that anything exists outside of Consciousness. His consciousness is low, otherwise he'd see the lack of boundary between nothingness and Malkhut. And if Leo was a cult leader (he can't be here because most followers very high critical thinking skills), he would have a harem or a Waco compound set up by now. And Leo has never advocated suicide. That's just moronic.
  10. Neckbeard internet science teachers are getting too cocky.
  11. Yeah, but feeling superior and smug as an atheist might make religious people become atheists?
  12. Daniel M. Ingram (also claiming arhatship) is subscribed to Frank Yang.
  13. Are you in AP Art History?
  14. He probably shut it down due to the first video.
  15. If you watch the Richard Dawkins Joe Rog episode, he says that he may try psychs when he is older but currently he is too scared.
  16. @seriousman24 -101010 enlightenment points.
  17. I'm boycotting Joe Rogan until he returns to Youtube.
  18. Eckhart Tolle said the level of consciousness he had on LSD was basically the same he already had, but 5-MeO is much different.
  19. A Stage Blue documentary about Red/Orange/Green Marilyn Manson. Excellent comment section too.
  20. Have you tried working towards a path where daydreaming is part of your job?