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Everything posted by AtheisticNonduality

  1. The ones that deny the existences of blue and red of course will elevate purple to the status of the only thing true, useful, and observant.
  2. They all cause the variabilities of each other. That doesn't mean they don't exist.
  3. @Gesundheit2 No, you're still missing it. Despite there being no reason for introversion to be automatically considered pathological, first make an attempt to see the evolutionary function of it. Consider that many of the enlightened shamans would have been separate from their tribes, and that civilizations would have been run by priests, scribes, lawmakers, architects, agriculturalists, none of which would have wasted time developing socialization skills since they had very specific functions. And then even look at modern society, with the top caste of billionaires being autistic white men (Musk, Zuckerberg, etc.) that invested massive amounts of time in technology. Obviously, they are not the healthiest forms that exist, but it shows why it makes sense for a percentage of people to be predisposed toward what is not the social field, to act as rulers, experimentalists, etc. Now, this second part may seem a little harsh. The reason I didn't find much fascination with the outside world as a child was not because of bullying and the difficulty of it, finding it was weighing me down, but the sense that I was above it and had more important and enjoyable things to do. I might think of the memory I have of in elementary school, questioning why there was something rather than nothing internally while zoning out from the "s apostrophe, apostrophe s" nonsense the teacher and some overzealous student were going over. It wasn't that people were above me, but rather it was the inverse; it was simply that I considered them stupid, insipid, and a waste of time. So, environmentally, the reason was that the outside world was objectively inferior to what I had accessed interiorly, and this is connectable with the innate disposition. Yet not all explanations would have that level of harshness, since there are a multitude of reasons for why someone would not care to be extraverted, would prefer having function upon society from outside it, would have focus upon intellectual or artistic or philosophical or mechanical or in-other-ways-obsessive interests.
  4. WTF ?.
  5. @Gesundheit2 There are also introverts that don't just have it as a negative (getting away from people, avoiding annoyance or discomfort) but also as a positive (getting into myself). This isn't necessarily the same thing as meditating all the time though, but is potentially euphoric.
  6. I also had very significant and numinous dreams during that time.
  7. Make of this what you may, but I have been intuiting that there was something spiritually special about 2019/2020, in the sense that there was a tension building up and a mass catastrophe that happened consequently, both the buildup and the traumatic spring 2020 being event parts in something inclined upward.
  8. @Gesundheit2 Thx
  9. Nowadays every random bookretarded guy with an IQ of around 115 and no significant educational background can come around, push a theory out of existence, and declare it unscientific and a manipulative action, a cause of naive victimhood, and something that requires absolute gullibility.
  10. Killing sperm and fertilized eggs, those two acts as distinct from each other, are both equally a destruction of human life (sperm cells being human cells), and killing both negates the potential in both for a real human to develop out of it. A fertilized egg, or just as well a fetus, getting obliterated also destroys the potential, thus disproving the argument that sperm does not always develop into fully grown humans whereas sperm-egg unions do. Still, fertilized eggs have more potential to form fully grown life, but then we're left to wonder why having more of something in this case should mean it's more immoral to get rid of that something. If potential for a greater amount of money is dropped away, that correlates with more immorality on the part of the perpetrator (possibly a thief who caused a business to shut down) who destroyed that potential. However, there are also situations where the negation of the potential is a positive event. So alternately, the thief stealing from the business was really taking funds from an organization that was going to commit a string of assassinations and genocides in some foreign land. This means the more the potential is destroyed, the greater the morality, the lesser the immorality. This may also compare well with the potential for a fertilized egg or a fetus to turn into a real human. So this all means that the morality or immorality of any given potentiality or potentiality-dismantling is a determination of consequence relative to harm versus positivity. Then we have to wonder how a tension between harm and positivity will emerge from those that read their own subjective moralities onto these issues. Does the supposed "positivity" of a fetus' growth outweigh the harm it will bring?
  11. My first thought was Bashar al-Assad, but then I remembered the alien "channeler" guy.
  12. Yes, but specific examples. Of people you know you'd consider highly intelligent or highly cognitively inept.
  13. By what specific means do you organize people according to smart vs. not-smart and well-educated vs. uneducated? What are your primary examples of smart people that you've known?
  14. Why is there Nothing rather than Something? ??????????
  15. @thisintegrated What are you talking about? I don't see anything.
  16. It's true that you will die even though You will never die.
  17. Loba thinks I'm a blue boy, and Oeaohoo was making alchemical arguments in another thread against male homosexuality; but he says female homosexuality is fine.
  18. ???????
  19. It wasn't to him. And Leo has a whole video of "not all things can be explained simply." It just means nondual unification of Brahman as formless, in its "causal" infinity, with the world. All things are Brahman = psychic and subtle stages. Brahman is beyond the world = causal stage, and Brahman is both beyond and is the world itself = Clear Light / nondual mysticism. But keep in mind Wilber almost certainly hadn't even discovered Spiral Dynamics at that point since there is no mention of it, so "Ultraviolet" and "Clear Light" and such are all add-ons that came afterward descriptively, poetically, metaphorically, and were not part of the original logical bedrock for why the progression happens in that way. But the simplest explanation is that psychic is the beginning of transcendence and unity through a common spiritual factor, which is realized as the over-soul, the Emptiness that is all; subtle mysticism is when the psyche might "anthropomorphize" (this isn't that pertinent of a word, since the process, we might say, could actually be reversed so that when we recognize divinity, we see that everything, as well as humans, is divinified---where interaction of God is similar or homologous to interaction with ordinary humans) God into a being one interacts with; causal mysticism is when even the personal nature of God becomes formless as a singularity of infinity; and nondual mysticism is the Clear Light hyper-unification of that formless with the material world. He wasn't at Yellow really when that was happening.