So I just received this response from one of the Vipassana teachers:
"If Vipassana is mixed with other techniques, it will work less or not at all. The Buddha's path to enlightenment is complete. To get the best results from a technique (not only Vipassana but all serious methods) one must focus on it completely, with soul and heart. Otherwise it will be watered down and fragmented. If you want to mix and match techniques, I would suggest stopping Vipassana altogether. There is, of course, nothing wrong with experimenting to find a technique that suits you. But the recommendation is that the sooner the better choose a technique, Vipassana or some other path, and practice it with soul and heart. Then you take care of this precious life in the best way."
Trying to research on my own, I find that a lot of people seems to be advocating a mix of Vipassana & Self-inquiry for example. Vipassana as the foundational core and self-inquiry for the more straightforward "dynamite" path.
Any thoughts on this?