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Everything posted by Verg0

  1. In the videos where Sadhguru talks about these topics you can feel that he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. He does not even have a point of reference. Which is fine. But then he could just admit that he does not know everything. Which is apperantly not easy for him to do his position.
  2. DMT will make Sadhguru forget about his human games.
  3. @CoolDreamThanks Thanks. That might be a way to see this challenge as an opportunity. Still in this very dense state, it is easier said than done. Eventhough realization is just a perceptual shift away, the actual attachment to physicality is immense. I'll still try to sit with what you wrote. Thanks.
  4. I have been sick for over 7 weeks now. And it's deeply affecting all areas of my life. It started as some heavy caughing, I just stopped all physical exercise and went on with everything else as normal, thinking it might go away. It slowly got worse until I realized after 3 weeks that I might need a complete break from everything (which was very hard to accept as I am in the proccess of starting my coaching business, which I loive doing and am very very excited about). Symptoms were Caughing, Nose blocked, Neusea, Heavy dizziness and just feeling endlessly weak and sick to the core of my being. Took a complete break from everything for over a week. Didn't got better. Mind is cycling from anger/victimhood to respnsibility to acceptance and back again. Week 5: Went to a doc. Taking antibiotics for 10 days now. Still not any better. Symptoms are changing though. Now there is still caughing, nose even more blocked, heavy headaches, infinite weakness and still thi sunderlying feeling of just being incredibly ill. Did some tests (Blood, Checking the lung, vitamins etc.) Everything seem to be fine. I am taking Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, Magnesim daily, and some other stuff occasionally. I am back to do a little bit of work, maybe 10-20% of what I usually do. Taking walks, sleeping a lot, eating healthy. But I have to say, it is very difficult. It has been going on for what feels like a very long time. (Blessings to all who are dealing with much more difficult chronic health issues, now I have a bit more compassion towards people who are dealing with stuff like that). Besides all the spiritual practice, it lowers the joy I am able to experience. Freindships are affected by it. Work is affected. Mental health is affected. "Pain is inevetable, but suffering is a choice" - I would love to embody that insight more, but I realize that it takes a very very high degree of conciousness when the body is so deeply involved. I wanna keep showing up for coaching conversations fully, which takes a lot of energy and it is very hard for me to cancel all these converstions as I just got my first paying client. How do I balance that? I wanna keep on working, at least a bit, as doing nothing (which I have done 1-2 weeks) feels very very boring and is effecting my mental health more than it should. Also I am going through a diffcult phase in my realtionship at the moment (she decided to take a break), which is more difficult to deal with when I cannot distract myself with work. Overall it just feels like is is slowing me down to a degree which is very uncomfortable to fully embrace and enjoy. Any practical advice on what to do / how to change my perspective into a more beneficial one or how to move forward? For the next steps I was thinking about cold/hot exposure, Kambo or traveling to a warm country. As to where it might be coming from I am thinking back to my spiritual crisis from a few months ago, caused by MDMA + 5-MeO-DMT. Since then I have been almost constantly sick. (Before I have not been sick for over a year). Just an interesting observation, might have nothing to do with it.
  5. Sorry, somehow this post landed in mental health. It would fit more into the general Health section of the forum.
  6. Make very good videos. Study the market. To start: comment (valuable comments) under all videos from small and big YouTubers in your niche as soon as they upload.
  7. Or start by reading about 20-50 coaching books. Should also give you a good start to see if you're really passionate about it. And talk to A LOT of people. Get into conversations and apply what you learn if it's appropriate.
  8. Otherwise a great way to connect with the UK community is to go to all the festivals. Super fun and you'll meet the same people everywhere. Medicine Festival, All about Love, LoveJam, Noisily, Buddhafield. Otherwise, many of the psychedelic people are also gonna be at the Jam Sessions and Spiritual Events (like a teacher's talk) that are going on. Depending on your preferences (hippie, science, spiritual, etc) you'll find a place and community that suits you. It's fun and infinitely valuable to connect and build your network.
  9. Definitely great places to hang out. Always the potential to meet very interesting people. Sometimes really great events, sometimes more basic and not really advanced or insightful. I'll be in London towards the end of the month and might go to 1-2 events.
  10. The Mushrooms told me they come from far far away, while I was seeing a vision of outer space. I am still not sure if I believe them. Gotta be open and discern skeptically at the same time.
  11. Silence is great! And Music is great!
  12. Nature is inherently psychedelic. Look! Infinite fractals everywhere!!!
  13. @Thought Art Yeah, I guess I noticed a bit of impatience. Trusting the process is key. @Leo Gura Aye captain! @Yimpa Well ... Rich seems to be quite rich @Greatnestwithin Thanks for sharing your story David!! I'll coach a bit more for free and then start with the 1500$ for 3 months model. "serving my ass off" resonates a lot with me at the moment. It's hard, but also feels like the right path. I'll buy the book from Litvin, I've just recently discovered him through YouTube actually!! It's very kind that you offer to share the resources that have helped you! I would love to recieve them.
  14. Hey there, So I started to do the iPec coach training program. It's great. One question that came up for me is: How to I start to offer my coaching service to the world? I really wanna learn, practice and master the skill of coaching, and one of the best ways to do that is to actually start coaching people. But I'm a bit afraid that I'll not be able to provide the value that I want to provide. (Eventhough I've heard only massively positive things about my coaching skills and presence) . How to decide when the right time has come to start offering it to the world. What other ways are there to actually practice the skill of coaching / to create learning fields? Should I be asking for a small fee from the beginning? (E.g. 1500$ for a 3 month program) or start for free? (Many people say, and I agree, that people who take on free offers often don't appreciate the actual service and are not committed enough to follow through on what comes out of the sessions.) Would love to hear your thoughts about this! (Also to fellow coaches on here: How did you start in the beginning?)
  15. Update: I've gone through the experience! The crisis seems to be over. Ego-Structures recalibrated. Took about 3 1/2 months. Just the tinnitus stayed. Had my first psychedelic experience recently. 1 drop of LSD. It felt like 3-4 drops. Tolerance seems to have decreased. Sensitivity increased. I'll have to experiment further, but this experiences seems to have opened something. Very impressive. I wrote a whole book about what I learned about "Spiritual Emergency" and how to move through one. If you're interested you can download it here: (Note for Mods: Please remove the link if this kind of promotion is not allowed, as you sign up for my e-mail list, but you can unsubscibe at any time). Bless
  16. Hey everybody, I hope you're doing fine. 4 days ago I had my first MDMA experience. 200mg of pure MDMA (+75mg after 4 hours). It was a really beautiful experience. Very healing. After working through a lot of personal stuff I felt the desire to go deeper into the transpersonal realm. I've crafted 5-MeO-DMT Vape Pens a few weeks before, but I've only played around with them in the lower doses (1:12 or 1:4 solution strength). But now in the MDMA experience, I felt ready to go all the way. I've heard about this combination before. Most of the community is just not sure as there's just not enough data. There's very little information online and the perspectives vastly differ. I heard Rick Doblin talking about it at a psychedelic conference and he said it was a wonderful idea and a wonderful experience. And I've read in James Oroc´s “ Tryptamine Palace” that this combination should be avoided as it had resulted in negative experiences that appeared similar in character to an overdose of tryptamines alone. But in my state I was sure that this was the right choice in the moment. I went in three times. First experience with one long-hit of the 1:1 vape pen ( should have been around ~8mg). It was a beautiful, sacred, very intense experience. but I felt there was more. So I went in a second time after a few minutes had passed. this time I went with two long hits ( so probably around ~15mg) This experience was absolutely stunning. A very clear glimpse of Enlightenment. God realization. Satori. I felt complete and whole. It is very nice to start out from the loving space of the MDMA into the 5-MeO-DMT. There's very little fear (or no at all). And after you come out of the 5-MeO-DMT experience you land into the loving space of the MDMA. Still, remembering my first and only 5-MeO-DMT Breakthrough experience, I felt a subtle desire to go all the way. from conscious god realization to Infinite nothingness. Complete annihilation of existence back into source. So after waiting for around two hours (and taking the 75mg MDMA re-dose) I went back in for the third time. I was taking three big hits (~20mg of 5-MeO-DMT) and was expecting to jump into the Nothingness. It was a very intense experience, hard to put into words. a little bit emotionally challenging at the end. definitely not full annihilation of consciousness. There was something happening, but I couldn't really grasp what it was. Coming out of the experience I was a little bit confused but still fine. I was feeling like it was a successful session, with a lot of valuable insights. The day after I had a really really heavy headache. ( also just getting two hours of sleep). I was taking a lot of Vitamin C ( maybe a little bit too much) and a 5-HTP supplement to prevent the damage and common low known from the MDMA. The headache went on for the whole day and my social battery was kind of low. ( I was arriving at a mini-festival). The two following days at the festival were fine. I was able to talk, give a workshop about psychedelics, get enough sleep and have a little bit of fun. ( I didn't take any other substances at this time). While having a long drive home, I was feeling that something was a little bit different. My state was not quite at baseline. I thought: “ well maybe I just touched a little bit of acid and that is the reason why I feel a little bit off”. After five hours of driving I arrived home and felt a little bit sick. I thought maybe the week was just a little bit hectic, with all the traveling and socializing. And I went to sleep. Today ( 4 days after the MDMA + 5-MeO DMT experiences) I woke up and still felt a little bit different. I feel healthy. But definitely not at baseline. Now that I'm alone I can actually notice what is going on in my perception. And I assume that it is coming from this experience. This is where I asked for your advice: How do I integrate this experience and what steps are reasonable to take? I feel a little bit all over the place. Not fully at ease. There are significant mood swings. A subtle sense of anxiety that I haven't experienced before. A slight visual distortion in my perception. Noticable vibrations in my body and heart. And as I have never had such long term, persistent effects from psychedelics, a little fear: -Did I somehow damage my brain? ( I don't know much about serotonin syndrome, or certain cardiovascular reactions, but these topics just jump into my mind). -Do I just give it some time and take it easy? When is the right time to seek out professional help or a doctor? Do you have any practices that can be very useful for grounding? Today I tried a long meditation, breathwork, going to the gym, a long cold shower, and all these things seem to help but only in the moment. Also an interesting site note: I still fall back into the “ chewing” of the MDMA. Not as intense as in the journey, but still noticeable. In the experience itself I was chewing so much that I injured the inner side of my lips and it's very hard for me to eat hard food. It's very interesting to observe this whole process and to write the waves of this period of integration. We open ourselves up to these kinds of experiences and dimensions when we explore deeper and deeper and sometimes even mix certain substances. Safe journeys everybody.
  17. @bebotalk Yes, I need to get more clean on my ideal client. And maybe even on my coaching package. There are two different approaches: Designing a process that takes them from A to B (clear transformation) or client led work (the client leads and is deciding what they wanna work on). I do offer free sessions at the moment to practice and people are actually willing to try it out! (That´s amazing!) All came through my social media channels (which is targeting people who are kind of in the area of my niche). Two out of three want to focus on other areas in their life than my field of expertise (which is helping people work with psychedelics in a mature and responsible way for Self-Actualization and Self-Realization). I'll see how that flows, as it's about the skill of coaching it's fine I guess. @Thought Art Sure they do. It's an overwhelming amount of content, resources and training they provide. But the webinars are gonna be hosted weekly over the next few months, so there is no access to some information as of now. Otherwise I am practicing with peer coaches and a mentor coach through the program, which is really empowering and helpful. I just wanted to do even more @Dauntment I've been building the fist path now for a few years. Giving giving and more giving. Out of Love. It's a slow path but I can almost smell that results and also financial return in just around the corner! (Finally!) And also: it feels best to combine both! @Yimpa Nice idea! Did that on LSD the other day
  18. I used 'POLYETHYLENGLYCOL 400 (PEG 400)', (from 'my-eliquid') but I think it doesn't really make a big difference.
  19. I live in Germany, it was not too difficult to find everything. 0,5ml volume 2 mm hole size (Get like 6-10 of those)
  20. I crafted different strengths solutions with this guide from Erowid: "Jaguar (5-MeO-DMT) Vape Pens How They Are Made, BY GRACE WITHIN" It's very easy to control your experience. Especially with the 1:12 or 1:4 . The 1:1 is a one-two hit breakthrough.
  21. Best way I've found is a Vape Pen. Very simple to craft. There's a few guides on how to do it online.
  22. That's a crazy story!! Shows once again how many pitfalls there are on the psychedelic path. This is an extreme example but we can all fall into the traps and dangers in more subtle ways and it's good to be aware of that!
  23. One approach I like: Eyemask, psilocybin therapy playlist, lie down and breathe. Observe. Maybe set an intention for yourself. What topics do you want to look into? (But make sure to let go of the intention once you eat the truffles).
  24. I'm doing iPec at the moment. It's pretty good. I don't know how it compares to all the other offers.
  25. God is breathing. "When you really look for me, you will see me instantly — you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath." ~Kabir