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Everything posted by Verg0

  1. I am re-doing the life purpose course at the moment (after 7 years) and ran into a difficulty with one value exercise. It asks to craft a short concise definition for the value and to answer questions like -What exactly does this mean to me? -What would it look like tangibly? -How would I know if I embody this value? Being very specific, concrete and tangible seems to be easier with some values like Health or Adventure than with others like Truth or Love. As Truth and Love are some of my top values I was wondering how to go about answering these questions. As it feels like the quest and pursuit of Truth and Love is a lifelong journey. Hard to grasp. So I'm curious. What does Truth mean to you? What does it look like tangibly? And how do you know that you embody this value? I came up with my own answers already but would love to hear your perspectives first.
  2. Reading "Toward a Psychology of Awakening" at the moment. He's got a great perspective on balancing ego development and transcendence.
  3. The landing page and the platform should be the easiest to handle. No need to overthink it. Regarding the course, it shall lead the customer to a very specific, tangible result. The communication of how that result will solve your clients problem and free them from their pain is the marketing. If you really know what you wanna say already, why not just shoot the videos and take it from there? Otherwise you're thinking more than you are doing. The key is to take action.
  4. I'm working with a couple of coaches. It's not counseling bit coaching works wonderfully for me. So it might be worth a consideration if you can afford it.
  5. Coconuts are above S Tier. Drinking a Coconut equals instead God Realization for me. And it's good for your body.
  6. Shoot 500 videos. Aim to be 1% better each time.
  7. Do a good ICF accredited Coach Training Program. Books I liked; -Co-Active Coaching -The Mindful Coach
  8. There's a great possibility that the Mayans and other Mesoamerican cultures have used Mushrooms during their human & animal sacrifice rituals. I wonder what they were up to
  9. Do I have everything I need right now?
  10. I did the value exercises sober and on LSD. LSD helped me to get crystal clear about the top 10.
  11. @What Am I I've experimented quite a bit with lower doses of 5-MeO and Meditation and don't like it. For myself it's not really that effective and at times very unpleasant. At other times also interesting.
  12. I've been using them for half a year now. Works like a charm! My nose is also chronically blocked.
  13. Deciding on a niche is only good for your clarity on who you are targeting with your marketing. People don`t buy "coaching" and do not care what your coaching is called. Coaching clients don`t buy the coaching process, they buy the outcome / results. A niche is a specific target audience, not a coaching speciality. Try to formulate your offer in this way: "I solve this type of problem for this specific type of person in this unique counter-intuitive way that reverses their deepest fear” "I help X, achieve Y, so they can Z" "Helping who with what specifically" → Join your target market and speciality together in one concise phrase that identifies your most-wanted target group and the problems or goals you address for them. (“Career transitioning for midlife woman”) Hope that helps, I am in that process myslef. A good book is "A coaching business in a book" by Sarah Short.
  14. I like DMT
  15. Get an ICF Accredited Certification Buy the book "A Coaching Business in a book" by Sarah Short Implement Enjoy
  16. I love the word ecstasy. "late Middle English (in ecstasy (sense 2)): from Old French extasie, via late Latin from Greek ekstasis ‘standing outside oneself’, based on ek- ‘out’ + histanai ‘to place’." This does not always mean that it's a pleasant experience.
  17. I've got one since September last year. It appeared after my MDMA + 3x 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough experience. Well, actually not directly afterwards but a week later when I got tonsillitis. But I guess it relates to the psychedelic experience. It's pretty loud about a 8/10. Even the nurse was surprised by the volume when I did a test. I tried relaxing homeopathic medication to calm the body + high doses of magnesium+ high doses of other supplements for the immune system (like zinc, harness, d3 and so on.) Didn't really work at all. I checked that there's nothing wrong with the ears and did a psychological test to examine if it has something to do with psychological stress or mental disturbances (it doesn't). Strategy for now: Acceptance. No judgement. Looking what Leo has to say about it.
  18. Lately I've been more curious about the question of 'What is Meditation' and 'How to practice it'. But the 'How' implies a method. So over the years I've kind of tried out and explored different things. Zazen, breath awareness, chanting Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh Mantras, Concentracion, Mindfulness, Yoga of different kinds, Contemplative Prayer, 'I am awareness', Self Inquiry| Enlightenment Intensives, Neti Neti, Tantra, Vipassana, other Buddhist Methods and so on and so on. During this journey, I lost touch with the understanding that meditation is a happening, a blossoming, whole within itself. It doesn't have a reason or a purpose. I forgot that. So I searched for something ... The 'Most effective / true / resonant' technique or 'practice' to get me to God-Realization / Oneness / Awakening / Enlightenment/ Self Understanding/ Peace / Bliss .... And whatever else "I" desire. So much Selfishness on the journey to Selflessness. Now after a Vipassana Retreat I realized again that you cannot "do" meditation. The Vipassana technique (as taught by Goenka) was related with so much "Doing/Work/ Effort". Completely besides the point of Meditation as I understand it. But now there is still the question: I want to live meditation. Create the atmosphere of body, mind and surrounding that meditation can blossom. With a path or a 'Practice' to go into depth with. The exploring of the wide range of perspectives and techniques is wonderful, and there are infinitely more to explore. And almost all claim that THEIR thing is THE thing. Still I feel a calling to dedicate myself to something , consistently to go more from breaths into depth. How to decide? I find it difficult to commit to only one single "practice" or tradition as many are so wonderul and many resonate. There might be value to deepen understanding and experience in one particular field (like zen, daoism, Shaiva tantrism, etc.) and really go deep with it. But there might also be value in continuing to develop my own understanding and my own 'practice' and walk my own path. Without accepting or commiting to what any authority or framework is saying. Cause that's what true Spirituality is. Deepening your own understanding of reality and developing an intimate connection with Life, Love and God. But then my mind comes in again and says : "But how to do it?" And the search for the end of seeking begins anew. But I also realized during my retreat: To enjoy the process of seeking the end of seeking is to find it.
  19. @Salvijus very interesting perspective and great visualization exercise. Thanks for sharing!! <3
  20. @r0ckyreed Great insight! But then, how to raise ones awareness of that happening? I might resonate more with doing a lot of nothing in the mountains then to work in a restaurant on the city. Both are Meditation. But my awareness or the atmosphere might be enhanced by creating a certain atmosphere (through surroundings, singing, movement etc).
  21. Many spiritual scriptures and mystics have tried to formulate their insights on exactly that topic. A good way to start getting some ideas would be to read some of their formulations and then contemplate them for yourself.
  22. Also great life purpose statement! I would recommend that you think about making that way more specific. That's gonna help you to speak to your ideal client more personally and it'll kickstart the marketing of you coaching practice.
  23. I would recommend you go and work really hard to afford iPEC. It's a really good program. No rush to buy a shitty program just because you don't have the patience to save up some money for a proper one. There's a high change that that's gonna backfire, then you bought a program for 2-4k which didn't have you what you looked.for and have to start from 0 to save up money for a proper program like iPEC. I'm doing iPEC at the moment and it really is a fantastic program and worth the money.