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Everything posted by Verg0

  1. @h inandout Thanks for your ideas! I guess I will have to try things out and find good mentors to learn from
  2. With the Life Purpose course I have learned very much about myself, my values and my strenghts. But where I lack clarity is in what skills do I want to invest in to give back to the world? How do I want to radiate Love? How am I gonna manifest my Love? The only things I am really passionate about at the moment are: Self-Understanding, Love, Psychedelics, Gratitude, being in Nature, Self-Actualization/ Personal Development and stuff that comes with that (Mediation, Reading, etc.) My top 5 strenghts are: 1. Honesty and Autheticity 2. Curiousity and interest in the world 3. Spirituality, Sense of purpose, faith and trust 4. Forgiveness and Mercy 5. Gratitude I just don´t know how I can utilize these strenghts to build a valuable skill that I can offer to the world. I am trying to build skills for my Life Purpose/career at the moment. I have a lot of time at the moment and am free to explore whatever I want to do with my life, because I have saved up some money and live with my parents. So how do I go best about this? How do I find a medium that I am passionate about? I want to express and communicate the Love I feel, the lightness, peace and positivity of life, the Truth of God and the power of using Psychedelics. I would love to work with psychedelics, but I don´t know where to begin when I want to create my own psychedelic retreat center where I educate people about and guide people through their own psychedelic experiences and help them integrate and embody their insights in their own life. (my ultimate vision) I thought about volunteering at an ayahuasca or psylocibin center to see if that work resonates but that´s not possible at the moment because the borders are closed (Covid-19). Any thoughts about that? How can I express myself authentically and eventually help people see the Goodness and Magnitude of God/Love? And how can I make money doing that?
  3. I use them simply because they are by far the most effective tool I discovered for Self-Actualization and Self-Transcendence
  4. @Espaim Thanks for your reply! Yeah, I think I will slow down a little bit, even if it affects me in a very different way than most people (well .. maybe that´s true for everybody ). It doesn´t mindfuck me too much yet, for now it is just pure beauty and magic. But I will still take it a bit slower, I feel that the vape is really not so good for my lungs.
  5. I have one true friend right now. It is kind of a blessing to have someone to connect with that is somewhat on the same page. I like to spend time with like minded people. What do I get out of the relationship? Fun, laughter, someone to experience adventures with, great conversations and a different perspective. I guess the question "Why do I need friends?" only you yourself can anwser. I think it´s different for everybody. You can build connections with people who are deeply connected to your heart, who you can trust and support and who you genuinely want to be happy or if it feels right for you to live in solitude at the moment (or for the rest of your life) then do that. Follow your heart.
  6. I decided to start building a brand or rather just showing presence and sharing my insights about Psychedelic use and Spirituality on YouTube or through a blog. The question that comes to my mind is: Should I do it in my native languange (german) or in english? On english it has more potential to reach more people in general On german it is certainly more niche (which could also be a good thing .. I guess) My pronunciation skills on english are not the best ... I understand everything (I even think on english most of the time) but it´s not so easy to formulate ideas in a sophisticated way I would like to practice my english skills anyway Maybe I want to offer coaching or something similar at some point in the future, but I am not sure if I am confident enough to do that in english I really like the english vocabulary, much easier to find some good descriptions on english (translated to german some words sound just really weird)
  7. I think I´ll go with English. Already have a German Channel with my mate
  8. I think there is no meaning to this. You give it meaning.
  9. Do you guys yawn a lot in your psychedelic experiences? I sometimes (but not always) yawn a lot on high dose mushroom experiences or low dose DMT trips. What´s up with that yawning, it kind of distracts me sometimes
  10. Awesome! I will slowly work my way up to the higher doses, highest I have done were 250ug. For me the thing with LSD is that it gets deeper and deeper after each trip and after gaining more understanding. How is your life never gonna be the same again? What will you do to integrate the experience?
  11. @Bazooka Jesus Haha nice! Thanks for your reply!
  12. @Leo Gura Thanks, looking forward to that! It already hints at it a little bit.
  13. Great work! Really apprechiate the effort you put into it as a video creator myself
  14. @Dolphin Thanks for sharing! Will try it for sure someday!
  15. Really interesting how some people get no visuals from DMT. I am also one of them. Most I got where some rotating patterns on my wall or in the clouds, but with my eyes closed I don´t see anything. Just that indescribable feeling.
  16. @Guru Fat Bastard @AlwaysBeNice Thanks for your replies! I won´t buy his course
  17. So today I visited a little free lecture by a meditation teacher in my area about transcendental meditation. It was great, because me and my friend were the only people there so it was quite a personal meeting. It was really nice to talk to him about all these different topics and he made the impression that he really knew what he was talking about. He is 73 years old and teaches transcendental meditation for 40 years now. He was personally trained by Maharishi Mahesh, was really present and talked a lot about transcendence of self, connection to source and a few different concepts. I don´t think he is that awake when it comes to God-conciousness or Love but I think that I can learn a lot from him. The problem is that his little course for learning transcendental meditation (4 days - 2 hours every day) is heavily overpriced: 590€! That is really a lot of money for me at the moment... I would really love to learn from and talk to some experienced meditatiors in my area (and they are really rare here), because I want to learn some specific techniques and not just dabble around alone. What do you guys think? Is that investment worth it or should I look for some other oppportunities? I have a lot of ideas and possibilities to invest my money into (more about that topic in another post). Is it wise to learn meditation from a teacher or can I do it for myself ( well I already did for 2 years now but I think there still is a lot of potential for growth)? What do you think about transcendental meditation in general?
  18. That is a really great idea! I would love to see that happen! But I think that the forum activity would drop significantly. I don´t know if that´s a good thing or not
  19. Great article! “No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.” "Tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live.” ~Alan Watts Or another way to say it: "No Self, No Problem!"
  20. Well, I've only got one true friend at the moment so there's no chance that half of my friends don't like me However I think there's some truth to this in the context of a larger social circle. I would call these people in my life "friends" , but there's no deep connection and therefore no deep, real friendship.
  21. @Mind of a beast You're welcome There are many ways and practices, you can explore what resonates most. Meditation, Mindfulness, Psychedelics, being in nature, doing retreats, journaling, Yoga, deep breathing, visualization, contemplation and self-inquiry are just a few examples. Learn how to get into Flow. Have an Awakening into the Nature of Love. Read and learn about self transcendence. Study your rolemodels. What have they done to write such phenomenal books? Find a mentor.
  22. @Tobias L Hey, that´s a great idea! Really resonates. I am in a very similiar position, I think we can really support each other through a connection like that I´ll send you a message with my phone number! ~ Philip
  23. @Mind of a beast Transcend yourself and work on raising your consciousness. Then write a book about your journey and what techniques you used to get there.
  24. @danilofaria I guess it depends on the individual. Many people who put zero effort into their connection with God will never truly feel anything, but there are some religious people who put a lot of effort into their spiritual growth and for them it is possible to glimpse God. But sadly many will only see and interpret it through their specific religious lense and be so biased and closeminded that they never get to a full awakening.