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About Verg0

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  • Birthday 08/13/2000

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  1. @Human Mint Here it is. I am quite happy with how it went. My first real public speaking experience wohoo!
  2. @Thought Art IPEC is great!
  3. Coaching is the easy part. The hard part is attracting people who want to be coached by you. How are people ever gonna find out about your website? Think about how you can provide value to the people who you want to serve. And start doing it. Online and Offline.
  4. @OBEler It was not with a shaman, and not Bufo. I was alone and planned to take a small dose. Small became medium and that became vaping more and more over an hour. Happens very fast. Yes, I did a heavy Breathwork session after which has definitely contributed to the aftereffect.
  5. @OBEler Exaggerating a little bit. I love 5-MeO. I see great potential in it`s use - even on a regular basis maybe. (Not fully clear on this myself). But I had a period recently where I vaped a bit more & did not fully come down for a week or two. Made it hard to do my work properly. The integration became my work. I just imagine that if you are not careful in your approach with this molecule it has the potential to lead you into a dysfuctional state (that might be spiritually helpful) - but that not everyone might be wishing for in their life at this very moment. Also it`s easy to get lost in the clouds with 5-MeO, forgetting the importance of grounding. Just a small signpost that this is a very very powerful toy that we`re playing with here.
  6. Careful with the 5-MeO-DMT. Don't underestimate it's power. Even in low doses there seems to be the potential for long term changes in consciousness through regular use. It's like playing with fire. Easy to burn yourself.
  7. For anyone interested, I decided to completely restructure the talk, leave out stuff that I assume might be too advanced for the audience & this is what it looks like now (roughly): Summary of My Presentation: "Psychedelics as a Spiritual Practice" For the past 9 years, I have dedicated my life to exploring the intersection of psychedelics and spirituality—and this talk is the culmination of my research, experience, and insights. In this presentation, I explore a fundamental question: Can psychedelics be a spiritual practice? If so, how? 🔹 What is Spirituality? There is no universally agreed definition, but we can approach it from different angles: 1️⃣ Spirituality as Deconditioning – Freeing oneself from conditioning and beliefs. 2️⃣ Spirituality as Mystical Union – Awakening to unity with existence. 3️⃣ Spirituality as Embodiment – Living wisdom, compassion, and virtue. 4️⃣ Spirituality as the Pursuit of Truth – Direct experience of reality. 🔹 What is a Spiritual Practice? A structured, intentional engagement with activities aimed at spiritual growth. Examples are endless, but can psychedelics be one of them? How Psychedelics Assist Spirituality in Three Key Ways 1️⃣ Psychedelics as Insight Catalysts 🔥 Psychedelics allow for a direct experience of expanded consciousness. They facilitate deep insights into self, reality, love, and existence. Scientific research shows that psychedelics reduce ego rigidity, open cognitive flexibility, and enable perspective shifts. Common realizations: ✅ "I am not my thoughts." ✅ "I am loved / whole / enough." ✅ "Everything is connected." ✅ "Life is a gift." 2️⃣ Psychedelics as a Gateway to Mystical Experience Psychedelics have the potential to induce profound mystical experiences: 🔹 Unity 🔹 Timelessness 🔹 Noetic insights 🔹 Infinite love Research suggests 50-80% of participants in the right set and setting experience peak mystical states. A glimpse of the Absolute. Not permanent enlightenment, but a transformative experience. 3️⃣ Psychedelics as Character Cultivators Beyond peak experiences, psychedelics can shape long-term traits and deepen personal growth: 1️⃣ Courage & Responsibility – Facing fear, commitment to truth. 2️⃣ Surrender & Letting Go – Trust, relaxation, acceptance. 3️⃣ Humility & Open-Mindedness – Psychedelics shatter certainty and teach the power of not knowing. 4️⃣ Compassion & Connection – Increasing empathy, love, and interconnectedness. Pitfalls of Psychedelics as a Spiritual Practice ⚠️ 1. Self-Deception & Certainty → The risk of false beliefs and spiritual ego inflation. ⚠️ 2. Spiritual Emergency → Deep, overwhelming realizations can lead to existential crises. ⚠️ 3. Ego Inflation & Bypassing → Seeking peak states instead of doing real, grounded inner work. 📌 Integration is Key. Psychedelics are powerful, but the real work happens in daily life—in how we embody wisdom, love, and presence. Final Reflection: The Deepest Spiritual Realization? 💡 “What if spirituality is not about gaining insights, reaching mystical states, or transformation? 💡 What if the deepest realization is that there is nothing to seek, nowhere to go, and nothing to attain?” For me, the answer became detached appreciation—loving and honoring every moment, every experience, every appearance—unconditionally. Psychedelics are not a means to an end. They are an end in themselves.
  8. @Jodistrict Thanks. I don't really resonate with what most spiritual teachers say about psychedelics. Their understanding feels very incomplete to me. But maybe I am the one that is decieved. But maybe not. Who knows.
  9. @Davino @Davino Beautiful bro. I have had the same insight. Thanks for sharing. The opportunity came because of a nice little connection. I met this woman at a psychedelic conference event last year and we chatted for about 5 minutes, exhanged Instagram and danced a bit at the afterparty. She followed my content, became interested in coaching & I gave her a free session. She followed my content even more and recenty we chatted again about her joining my paid community. That`s when she said that she is part of the King`s College Psychedelic Society and asked if I might be interested at presenting there. It shows again that connection is everything. Networking, making friends & helping them is one of the most powerful activities for actualizing one's life purpose. Everything comes from connection to other people.
  10. The contemplation of "What are Psychedelics?" alone has induced deep insight and awakening experiences for me over the past 9 years. It`s a beautiful question to take on. Don't assume that you reached the end of this inquiry. Ananandamayi Ma
  11. @Davino Great pointer. I guess my attachment to detachment comes maily from the resonance with Bodhidharma. I'll take your words into my heart and see what emerges.
  12. @Davino Love that! Thats`s a great foundation that makes total sense.
  13. @OBEler Thanks mate! I don't think poeple at the psychedelic reserach symposium confuse psychedelics with cocaine, but you never know. Sometimes I am shocked by the level of peoples understanding haha
  14. @Rising Spirit Love that! I really want to be as clear and concise as possible as I am well aware of the difficulty for some to comprehend nonduality. A "provocative invitation" -I love that, anything more than that seems almost impossible for a little 45 minute talk.