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Everything posted by Endew
Have done literally 100s of slef help courses. I narrowed it down to the 4 most helpful. Should I do 1,2,3 and 4 over and over again. One at a time? Or one during the day. The second in the morning. The 3rd at Night and the 4th most helpful one on the weekends?
@Jacob Morres Personal Development
I have 3 mentors; Let's call them good, better,best ( yes Leo is one of them). Should I start with the strongest or finish with the strongest?
In my opinion there the same thing, however visualization you have a goal in mind.
This will change your life http://www.askrosebudd.com/#!store/ccjp
Leo's Life Purpose Course John's Confidence Course Gil's Self-Esteem Course The problem is I invested alot of money into three choices. I can't decide which sequence to view them. I tryed all three at the sametime but it was overwhelming. Where would you start Life Purpose, Self Esteem or Confidence.
I was very sheltered growing up. I'm 27 living with my parents who are narcissistic/toxic. For the past week I haven't left my house. I have no money(had 10 dollars which my mother stole). No work experience. No clean clothes. No friends. I contemplate innerwork all day keeps me from worrying about eating. What would you do in my situation? I'm positive minded and can see the humor in the situation. I can only go up from here.
@charlie2dogs The most effective way is to drop all the self- actualizing and get my sh*t together, Then think about innerwork later?
If i were you i would focus on life purpose and mediation. And wait until I'm 18 or 17 to get into the rest of the stuff.
I've read plenty of financial books. My top 5 is The science of getting rich Wallace Wattles The richest man in Babylon George Clausen Secrets of the millionare mindT. Harv Eker The millionare fastland MJ MeMarco Wealth without risk Charles Givens Bonus: How i found freedom in an unfree world Harry Browne ( best self-actualized book i ever read and includes financial information.)
How does one go about becoming best friends with themselves?
What are the benefits of enlightenment work. For those who don't wish to reach enlightenment?
Gil Magno
@Grasshopper what's the diffrence. Are they not the something?
Naturalfreedom.info- It's a redpill dating site. Zenhabits.com- good for enlightenment and just overall inner peace.
Thank you. I would call that socializing like a normal human being. Let's hope others see this before they start "cold approaching ".
No.I wasted years of my life trying to cold approach. This helped me- "Cold Approach Mastery Is UNPROFITABLE Your life will pass you by if you spend your life TRYING to gain "cold approach mastery"... You will be 3YRs in and have absolutely NOTHING to show for it besides a few epic stories. You will also find it TIME CONSUMING just to even get abit of consistency. The most consistent community guy I know was an ex-rsd-intern for nathan! In maybe, 2 weeks he banged 12 different girls BUT he rarely slept or did anything else due to working, working out and going out to meet chicks. Keep in mind, he isn't the most consistent guy I know nor is my other friend I met throught then community who probably banged 100 women during the daytime SAMEDAY. Its only when I went venturing in an unexplored area where naturals and "chodes" ventured in abundance. When I say "chode" I mean, male model looking guys, wealthy men and famous men who get LITTLE TO NO GIRLS WHATSOEVER. I have personally seen a text from a football QB who cursed out one of my gals via text cause instead of hanging with him she was club hoppin with ME. However, this scene expanded my awareness... They say based on your environment you adapt, well dozens of men in this scene (both "high end" and "edgy hipsters") lived a life that almost seemed unrealistic in the normal sense. While some were better than others in terms of mindset and way of being THEY ALL on some level lived a lifestyle that had women as the "background noise". They were in their lives but didn't play a significant part in the grand scheme of things." -Distant Light
I'm doing this now meditation, self-inquire, psychology books, visualization, nlp ,subconscious work, innerwork and dating myself.
Welcome aboard
I go out to parties and strib clubs pretty often and I almost always find myself sitting with a group of people who are doing all kinds of drugs and getting high but I feel so uncomfortable. It all started when i started working as a club bouncer. At the job i be groping the girl's aswell as getting into alot of fights. and I can just feel myself giving out bad vibes. I just feel like I have negative energy and everyone else can tell too. Everywhere i go people are intimated by me especially when i make eye contact, even kids. Dog's bark at me. I also loss my day job. The day before my boss even told me customers can feel the negative energy in the store. Idk I just don't want to make other people uncomfortable but I do try to give out positive vibes but people just get creeped out.
Which should i start first? Or Which would you start first?
@Jay Brown That's exactly what I'm doing now. I plan to start the course after.
@ALGUIMAR Thanks this makes perfect sense.