Yeah, it can be a bit of a crisis in the beginning, but as you begin to unwrap more and more of the Truth you'll see the benefit. You'll thank God every single day for your life and for the power to create what you ACTUALLY want. Living consciously brings great levels of peace and deep satisfaction with life.
You will have a beautiful life for yourself and it will be even more beautiful than you can imagine right now. The spiritual path isn't all about deprivation. It's about creation and that means creating your life from the dreams and inspirations that God (yourself) has put into you. This is the greatest adult playground! It's like finding out that magic is real and that you're the one holding the wand! You can become whomever you want to be! Everything is achievable!
You become deeply loving of yourself, of others, of all of creation! You begin to appreciate everything, even the stuff that seems questionable right now. You start to see how everything happens for a reason and that every person who enters your life is part of your purpose! It's like those kids books that pop up when you open them and then you can keep unfolding it more and more, and open the little doors, and peek behind the curtains and new things just keep popping up to dazzle you all the time! You see life as an incredible adventure waiting to be navigated by you, it's Creator!
If that means a big house and a 10/10 partner, then that's the life God has for you! LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! You're learning the whole time so if something doesn't work for you, no sweat, create something better from that. It's about creating your reality into Heaven on Earth!
Don't despair! It's a beautiful gift to begin at 20!