Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Wow I hope this collab happens . Leo and Ralston babbling about consciousness and awakening for 5 hours 😂's gonna be priceless. But truth be told Ralston will "win". Ralston is so precise in his work and more "accurate" than Leo. Leo is great of course a fucking genius but he sometimes jumps to conclusions or rush to false ones which then forces him to contradict himself like what happened with solipsism vs infinity of gods thing.
  2. There is literally no answer to this question. A hundred Leos with a thousand AIs cannot answer. Nobody knows. Nobody in the entire world knows why what's happening right now is happening. Or what it is . Have a nice day .
  3. If you read any holy book like the bible or upanishad or quran etc you will surely find ridiculous myths which reflect the primitive scientific understanding at the time of these books being written (thousands of years ago). Like that the earth is flat or that human beings came from Adam and Eve or that the earth is the center of the universe and the sun and other planets orbit around the earth instead of the other way around etc. Now we know by now scientifically that this is not the case. And any religious person can read about the contradictions between modern science and their religion. Yet still the majority of people all around the globe do subscribe to various religions like Christianity..Islam..Buddhism..Sikhism etc Now don’t get me wrong..I still think that science should be challenged.. that’s what science is all about..challenging theories with other concrete ideas to form another theory or possibly a fact. But if religion has no place what so ever in challenging scientific theories and ideas..then why does religion exist today ? And why do we need religion? Why we can't rely on science to answer the big existential questions? I recently been into islam a lot and i find semblance of peace whenever i practice Islamic practices. If religion was created because humans are inherently afraid of the We didn’t know where the sun came from and what the stars were so we came up with the most convenient answer: God. God created the sun and stars...along with humans. This answered all of our questions..but now we have science and technology that can answer these questions and when it comes to answering questions.. religion should be our very very last resort..because we now know definitively that religious cosmology and biology is wrong. I still believe that religion can be used as a moral backbone for people or as a meaning to life . I read that religious people are more happy than secular atheistic people. 2 questions: 1-can we live without religion? Can we find existential comfort without ideas like afterlife ..heaven ..God is keeping a close eyes on us and will help us ? 2-can science and religion coexist for centuries to come or will science completely kill religion and its only a matter of time before all religions die out ? Thanks !.
  4. Great question 🙋. I would say there are no "shoulds or should nots". If "should " live spontaneously. Think when you feel like thinking silent when you feel like being silent . It's like anything else in life .. You do not ask when should I eat and when I should sleep on an empty stomach..right? You just do whatever is more appropriate in the moment to do . These days I literally sleep as much as I want..or skip classes in college..hang out on this forum ..playing GTA on my PlayStation 5..eating sometimes healthy greens ...eating sometimes crappy McDonald's etc no premeditated activities. Just do whatever you feel like doing. At first you might think this is going to screw your life ..but if you read me the right way it is going to lead you to your authentic most resonating lifestyle.
  5. @James123 and guess who Allah is ?
  6. Yep. Nope. "And he presents for Us an example and forgets his own creation. He says, “Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?” Say, “He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.” -Qur’an. you're immortal baby . Enjoy your eternal vacation on this existence.
  7. Absolutely true . But i think balance is key... I think it depends on what are your "needs" in your life at the moment are. Like if your life is surrounded by noisy toxic people that you are forced to deal with then your life will also be hell .and in this case your needs are to spend some quality time alone or to smoke cannabis . And if you are lonely and have zero social life for a long period of time you start fantasizing about raping people and your mind goes crazy ..the cure is socializing .yin and yang. Balanced.
  8. Sorry what's the point you're making ? I didn't understand.
  9. And why should I disprove religion without appealing to science? I can tell you try to disprove Santa Claus without using empiricism (basically scientific method ). You are using the scientific method in your daily life whether you like it or not. It's like asking what time it is now without looking at the clock . My main questions once again ..People are religious in this era because of one reason ..and that reason is that religion gives you a set or a bedrock of existential beliefs to comfort your existential questions and anxiety. But expect without evidence. Science tries to discover from scratch. And science contradicts religion. Therefore the situation is we have to choose between mythical answers which have no proof or uncompleted answers in the meantime .
  10. Sure . Religion also have bad side effects. Haven't you heard of Islamic terrorism? Every single Christmas we hear about some Muslim terrorist blowing himself and killing a bunch of people In Europe ..and we've got stuff like ISIS and Al-Qaida etc . And don't tell me these things have nothing to do with Islam because its literally written in quran to fight the unbelievers. So..heroin can kill people and it feels good . Islam can kill people and it also feel good to pray or recite Qur’an etc. So what's the deal here ? Just because something makes me happy doesn't mean it's good from all possible angles ..perspectives..or point of view .
  11. Perception is direct experience via the senses . Meaning is a concept that is relative . Because you are basically asking what is the meaning of meaning ? And of course this will create a circularity problem. In the absolute sense meaning is meaningless or projected into the world. But I'm at lost as to where does this endless nitpicking and questioning every single assumption (which are just baked into language) is going to lead ? Yes I agree that the absolute is like a blank canvas and whats drawn are relative but then you said the absolute and the relative are identical In the ultimate analysis because reality is ultimately one whole and indivisible. So does this connect to op? Yes a tree doesn't mean anything and all that. Once again you are being an epistemological nihilist . Deconstructing every notion as an uninherent assumption...yet ironically talking about direct knowing which you didn't define yet .
  12. @Atb210201 Heroin also makes people
  13. That's a good observation.
  14. It makes me happy .
  15. So you are an epistemological nihilist? You believe knowledge is impossible? There is nothing but experience and perception .well if you mean direct awareness by them then we are talking about the same thing . Direct sensory experience + intellect are the only tools available. How can we attain knowledge "beyond " them ? Please give me definitions of what absolute is and what relative is . Nihilism once again .existential Nihilism specifically. It's irrelevant if other people have arrived at answers . Because everyone discovered a different answer. The scientific materialistic worldview varies from karmic Buddhist worldview and varies from Christian creationistic worldview etc.
  16. Im experiencing lots of synchronicities and Deja Vue recently. I ain't no fool ...these things are not coincidence . If you are not familiar with such experiences its when something happens that seems symbolically or literally related to something else In a way that feels beyond a coincidence. it could be that you see the same numbers three times in one day. or you are thinking of someone and bam they call you at that very moment even though you haven't spoken in months. or it could be seeing something from a dream in "reality".etc basically it's anytime something happened that seems meaningfully related and beyound accidental chance. And these are not random .you'd be a total idiot if you believe they are coincidence. They are god blinking her beautiful eyes to you . Another angle..Have you noticed that if you listen to a source of information for a long period of time you literally become a copycat of that source of information? This happens a lot on this forum ..everyone are parroting mister Leo Gura .That's also the reason why people follow religious beliefs and ideologies. Because they get brainwashed (this term is elegant) since their childhood that Jesus is god or that Allah created the universe and they hear this repeatedly until the point it becomes literally what is real for them . But objectively there is no one fixed universal truth . Truth is simply whatever you want it to be . Of course this doesn't mean if you believe in the flying spaghetti monster 👾 that he will become real in the objective world ..but he will become real in your subjective world. I've jumped between lots of worldviews in the last 5 years and they all are equally true .they all seemed undoubtedly true at the time I believed them .examples are solipsism..realisim..Islamic mysticism..nihilism etc. So be careful what you believe or think is true .because your mind creates reality .if you believe bad things ..they will come true.
  17. Lol those comments are hilarious. The story of everything: once upon a time there was nothing. And the nothing had an idea💡 . And it decided to endlessly flower into infinity .so it went back in time ..had sex with itself..and gave birth to itself. Beginningless..endless. "I gave birth to myself. I came out of my own vagina" -Leo.
  18. It can't be explained..gotten ..grasped ..understood ..derived..deduced or anything else . It hits you in a fraction of a second . You already know what is the Truth. Go look into your face in the mirror at 3 AM until something happens. And once it happens you will understand that nobody gets it.
  19. @UnbornTao this gets us inevitably to epistemology . Your answers are always about how to answer without actually answering. 😅 So let me know what epistemological system you adhere to either gravitate to subjectivism where you believe that everyone should have their own answers to the metaphysical questions or nihilism where they believe that there's no answer or meaning to all of this. most ordinary and uneducated people have given up on the hard questions of life. But I don't. That's why I make tons of threads wondering about existence. People don't get the profundity of the mystery of existence. Look at your fucking hands fucking EXIST!🤣 Do you think we will one day get the true answers to the metaphysical questions? But more importantly..There's two ways of thinking about this. The first similar the kind of subjectivism wherein there is no intrinsic meaning to anything and our understandings of our world are ultimately different interpretations. The second is that there is a capital-T truth out there lying in wait ready for someone to come along to discover it. Which view do you subscribe to we might say ?
  20. Have you watched Leo's episode about distinguishing lower vs higher perspectives? Science is definitely higher perspective than religion. They cannot be put side to side . There is no competition whatsoever. Science relies on evidence and objective facts ..whereas religion relies merely on faith and belief without a hair of evidence. There is no evidence that someone like Jesus or Muhammad even existed . And what's worse isn't just that there is no evidence for religious beliefs..but that there is evidence that religions are false as I said in OP about the contradictions between modern science and what you find inside the sacred texts of these religions. You are interested in Islam right ? Me too .go open up the quran talks about how the sun sets in a hot pool or a gap in the max west..which also indicates that the author of quran believed that the earth was flat and its the center of the universe and other celestial objects are orbiting around it . My point is religion based on faith plus it contradicts science..whereas science relies on factual empirical evidence. How can you lean towards religion? Please help me understand. I also want to be religious but I'm struggling with making connections between science and religion. 1) what I mean by "existential comfort " is an ultimate final absolute answers to the big questions that you cannot sleep soundly without . Like who we are ?why are we here in this existence? What will happen when we die ?etc Religion does offer an answer to these questions. Science haven't yet . Science stops on the big bang .before that they have no clue. Whereas religion does give answers. For example the religion I'm interested in which is Islam says that God is eternal and he always existed ..he is uncreated..he created everything and everyone..we are here in a test for who will be a good human being and who will be a bad human being ..and based on your deeds in this world you will be judged after you die and either go to eternal heaven or eternal hell. But what is the evidence for that? ZERO. So does not have an answer yet . And religion has an unjustified answer without evidence. You see the problem? 2) sure I agree . Religion discourages thinking and discovering while encouraging dogmas and blind faith. And that means science is higher perspective epistemologically than religion. So should we throw all these religions into the trash ? Is there any good these religions can do instead of giving existential comfort (which as I explained, science doesn't give )?
  21. I also want a free high quality AI picture generator. All I've encountered on appstore so far are either premium (paid ) or low quality. If anyone knows or uses one please post a link here . Thanks .
  22. Hi . I'm looking for two apps for android mobile . 1-I want the best free AI image generator app . The one that you input a text in it and it turns it into an artistic mesmerising image . 2-also I want the best online website for converting YouTube videos into mp4 or mp3 files . I watch a lot of interesting videos on YouTube and I want to save them to watch / listen to them while taking a walk offline . Thanks in advance !