Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Well I'm bisexual. I do feel romantic and sexual attraction to both genders. And to shemales as well (yah porn has messed up my mind ?). But I honestly don't feel a "need " or a desperation to be in a relationship with attractive women . I mean it would be nice and all. But I'm not like a horny dog dying and crying like a fucking incel desperate for getting sex . Remember..women NEED a husband. Because they need someone to take off the responsibilities and the burdens of life off their shoulders. That's the difference. Does that make sense ?
  2. The mindfuck of this thing is that life is BOTH real and illusory simultaneously. Like a dream .
  3. Haha nice one . I'm saying you should remove should/shouldn't from your vocabulary. so it's like the Buddhist concept of denying all desires except for the desire to drop desires.
  4. Well I do . I have zero active social life at the moment. I even broke up with my GF. But Fuck that bitch I don't care lol ? Yes I am spending a ridiculous amount of time on this forum blabbering about metaphysical's out of boredom ..out of seeking approval from imaginary Internet people..or just to kill some free time . But ALSO I do genuinely like to share my thoughts with the world. I've always dreamt of being a well known philosopher who writes books and such..but that dream is slowly slipping away as the years pass I dunno what to do . That's also part of why I post these . Thanks ?
  5. That's right. For me personally..I believe how everyone else sees me is a true representation of who I really am as I am shy and awkward. I don't think many people know me and understand me. I feel I am unlikeable..hard to connect with and strange when I meet new people. I feel I am funny..thoughtful and loving to my family. I don't have any friends because I think I'm hard to like. So who am I to tell who you are if I don't even know myself ? But everything is similar..the quick response was one of "her " styles. Anyways lol ...So after all that babbling, the answer is.. I don't really know lol sorry. So do you have anything to add to OP?
  6. @Sidra khan I Know EXACTLY who you are ,Nerd
  7. @Sidra khan thank for the thumbs up ? You are a smart lady you have anything to add?
  8. Disclaimer: likely to cause existential crisis .watch on your own risk .
  9. I think a lot of people have the wrong perspective on God and assume that He is egotistical and prideful thus quick to send someone to hell if they screw up. Not so! That’s the characteristics of Satan. God is very loving and longs for each of us to come to Him regardless of our poor choices. The problem is with us though. You see..sins or being a bad little boy cannot be permitted into heaven. All it takes is asking for forgiveness and changing our behavior so that we are compliant with the laws of heaven. Muslim scholars have debated whether hell is eternal or not .but the Quran clearly says it is . So for me personally it's a matter of whether I should trust logic or god . Idk really ? Great quote ?
  10. Yeah you didn't claim you are awake . But the "vibe" I got from your comment is that you are so above and beyond existential fears.. like its child play for you . And that's just not true . Every sane human being knows that he is gonna die someday. And is afraid of death itself and what comes after death . Hell being one possibility. Just go to your kitchen and touch a hot stove ..and see the excruciating pain .now what if we take that pain and multiply it by infinity? You seriously gonna claim that you are not afraid of this possibility? Although I think people who use the threat of Hell to try to get people to be believers are major reason why people either tune out those trying to get them interested in the faith. You will never see or hear of me making such an argument..and I don’t associate with people who do. But I do say that I'm a Muslim and in Islam hell is real .so I don't know what to say to you .
  11. How so? My experience right now is not heavenly or hellish. Its somewhere in the middle . Don't lie .it must've caused you some percentage of fear . Even if you claim to be so awake . that's why you feel fear horror movies ..even though you know its a movie .
  12. @Bazooka Jesus OK I promised you that I will give it a listen and I will. But why do you think that hell is a superstition? If consciousness is infinite .. Doesn’t that mean it can manifest literally anything? If you say hell is impossible for god then you are stripping God of its omnipotence.
  13. Go in nature..the sky..the sea ..the sun ..the breeze..the animals etc Connect with the beauty of existence.
  14. @GLORY do you have past experience with Islam? Are you an ex-Muslim?
  15. Thanks man. I appreciate you . There is truth to what you are saying . But you have to understand that I contemplate reality almost 24/7 trying to crack the nut of existence. So I'm well aware of adopting beliefs or dogmas. But you have to understand that if I have sufficient evidence that Islam is true then its not dogma anymore but sincerely direct experience.
  16. @Understander each religion has exoteric sects. In Islam its called Sufism. There is plenty to learn from that. But you must dive deep into the teachings and not stay or get lost in the shallow details . But I'm not a fool ..I'm well aware of the pitfalls of Islam. So I'm still open minded that Islam might be a crocket of BS.
  17. Yes . if islam is true of course. If Islam is true and you are a believer you will have your salvation ticket from hell . And shall reside in eternal paradise I don't know what do you mean by that .
  18. know that I want to become a muslim..and Islam emphasises a lot that you gonna burn in hell forever if you are not a believer. So it kinda puts things into perspective. Existence is not a joke .its dead serious. You must make sure that if such hell realms exist you don't end up in one of them . Although @Leo Gura will say that hell exists if you imagine it exists. Because you are imagining reality. Dunno
  19. That's a nice defence mechanism. You don't want to admit that you are scared shitless of such horrific scenes.
  20. No matter how much I try to accept my own mortality.. I can't. Even if death is a portal to a different dimension...I'm still finding inside of me tons of fear from the smell of death . Let alone actually dying .its gonna be painful isn't it.? Leo says death doesn't happen but I'm honestly not sure I understand the depth of this statement . I'm indeed imagining death but know..that is not enough evidence . death is the ultimate fear of the finite mind. I know that awakening is the solution.. there's no another way around it. The kicker is of course.. You have not the first clue what's going to happen after death.. The body seems to die. What goes on after that?.?? Nobody knows. it depends of course on how does one die. Suffocating to death doesn't sound like a pleasant experience. Although you can die without any melodrama (like dying while sleeping). But the moment of death..that one final moment is when the levels of fear reach infinity. This moment is what I'm terrified from to an unimaginable degree . Appreciate any thoughts or perspectives on the subject.?
  21. There is a difference between suffering and pain . Pain is physical. Suffering is psychological. Pain can never be transcended. Suffering can. How ? Mostly awakening is the only way .no other way around it . You have to realize that God's love is the ultimate metric in existence. So love will inevitably win .
  22. One day I'm awake ..another day I'm wondering about useless stupid stuff..the next day i want to become a muslim etc Who knows what comes next ?lol But I didn't feel any bad pressure from any member here . Including Leo. Oh dear ..he puts up a lot with my BS ?. If I try to relate to what someone said.. it often cuts them off awkwardly and nobody gives that big.. "OH YEAH" reaction that others get. I think it's because my sentence doesn't have any structure and I kind of just say it all at once with no real build up or climax. Anyways I know I'm the most confusing person in this forum ..but stay with me guys ..inshaallah I will be more one pointed and one directionally oriented in the future..
  23. By that logic you are basically saying there Is no actuality to ANYTHING. You might as well deny the entire existence of reality lol. I appear to exist inside a three dimensional space.. the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look! It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!! Everything is running away.. Quickly.. Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance. Impermanence is such a mindfuck. Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird isn't it?
  24. Yes I'm imagining death right now .it has no actuality in the present moment. I understand that . But does that mean the future is complete fantasy and imagination? Because if the future is real then your point can't hold water .so you must deny the existence of time if you want to deny the existence of death. But time seems real .the clock is ticking. The sun is shining and setting everyday. I seem to age and get older ...what happens next ? Do you really think that you gonna live in Osaid's avatar for ... for-fucking-ever ?