Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @GLORY do you have past experience with Islam? Are you an ex-Muslim?
  2. Thanks man. I appreciate you . There is truth to what you are saying . But you have to understand that I contemplate reality almost 24/7 trying to crack the nut of existence. So I'm well aware of adopting beliefs or dogmas. But you have to understand that if I have sufficient evidence that Islam is true then its not dogma anymore but sincerely direct experience.
  3. @Understander each religion has exoteric sects. In Islam its called Sufism. There is plenty to learn from that. But you must dive deep into the teachings and not stay or get lost in the shallow details . But I'm not a fool ..I'm well aware of the pitfalls of Islam. So I'm still open minded that Islam might be a crocket of BS.
  4. Yes . if islam is true of course. If Islam is true and you are a believer you will have your salvation ticket from hell . And shall reside in eternal paradise I don't know what do you mean by that .
  5. know that I want to become a muslim..and Islam emphasises a lot that you gonna burn in hell forever if you are not a believer. So it kinda puts things into perspective. Existence is not a joke .its dead serious. You must make sure that if such hell realms exist you don't end up in one of them . Although @Leo Gura will say that hell exists if you imagine it exists. Because you are imagining reality. Dunno
  6. That's a nice defence mechanism. You don't want to admit that you are scared shitless of such horrific scenes.
  7. No matter how much I try to accept my own mortality.. I can't. Even if death is a portal to a different dimension...I'm still finding inside of me tons of fear from the smell of death . Let alone actually dying .its gonna be painful isn't it.? Leo says death doesn't happen but I'm honestly not sure I understand the depth of this statement . I'm indeed imagining death but know..that is not enough evidence . death is the ultimate fear of the finite mind. I know that awakening is the solution.. there's no another way around it. The kicker is of course.. You have not the first clue what's going to happen after death.. The body seems to die. What goes on after that?.?? Nobody knows. it depends of course on how does one die. Suffocating to death doesn't sound like a pleasant experience. Although you can die without any melodrama (like dying while sleeping). But the moment of death..that one final moment is when the levels of fear reach infinity. This moment is what I'm terrified from to an unimaginable degree . Appreciate any thoughts or perspectives on the subject.?
  8. There is a difference between suffering and pain . Pain is physical. Suffering is psychological. Pain can never be transcended. Suffering can. How ? Mostly awakening is the only way .no other way around it . You have to realize that God's love is the ultimate metric in existence. So love will inevitably win .
  9. One day I'm awake ..another day I'm wondering about useless stupid stuff..the next day i want to become a muslim etc Who knows what comes next ?lol But I didn't feel any bad pressure from any member here . Including Leo. Oh dear ..he puts up a lot with my BS ?. If I try to relate to what someone said.. it often cuts them off awkwardly and nobody gives that big.. "OH YEAH" reaction that others get. I think it's because my sentence doesn't have any structure and I kind of just say it all at once with no real build up or climax. Anyways I know I'm the most confusing person in this forum ..but stay with me guys ..inshaallah I will be more one pointed and one directionally oriented in the future..
  10. By that logic you are basically saying there Is no actuality to ANYTHING. You might as well deny the entire existence of reality lol. I appear to exist inside a three dimensional space.. the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look! It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!! Everything is running away.. Quickly.. Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance. Impermanence is such a mindfuck. Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird isn't it?
  11. Yes I'm imagining death right now .it has no actuality in the present moment. I understand that . But does that mean the future is complete fantasy and imagination? Because if the future is real then your point can't hold water .so you must deny the existence of time if you want to deny the existence of death. But time seems real .the clock is ticking. The sun is shining and setting everyday. I seem to age and get older ...what happens next ? Do you really think that you gonna live in Osaid's avatar for ... for-fucking-ever ?
  12. I personally think the closest guess is there’s nothing after death..but not nothing in the way we think about it. Nothing, as we know it is the absence of something..but because our brains will be dead we won’t have a concept of nothing or something. You Basically saying death doesn’t really exist for the dead because death is only a concept people alive can experience. So death is not something we truly experience first hand.. which means there aren’t ways to describe it..because it’s not an experience you can actually go through. It’s a state of being something,. Am I understanding you correctly?
  13. Thanks but" Mental flexibility "is something and pure contradiction is another thing . I contradict myself on a daily basis on this forum . Some members are mislead by my nonsense . I really need a few months break from this form to cool out /chill out .no need to post every other day delirium stuff.
  14. Well part of how I interpret whats happening with me is that there is no CEO in my mind that does stuff . Doership is an illusion. So I'm not the same person everyday . Also ..I really struggle with Knowing things but not being able to regurgitate it in a concise way makes having convos with people so hard. it impacts my self esteem a lot because i often feel dumb. then i end up getting social anxiety because of it and yeah it's just shitty. Yup. Sometimes I just need to shut the fuck up . Silence is golden.i tend to over talk at times and then get lost in the story.i don’t have to be in on every conversation
  15. So now the son and the father and the Holy spirit are parts of God? God is singular. It cannot be partitioned . Christianity says : 1-God is three persons. 2-Each person is fully God. 3-There is one God. Not sure how exactly would you square this circle . OK thanks ?. I will listen to it .
  16. What is it in a nutshell? As far as I'm concerned..God is only ONE because its Infinite. You can't have two or three infinities . We learned that at school ,right? Infinity +Infinity +Infinity =Infinity.
  17. I already don't drink .I'm a smoker ..not alcoholic. I can easily marry my gf and have Halal sex all I want.
  18. His signature is funny . ? don't ask me how did I understand it's basically a twist of the Islamic shahda .instead of "and Mohammed is his messenger ".he replaced it with "Leo". I find it cute . @Husseinisdoingfine I understand that Islam and ideology..not all ideologies are false just because they are ideologies. And like I said and I repeat again ..I'm still learning the basics of this religion. It might take me months to finally make up my mind whether I convert or not .
  19. @HelluvaGuy go on YouTube..type "beautiful quran recitation ". Give it a listen in the original language..and then you will understand.
  20. I don't understand what you're saying mostly because you use Arabic language I don't understand Arabic. Would you replace these words with their English translation?
  21. no. It is simply illogical because Islam says one thing: “There is one God and Muhammad is his messenger”.. and every other religion contradicts that statement. For example: Hinduism: Many different avatars and gods and their idols are worshipped which goes against Islam’s teaching of One God and no idol-worshipping. Christianity: They believe Jesus is the son of God. In Islam.. God does not have any sons or parents. Only complete monotheism. Buddhism: They reject the Day of Judgement...and instead believe in a cycle of rebirth. So.. as you can see all other religions are incompatible with Islam. You just cannot logically believe them to be equal because all of them contradict each other. Asking a Muslim to regard all religions as equal is like asking an astronomer to regard the heliocentric and geocentric models of the universe equally. It is simply illogical because they are mutually exclusive regardless of what anyone wants to think.
  22. I'm aware of that . This is a predicament not exclusively for Islam. All religions suffer from this .
  23. Nope . I simply read the quran and learned about Islam and compared it with other religions .