Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @BojackHorseman what is the most thing you love in life ?
  2. I understand your point. What I'm trying to convey is that Truth kills the ego figuratively not literally. You as a human continue to exist . Your sense of self will not be 100% eliminated. Otherwise you would literally die in this case . So enlightenment is not nessacarly getting rid of the ego (you can't get of it )..but just seeing through it . So everyone would be acting from ego ..except you .
  3. I agree.and that's exactly my point. And that's exactly my point . So the ugly stuff ..the bad guys ..the rape ..the murder ..the mass shooting etc all of that is GOD'S GOODNESS. So when you say something like "truth will kill you "..I have to disagree...because truth is lack of bias .completely indiscriminate so it can't judge anything and label it as bad or evil .
  4. Nice ! Answer me this question please: If i as god when I was in God mode (before creating anything)which I don't remember I planned awful things for fhis character Someone here. But its ONLY bad for the EGO. That's why in all spiritual work the objective is to get rid of the ego .In god mode there is no bias so anything goes. If I truly had the same perspective I have now in god mode I would manifest a world of perfect harmony.. no conflict and maximize fun and having good time. But I didn't. I created a world of both pain and pleasure. Why? Because its more fun .like playing a video game .you want to it to be challenging for it to be interesting. Right ? True ?
  5. Noooo. You even as an ego literally cannot experience anything ugly if you really and I mean REALLY realized that reality =unconditional love . You could be dipped in lava or going insane and you would still keep your cool. You need actual awakening to actual unconditional love . Are you conscious that existence=unconditional love ? Because to me that Is the bedrock of all the facets of awakening. All else is nonesense.
  6. What if sex kills you and truth makes you feel good? Something I don't see being emphasised here is that truth is goodness and's not something to be terrified from . I mean that's why Holykael was banned right ?
  7. Of course. All bad habits should be eliminated like alcohol..smoking..too much sugar ..masturbation etc
  8. I used to seek a hot "10" blonde girl to fuck her brains out ..not anymore. Nowadays I only seek what keeps my survival and nothing more . So food ..water ..sleep ..shelter etc. And that's it. And it feels peaceful. Less is more .
  9. Agreed ?. @Princess Arabia why is a hot girl hot? What's hot about a hot girl and not hot about a not hot girl?
  10. @oldhandle yes watching too much porn can make your brain desensitised.
  11. I choose sex as the main subject of this journal because I fucking love women, love orgasms, love licking women and being sucked by women. Sex is good and right. What's not to love. Pussies need fucking. Somebody's gotta do it! Although I'm deprived from it .all my relationships with it come from porn and masturbation. So I will be discussing that too .soon enough, I guess.
  12. Girls are confused. In one of my cold approaches I walked up to a girl and asked her about her name ..her first reaction was smiling at me ..and I immediately took that as a good signal. But then she kept denying me from knowing her name..saying that "why should I tell my name to a stranger? ". And I told her because I find you attractive and I want to get to know you . Then she told me her name and we even exchanged phone numbers . Then she disappeared. Didn't answer to me texting her .etc and that's what always happen when I talk to an attractive girl. These kind of girls are so innocent and inexperienced that they feel shy and disturbed if a guy hits on her .
  13. @itsadistraction yes . Practice makes perfect. As Leo mentioned in his getting laid series that you should do triple digits number of cold approaches in the last year to increase your chances . If you approach 100 girls every month ..chances are you will get lucky at least once or twice . But I have a didn't address what I call "the introverted syndrome ". Most guys these days are emasculated. They are immature slob boys ..they play video games 24/7 and never leave the house and get their hands dirty or interact with the outer world they are too shy to talk to anyone or begin the practice.
  14. I don't understand why black guys in porn have a long dick (what's referred to as BBC). Acronym for big black cock
  15. I consider myself at stage orange on the spiral. I'm pretty much rationally oriented..materialistically oriented..achievement oriented..successful oriented. Etc. I value individuality .rationality .science. secular atheistic versions of spirituality like what the whole new age community is based upon . But I haven't fully transcend stage blue .I'm craving an absolute truth that could be written in a book .I crave a belief in separate God as a father figure who can listen to my prayer and help me find my way in life .I crave for absolute good and evil. Moral and immoral. Seems like a lot of blue shadow to integrate.
  16. So if I'm having an orgasm..I experience it .then you ask me :do you know what an orgasm is ?..I would say yes..because I have experienced it . So to me knowing is equal to experience or direct consciousness. Conceptual knowing is if you asked me to explain the biology behind an orgasm and how the dopamine and other neurotransmitters are flooding the brain ? yad yada.... Is that the difference? Well I have to disagree. Because you are basically trying to say anything that is being put into words is conceptual. And thats a tautology.
  17. Isn't that backwards? Can you elaborate on this ? To me perception (or consciousness)=knowledge. If I'm seeing a tree over there...I'm aware of the tree visually ? ..therefore I know it in a sense. Even though I don't know what is it doing here (I'm referring to the mere fact that ANYTHING exists AT ALL!).
  18. If you truly have transcended death then I expect that you commit suicide ASAP. Why ? Just to explore different kinds of lives other from this . Why not if you don't fear death ? Just by being alive entails that you fear death . So by definition no one alive is not afraid of death.
  19. Then there are no "liberated minds ". I don't think there is any human on earth today who doesn't fear death .can you mention someone? Even Leo said he still fears death even though he claims to be the most awakened person ever (the GOAT like Messi and Ronaldo lol). Even Jesus on the cross was crying like a bitch ."father ..have you forsaken me ?".
  20. Haha stop playing these silly games. I don’t think you have to look up the dictionary definition of confusion. We all know what that word points to. There are hundreds if not thousands of different worldviews ..which one is right ? Is it Islam? Christianity? Buddhism? Mormons? Solipsism? Materialism? How can you trust any source of information? How can you trust the media ? How do you know you are not a butterfly having a dream of being a human ?? How do you know you are not in a simulation reality..such that you are being fed input from outside the simulation reality? You see ? You don't actually know Jack shit . Neither me. what I'm suggesting here is that there is no solution to this. You just have to drop the desire for truth .you never needed it anyways .
  21. Thanks ! Yup. I agree .the "answer "..or the "thing" we all are seeking is not an intellectual piece of information that will magically make everything "click ". But this is only known to those who went deep into meditation. All existential questions are just mental noise . Truth is THIS UNSPEAKABLE OCCURRENCE.