Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Whether you say it or not's not your choice. And there is no" you " to choose. Ask @VeganAwake if you don't believe Me
  2. Obviously I couldn't since I'm claiming that free will doesn't exist . Plus ..isn't that how random and chaotic most of our thoughts are ?
  3. No . Free will is an illusion . Can you guess the next thought in your mind ? It might be Donald Trump taking a dumb in Disney Land or a Rabbi fingering his ass with a Dildo.
  4. I read the entire quran. I found peace in its writting and teachings. To believe in one god and to believe that its messengers are speaking truth is all it takes to be a muslim. Now if thats all youve done your not nessacarly a practicing muslim. I should do the 5 pillars the best i can. Then I'm a practicing Muslim. The quran is incredibly interesting book .and I'm shocked that no one in this forum talks about it . if you read the quran you will know everything you need to approach God Also Islam is a very strict religion..not soft and easy like Christianity for example. It has some strict rules: no sex before pork/pig gambling…no Alcohol... Prayer 5 times a day…pay charity for poor people..etc Anyways.. I'm happy to become a muslim. i explained this because “traditional” islam does not teach it in this way… tho tradition was changed over time.. but i fell in love with the true essance of islam and the freedom it brings. The basic worldview or theology is pretty simple ..there is only one God who created absolutely everything. For the purpose of worshiping him . Not that because he needs your ..because he loves you . He gave you this miracle of life and doesn't he deserve your worship? And your destiny is either eternal heaven or eternal hell . I kinda see it as a metaphor for primitive people. Stuff like having with 72 virigin hot women in heaven and being burned for eternity in hell fire are a Metaphor. It represents that when you are close to God your life becomes heaven ..and if you are not in touch with God your life will become hell. Now .. I understand that fundamentalists Muslims do not take heaven and hell as a metaphor but as actual places that you go to after you die . But I'm still researching and making my mind about Islam. So I don't have an answer to every question you guys might have . I'm still in a learning curve. Overall I'm happy to say that from today I'm a Muslim . Feel free to ask me any questions.
  5. @Breakingthewall you are a broken record . You quote one single fucking line from my lengthy reply to spout and spin your isalmophobia . I'm done with ya.
  6. @Nabd you know more than me about Islam because you are an Arab. Gimme few months to finish my research on Islam and I will rip you apart
  7. I'm personally not God-Realized . I don't believe that my ego is god .
  8. Islam is not metaphor. Its Simple there can only be one objective truth..Which means no matter what anyone believes there has to be 1 reality..So in that way we ask is there a God ?and the answer is yes because the universe and this earth isn't just generated by randomness and out of you agree ? There must be a designer to create it. So then we look at all the major religions : And we see Islam..Christianity and hinduism and what not.. But to keep it simple the quran has been preserved letter to letter for centuries...unlike the Bible. The bible will not be accepted as a reliable source of information. other religions they were made by humans..for example let's take buddhism or hinduism or whatsoever.. I once saw a documentary on buddhism and they declared randomly that a human is our god (buddha) like what is this? A killable human that is god? A human that was in the womb of a mother that is god? god is not a human Or even like the zeus or stuff like that..what is this? A god that can be shown on a picture? A god that needs oxygen to live on the earth? A god that is just mythology? A god that is only here on earth? and this applies to Jesus as well ..a god that has a shape of a human? Wtf is this nonsense?
  9. @Nabd in US and vietnam war..nixon said kill all viatnames. but if u quote him out of context and say that american always try to kill viatnames..that is not correct. i do not know it correctly but in a war the quran was revealed something like" kill them all" which applies only to that particular situation . it is forbiden to kill innocent humans if u look at history ..christianity killed 200 million in 2000 years... atheism killed 80 million in 100 years.. and islam killed 30 million in 1400 years. islam killed a lot less than christianity.christians genocided native americans..started world war 1 and ..even starving and killing 35 million indians. and so on.
  10. But how do you explain the innate sense of morality that we all have ? We all know deep down that stealing and raping and murdering is wrong ...from where do we have this instinctal sense of objective morality ?
  11. I thought so as well . But isn't that gonna make morality subjective? And therfore every fool get to set up his own biased Morals that serves his agenda? Isn't morality supposed to be objective and universal?
  12. It is possible. There are plenty of people who have discovered that they are the whole universe and they still eat..shit . Piss ..have jobs ..dreams .etc To really get the conversation down to earth need to stop spinning stories about what God is . Notice that you don't actually know for certain the things you mentioned like reincarnation. I think you need help from a therapist. Maybe @flowboy can help you .
  13. exactly. God is a weird motherfucker. Why do you think humans struggle so much with understanding God? In fact he cannot be understood. That's what makes God God. You can understand anything except God. Investigate reality as deep as you can.. And once you hit a point where your mind collapses and your logic give up.. You've reached God.. You've reached to nowhere and everywhere.
  14. @Gabith there is no where to go . There Is no death . You are eternal. You are stuck forever. But that can be a good thing or bad thing depending on your mental health. If you are depressed..please see a therapist ASAP.
  15. Seriously tho...what happened just five minutes ago does not exist. Let alone a guy that lived 2000 years ago. Lol
  16. Believe it or not.. but the last thing I do before going to bed (besides masturbating lol) is watching the most terrifying horror movies ..yup I kid you not ..that's indeed what I do . Not caring if that is gonna generate nightmares when I sleep . I wake up every morning and take a freezing cold shower then I go for a 30 minutes run . Without eating breakfast. I stay up late at night smoking cigarettes ? like there is no tomorrow...not caring if I'm damaging my lungs and initiating cancer etc . Why I do all this stuff ? Simply because I've discovered the counterintuitive nature of life . Its a tricky bitch . When you do stuff thats challenging and painful and conquer them qnd come out the other end safe ..that's gonna grow you . This is important specifically for men who are trying to get in touch with their masculinity. Do painful shit . Get the hell out of your comfort zone and face the inner demons and fucking kill those motherfuckers
  17. None at all. I jusr experiment with different worldviews and I change them more than I change My clothes.. One day I'm a solipsist..the other day I'm a materialist..Next day I'm a Nihilist etc. All virtues and morality is a house of cards . If you think about it . Nothing is stopping you from killing another human being other than some chemical soup in your brain's cortex.
  18. It is . Like when they say there is a fine line between awakening and insanity. NO! There is no line. Awakening is gonna definitely make you lose every last brain cell that you have lf according to Leo's definition that awakening is solipsism. Likewise..masochism is just half assed stoicism.
  19. Its not YOLO. Its something more radical than that . First ..I don't know if this life is the only life I will ever live . That seems highly unlikely. I believe that after I die ..I will be born again . I'm eternal. Isn't that how I came into existence? I just magically ? popped out of nowhere? What makes you think it won't happen again? Secondly..I'm not saying go destroy your life .I'm saying grow some balls between your legs and do extreme shit .it's gonna make you immune to fear . @Razard86 how r u bro ? U good ?
  20. So be it. Trouble is good!