Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. If you cut off your balls you will immediately find God.
  2. Go put your hands on a hot stove and find out .
  3. suffering ends upon enlightenment…but pain still exists. There is a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is from the nerves of the body. Suffering is mentally created.
  4. What a super easy question. Of course NO! Take Ramana Maharshi for of the most woke mofos ever..he died from cancer lol .
  5. @vibv nope sir . Thats solipsism. Pure madness. That ain't "it ". That ain't LOVE.
  6. Why should I trust you ? Who are you ? There ain't no one nowhere that really knows anything about anything. So what's new here? Yes I know it experience-wise . Every night when I dream..i appear as different separate beings ..yet its obvious that the only thing that's real in a dream underneath all the scattered phenomenon is ME. Because you ain't awake . Back to the drawing board
  7. No I know . Its capable of appearing as infinite forms . Like a human ..a car ..a cat ..a dog etc. But the many is an appearance. The unity is what is underlying all appearance.
  8. Leo and Inliytened1 keep saying that this work is not about beliefs or cult's ideology etc..but with all honesty ..I'm seeing it in myself and in the vast majority of members here. People here just parrot Leo's insights like a gospel..or particular set or system of beliefs (me included). That's what it actually is. Leo is somehow explicit and at the same time so much implicit about it. He says that his ultimate goal with this work is to understand reality. But understanding reality is the ultimate hero's journey and I don't see anyone here capable or serious about this except Leo himself . I'm not kissing Leo's ass ..I have some disagreements with Leo's philosophy as well is based on three major principles (philosophies): survival is the main and only driver for all of human activities. Idealism: everything is Mind or consciousness instead of matter . Solipsism: only you exist. For some of you guys here and me's probably time to move on. You want results? You're not going to get them by philosophising. Even if you stop playing these philosophical games. As long as you're listening to Leo and/or interacting with others on the forum (or anywhere) who share the same mindsets.. you're still going to be stuck. Ideas don't just affect you on the conscious level. Your subconscious mind naturally imitates its environment. The people you surround yourself with affect you more than you notice. Ideas affect you more than you notice. Learn how to control the stream of information that you're intaking. You might believe that you belong somewhere. But that's a false.. limiting belief. You can belong anywhere. It's just a matter of time needed to adjust and accommodate. Nothing Leo says is actually false. Nothing anyone says is actually false. Everything has some truth to it from a certain perspective..because everything is Truth. But either commit 100 % to this work or just quit . Peace ✌
  9. @Breakingthewall there is no such thing as "the mind ". Not really.
  10. @Breakingthewall do you not sleep ? In his imagination. Where else? In his imagination of course. Where thE fuck else? isnt it? Isn't it so? Yes or no? Lol I actually knew this years before..Read this old post of mine (if interested): Yup. When comedy mixes with insight become a wise dude ?.
  11. He didn't say he saw a Cartoon wolf ...he said he himself transformed into a cartoon wolf . Im curious ..What should you smoke to have it work that way ?
  12. At this point I don't even know what on earth is Leo smoking's worrying. Alien cartoon wolf shemale Buddhist rat. if you don't know what that is you have no clue what consciousness is ?
  13. What doesn't change ? What ls the one thing that stayed the same throughout your entire life ? Of course there is . But guess what?.it's YOU. You're in fact the creator of this universe. You have infinite creativity and creative power . And what's more is that you ALREADY know that..but simply has forgotten ..when you remember it ..that would be awakening. Bliss is your true nature. What veils it is the constant worry-generating machine called your mind . Which is why when you meditate you feel bliss because you step outside the mind. That's OK. But don't remain skeptical forever. Strive towards achieving awakening
  14. It's not believing .it's something you awaken to. Can you share your ontological worldview?
  15. @An young being you are God. Do you know that ? Are you conscious that you are me ? That this is God talking to itself ?that this is a monologue rather than a dialogue?
  16. Well Leo basically says a lot of misinformation about awakening .but he says awakening is a state ..All states are temporary. Why can't you just awaken right now What's stopping you ? Do you think more meditation is necessary ? Do you think you need to clear your mind more ? Do you think you need to activate a specific chakra ? Do you think it's necessary to self inquire for months ? Is it because your teacher told you only a saint can do it.. that it is reserved to an elite ? Is it because you think you need to fix "X" problem first ? Is it because you need that right insight from a specific books ? Bullshit! All of it. Enlightenment is your natural state of being. Everything is already enlightened. All is well. It's the seeking that veils it. Just like thinking that you need money or sex to be happy in life.. The same goes for thinking you need to blast off on psychedelics to be who you already are. It's because we are under the illusion that there is a goal.. the goal is real. In that illusion there is a constant movement away from THIS. . It is a perpetual denying of this just being. The movement away from this makes it appear real and seem like there is something to achieve or get.. in order to achieve fulfillment. The fullfilment is never satisfied permanently.. only through quick fixes.. which actually is the satisfaction of fulfilling/feeding the energy of needing.. for a moment. When this is only real and you deny the unreality that this is are off balance and unsatisfied. You will be chasing your tail forever.
  17. See the picture below.. You can either see the rabbit or see the duck.. You can either see one of them or the other at a time.. You can't see the two simultaneously and realize that they are actually identical at once.. Only in a linear process of going through one and then other.. And then having the Insight "oh its not a rabbit OR a duck.. It's both simultaneously and only one of them relative to a certain perspective". If this is understood.. Basically you don't have to read a single word in epistemology looking for the truth in this OR that. Not- two. Reality Is the rabbit - duck!!
  18. I just found a medium-sized spider hanging out in my bathroom...the first thought that came to my mind is to kill it immediately..but idk..out of the blue something weird just hit me that killing it is evil ..why should I kill it ? Who am I to decide the end of a living creature's life? Then I started questioning stuff like eating meat and animal products. Beheading a goat or a chicken to ear from their flesh .. The main point is that from where should I have my Morals? Who decides right and wrong ? Of course WE do . And of course we are biased to ourselves and we put our own survival above other animals' survival. The Religious people get their morality from their religion..from their holy books basically (and that's what made me interested in Islam because I needed a guidance in my life ..that's something I'm lacking..I need a sense of purpose..ethics and moral compass ). But I'm asking where Do secular people get their Morals from ? How to decide what is ethical and what's not without adhering to a bearded old man in the sky who will fuck us in the ass in the afterlife If we fuck up (let me put it this way ?).
  19. I've tried a lot of stuff (material stuff) in order to be happy and as expected I end up craving for more. Because the nature of those things ive tried is transitory. It's like chasing a mirage. So I'm convinced that chasing experience or external conditions Will not result in deep satisfaction (and this goes against what 99% of people are busy doing). It Will result in a temporary satisfaction before the longing resurfacing again. I haven't found a resolve to this issue yet. Except maybe complete monk-mode and abstaining.. Fasting etc... Which doesn't work either. Some people are just not born to be monks. I am one of them . But the dilemma I'm stuck with is that neither indulgence in pleasure nor abstaining and sobriety leads to true Happiness. So then what brings happiness? I tried to make a list ..and it included: health . Life purpose. Awakening. But I'm neither in a good health recently because of smoking and eating crap junk food and Soda etc nor do I'm achieving anything related to my life purpose (which Is to become a philosopher )..nor am I awake . Any advice appreciated ?