Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Razard86 I respect your opinion . I will not engage in a niggly territory with you when we basically start splitting hairs. Even in subjects where there is plainly objective'll still find differing opinions. The existence of Young-Earth Creationists or Flat Earthers doesn't mean that the Earth isn't objectively billions of years old and round. Opinions can exist where facts are impossible.. but they can also be present where the individuals in question aren't aware of the facts . So there may or may not be objective good/evil.. but the presence of differing opinions doesn't disprove it either way.
  2. Exactly! You got it "Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:37)
  3. Some day you are feeling happy and on top of the world ..another day you feel suicidally depressed.. Someday you think you understand life and have figured out the entire riddle of existence..the other day you are disillusioned and shown that you know nothing at all . Some days you cry from sadness ..other days you cry from happiness. And so on got the idea . What the fuck is wrong with God lol? I understand that the Yin-yang ☯️ symbol points to the intertwined nature of duality in can't have highs without lows . But why we don't learn the lesson? Anyone can relate to what I'm saying?
  4. My dad used to tell me when I was a kid that if you work hard and struggle when you are get to live a comfortable and luxurious life when you're older . And vice versa ..if you be lazy and piss away your youth years and not being productive you get to struggle when you're old . And he of course suggested to me to take the first route. And I'm convinced that this Is right . To study hard in school and get high grades that's gonna allow me to go to a high standard field in universities like engineering or computer science etc (I currently study business and marketing in University). So my question is what is the key to success in all aspects of my life ? If I have a lot of dreams that seem too difficult or even impossible to can I reprogram my mind and bust those limiting beliefs? I want to live the best life possible. Achieving every item in Maslow's hierarchy of needs . I want to get the fuck out of India and live in a western country..I want to have sex with the hottest girls in the world..I want to have so much money that allows me to travel whenever I want etc . So much exotic experiences that I want to experience before my time runs out on this planet. So..whats the key to achieve this ? Thanks ?
  5. @Leo GuraWas just skimming through your content to find a perfect video for tonight's "smoking with Leo " party 🥳...and damn come you understand ALL these things at the same time? You understand how spirituality philosophy politics work society and economics work sexuality science works and the limitations of psychology and emotion works...and I couod go on and on...... What did it take you to achieve these high and diverse understanding of seemingly different fields ? Just a rough important is researching . reading books etc VS contemplating and deriving fresh insights from ground zero ?
  6. Cute but sorry you are not being honest. When I personally see a girl ..I screen her for her sexual appeal . Her physical appearance is the number 1# priority(no need to mention tits and ass etc I think it's obvious what men are attracted to). There is of course some truth in what you're saying . But I have a sense that you are just using this narrative to cope with the fact that you can't get sex . So let me ask you if you don't mind you have a girlfriend?
  7. How ? I can't "love " a girl unless I fuck her brains out first . Otherwise I am not invested in her .
  8. Keep fooling yourself. Its for the SEX.. SEX..SEX..SEX. Men think with their dicks not their brains .
  9. I think it's the opposite. God wants unconditional happiness but the ego is conditional. So same argument as :"would you rather play a video game on easy mode or pro. Mode ?"
  10. No bro I promise you I want it. It's not a lack of desire from my part. It's just a fairy tale . Even Leo said in his video on happiness that unconditional happiness is pipe dream . Especially if you lose your health as an example.
  11. It is . I agree . So in your opinion there is no such thing as unconditional happiness or a state of 24/7 nirvanic bliss and joy like what these Indian gurus try to sell us ?
  12. What "divine value and purpose " for pain? Tell that to a starving kid in Africa. they will probably spit on your face 🤣 jk
  13. Precisely what's happening right now . Nothing more .nothing less .
  14. This statement incredibly profound after I thought about it for a while .👏 You know what it means ? That nothing is real lol 😆
  15. Easier said than done . The kicker is you got not the first clue what happens after death exactly are you gonna make peace with this fact? Also death itself is painful as fuck .
  16. Yeah thats easy .that's not what I'm talking about. Right now there is literally nothing to be afraid of ..because I'm sitting comfortably in my house safely. But what about the inevitable death ? That's what I'm asking how to overcome fear of.
  17. Have you done that (not picking on you. Just innatelycurious) ? Exactly. So we can't "lock " the high states of consciousness and fearlessness forever. You need to have fear to survive as a human. You need to look at the cars passing by the highway before you cross otherwise you gonna die. And again..dying is the biggest fear I could think of. Idk why but I'm afraid of ending up in a hell realm.
  18. but its not a one night deal .you go through a tough process to accepting it .you have to face your fear of death. Your fear of insanity. And basically every other fear you have. Most people are not ready to accept this degree of wakefulness. That 's why leo says everyone is not awake.
  19. OK. Yeah we should overcome fear . But to be honest it's difficult . For me personally I'm soooooo fucking afraid of death . Life doesn't scare me .I could spend all day working a wage slave job and not eat more than a sandwich of Tuna and be fine with that . I have surrendered my life to God. But fear of death is fucking me in the ass . Any insights on how to overcome fear of death?
  20. First of all ..reality is infinite ..therefore you are never "done" . There is always more degrees of freedom you can achieve. Also..."liberation " is not an "experience "..that's antithetical to liberation. To chase exotic experiences in the future is a never ending pursuit and your material desires will never be exhausted . What you should do is detach yourself as much as you can from pleasing yourself. Become a stoic . Avoid soft comfort zone activities. Start embracing suffering more. .
  21. Great 👍. Building a life is like building a body When I was 18..I wanted to create a business. I am 26 and I still want to create a business. So why couldn't I build a business? I never started I didn't take any action at 18 and I haven't taken any action now. The only way to actually create a life you want is to take some action It works exactly like how you build muscles. You start working out. People tell you your form is wrong. You improve on it. Or you start lifting weights, you can't lift 30s without lifting 20s first. You can't just keep on thinking about the best way to lift weights and can magically lift 100s tomorrow. And you cannot improve your life without physically taking a step towards the change. Love is an emotion though . I'm not convinced that all if reality is goodness. Its one thing to say this while sitting comfy in your home and to actually experience the kinds of suffering you talk about . You'd have to experience the suffering of people in Palestine now to know what it is like .and I doubt its gonna look good or romantic to you .
  22. No. Not really. No mechanism . There is no hardware somewhere to get matter from . Ad the Qur’an says ": if god wants something he just says to it "be " ..and it is (created)". God is like an eyeball imagining around itself reality .except the eyeball is literally formless. That's just a metaphor. See Leo's video " an advanced explanation of God-Realization ". If all there is is consciousness..then how can "you " exists alongside of consciousness?
  23. Can you give examples? I'm currently using a vision board .I write down on it everyday and it works well.