Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Why do we need "game" at all ? Look at animals like cats ..they meet and they immediately befriend each other and get laid. Whereas humans ..both men and women play infinite tricks to get into each other's pants's fake and disgusting.. maybe in a million years from now men and women would meet and just say "hey look sexy ..let’s FUCK "!
  2. @ivankiss great stuff man !. I totally can resonate with you. The only problem is its sooo fucking obvious that it is hidden in plain sight. ?
  3. Masculine energy and leadership.
  4. This is something that randomly popped into my mind as I was getting high on cigarettes re-listening to Leo's infinity videos .. If the universe is infinite and endless in all directions..then how come I occupy this specific space ? Its like mythology of the earth's resting on a an infinite chain of "turtles all the way down "...isn't infinite regress logically impossible? And therefore reality must be finite ? But then again it's impossible to be finite either because what would limit it from the outside? If it has a limit then we must ask : what exists beyond that limit ? Ad infintum ... What I'm getting wrong here ??
  5. @DefinitelyNotARobot cute video! what I meant though is that animals (and even humans back in the jungle days ) are straightforward for getting sex from each others . Unlike these days where you have to approach..offer value confident..text her like a pro ..and infinite other bullshitness .
  6. @Leo Gura why is that moderator allowed to talk down on people on this section daily ?
  7. I get ya . So you are trying to say it's the chase and hustle and drama is what makes sex worth it at the end ? No . I'm just saying animals got it more easy than humans. This thread is just for the giggles. Don't take it seriously. Lol Your dog isn't looking for's trying to relieve it's libido. Having sex for pleasure means you have sex even though your body isn't pushing you to do it. Your dog is pretty much always getting pushed by its body to have sex to reproduce. Unfortunately i have abnormal levels of Testosterone in my body which makes me frustrated with all the bullshit that I have to go through to fuck a hot babe . I just want it on a silver plate . But I obviously understand that that's not how things work for humans . So I'm just venting some stuff out .
  8. So would you rather charming and charismatic. Develop a sense of humor ..learn 100 hours of pick-up theory and approach and get rejected hundreds of times ?
  9. I don't understand what you are saying here.
  10. I see wild dogs with their 8 inches dicks fuck each others on the streets of Delhi all the time without getting to know each other or exchanging phone numbers. (even though its not a primitive area )
  11. Yep I'm obsessed with sex. You are right . But sorry you are not being honest about the purpose of game . For me game's ultimate objective is sex. I mean if you think about it from an evolutionary perspective .men who have more sex with more diverse women and produce bigger offsprings have more value as alpha males. And yes btw you should humble yourself a little bit..sometimes I feel like you abuse your power as a mod.
  12. I mean isn't that how it used to work in the cavemen era and neanderthals and our ancestors? Do you think game existed 1000 years ago ? It's a modern day invention.
  13. That's a nice perspective. Thanks. Yeah my relationship with sex is based on scarcity and longing . I have a sex addiction and porn addiction. I can't even go to bed without a quick jerkoff session. Also..I broke up with my gf and it hurts my soul . I haven't been able to find a similar girl up until now . But I go out every weekend and approach girls .Maybe I will get lucky one day . It actually works the exact opposite for me . It's like synchronicity. Like when you think about something too often and you start seeing everywhere. Never understood how that works ? .
  14. @Princess Arabia I agree .men are more desperate for sex . That's because basically the male's libido is like 1000X higher than women. I have never understood 'why' it is longed for soo much by other men. Pretty much every other guy I know probably have it as their top 3 life priorities and there is nothing wrong with that all and is actually quite normal. Looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs.. sex would fall under the base most desired layer of physiological needs that come first above other factors. So I guess it makes sense... but for me personally...I would place it above esteem or even self actualization...making it very hard for me to understand. No u
  15. @NoSelfSelf you always get personal with me and lose sight of my point with your projection. What is the ultimate purpose of game? Why are you approaching girls ? Isn't it to bang their pussy ? Enlighten me if there are other reasons.
  16. So I want to get some stuff out of my conceptual mind ..otherwise it will explode . So..I'm God . I'm the creator of the entire universe. But I didn't create it to be perfectly suitable for my selfish needs as an ego/human character . Because I'm cosplaying as a human . So I myself have deliberately blocked my own unlimited power to experience a life that Is a mixture of happiness and hardship. Why Is that? In Leo's video "what's the point of life " he said that God is in the business of exploring itself's using the human character and this particular universe to know what its like to be an Indian male in the 21st century etc. But why is it doing that ? Because it wants to live every possible experience. To explore absolutely everything that is possible. And since God is infinite will live through infinite lives and explore endless realities. So..I have a question: can I as a human use a cheat code (metaphorically speaking) to have conscious control over this reality? Can I be in God mode and in my fully omnipotent power and at the same time be a human? That way I could manifest literally anything i wish into existence just by thinking about it . Thanks in advance for any information ? .
  17. Solipsism for kids . Are you even aware of cartoon wolf alien supercomputer?
  18. No. Reality is infinite ...therefore it will always escape any attempt to encapsulate it . There is infinite degrees of awakening. You are never done .
  19. Try Islamic prayer. It puts you in direct connection with the higher power and is very peaceful.
  20. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories..but at the same time I do think this world is ruled by a class of elites . And they are bad and don't give a shit how the poor countries have it like shit long as they make their billions of dollars then anything is good. Now obviously as insane this gonna sound I think the new world order is basically the Illumiinati a shadowy covert organisation that seeks to control us. And by which I mean the secret services..not the government who are just puppets. George carlin onece said that the middle class must be there because that is serving the rich class . Haven't you been puzzles by this ? Why not everyone can be a wealthy millionaire? Why there MUST be financial hierarchy in society if its not deliberately designed this way ? What do you guys think about conspiracy theories and the existence of Illumiinati?
  21. @Steel Grotto I read few chapters from the bible. It's just stories and biography. Read thr Qur’an. It's directly the word of God.
  22. Why does it have to be this way ? Why there is a middle class and rich class ? Why does this pyramid exist? Why can't everyone be rich? The planet has enough resources..Why there is still people who die from hunger in Africa? If we can reach to the moon with our technology..then why can't we have abundance and wealth and sound living for everyone in society?
  23. I don't think the music industry is governed by Illumiinati. More like the porn industry for example, in my opinion.
  24. Weird . So why should I pursue awakening and Godhood at all? What's the payoff? Something I learned from the "banned moderator" is that you can not only create your reality.. you can create consensus reality as well. He told me you can start to modify your life to match your ideal. By becoming ever more conscious of yourself as eventually approximate being God. your thoughts and intentions begin to modify your local reality synchronistically. In other words things just seem to naturally fall into place.