Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Raze been keeping a close eye on me don't you ?
  2. 🤣🤦‍♀️ Then you ain't gay or bi buddy. You are straight 🔥. Maybe my business will be a male gay pornstar career 🤔. Jk lol😜
  3. @Princess Arabia I mean like've been disillusioned and disappointed by how nothing finite in this world can satisfy you. And when you read my sentence it resonated with you .dunno just guessing.
  4. Lol nah his penis was curved like a banana. Its all genetics I guess. My dick is like a straight hotdog. Some dudes have it curved .and some dudes have the curse of having a micro penis ..which in all honesty its the worst thing ever for a man. And if its designed by God then this God is the actual manifestation of the word "Cuck".
  5. Actually no .imagine having an endless orgasm .it would be literally torture and you will beg God for it to stop. Everything goes full-circle. Of course it's a paradox . Desiring not to desire is a desire . But I'm pointing to that which cannot be spoken . Actually the irony is that you are already doing it. You don't need anything to do in order to surrender. You have no free are not in the driver seat of your life . You are not alive .you are being lived .you are "God's bitch " as Leo once said 🤣 Thanks but I have a hunch that this statement means something special to you in your personal life i right?
  6. And BTW..when I say "attachments " are the cause of suffering..doesn't mean I myself have zero attachments. Im totally engrossed in a thick jelly of attachment and desires.
  7. Nicely put👍 Well...I didn't say its wrong let alone to call it "morally " wrong . You can desire bliss..light ..unconditional happiness and joy and sexy emotions all day all night for your whole life and you will still be fundamentally unsatisfied. Because its not a "thing " which is lacking . Its not a "thing " which will finally make you ease ..satisfied etc. You are infinite being . So finite things by definition cannot satisfy you . You seek the infinite . But the infinite is endless. So again even awakening and being spiritual hippy will not work. So then what should you do ? NOTHING! Surrender the whole thing.
  8. Masturbation feels good . But doesn't feel right .not sure how . Its one hell of a existential question to ponder.
  9. If bread ..pasta ..oats etc contain Glutin which is bad for your digestive system..then should I cut all Carbs from diet? Only relying on meats and veggies? But these don't make me feel satiated and full ..I need Carbs to get energy. @Schizophonia
  10. Knowing/getting /understanding /becoming conscious of...etc ....that YOU ARE GOD is something you intuit . Its 100% intuition and 0% logic . There is zero logic for me personally being God. But I know it deep down in my heart of hearts and soul of souls Its not something you deduce or figure out or discover or even "awaken to ". It's none of that. It's this deep down feeling that you are the center of the universe. You have these instances and glimpses of what I'm talking about .and you know it ..when you know it .
  11. I welcome disagreement. But here is just no reason to call me delusional . Yes in the Absolute sense everything is an experience by definition obviously. So you didn't reinvent the wheel here . Again me one single proof that you are God using logic and can't. You either experience it directly or not . And it's not like experiencing the sunlight in the morning where you get to actually see it grasp it intuitively. Meaning you know it generally without knowing the details . You know you're God but God will forever remain a mystery for you .
  12. My god!..not even one single person gets what I'm saying lol I Didn't say anything about science or materialism. Im actually agreeing with you . You can only experience the truth . Meaning to you can only "feel " it . You can't discover it using logic . Agree or disagree?
  13. You appear to be human . Not God. So it doesn't make logical sense to call a human God. Unless we are playing semantics and word games . What I mean in a nutshell is that understanding that you are God will never happen .because God is infinite ...therefore cannot be fully understood . Can only be felt . How can you understand something that is infinite?
  14. OK so please explain to me logically (or otherwise ). How you are god ? My point is rather simple : Logically you can't deduce that you are God. Go ahead a wish a million bucks into existence. You can't. Whereas deep deep deeeeeeeeep down know that you you are FUCKING GOD.
  15. What I mean by intuition is its a gut feeling not a logical deduction to realize that you have already been God.
  16. Why the fuck is it so fucking awful to have a convo with you? You are truly an annoying human. You you've ruined the goddam thread with your Narcissistic replies. But I'm doing my best to accept your vomiting as part of my radical acceptance of spiritual path. Ive read If you try to think positively about someone.. suddenly the brain responds with more positive things..and the reverse is true. And the more you do either of the two..the stronger it gets and the more space it’ll take in your mind. Think negatively for long enough.. and you’ll find that you can only think negatively. That’s where I am now. The reason I post here so often it’s second because I like sharing my thoughts with the world . And I won't let naysayers and people like you to Rob me from that joy . I will keep posting what comes to my mind here ..and if you like continue your negative comments. I don't give a damn .
  17. So much so that I'm about to block you . Love can be brutal .
  18. No you are not grasping what intuition Is. I think one of the most important aspects of spiritual development is learning to trust and accept what your intuition is whispering to you without doubt.. expectation or judgment. Allowing intuition to flow unimpeded is a great way to penetrate to these higher truths . You do your psychedelics. I do my intuition. No problem !
  19. I stand by everything I said . I don't see where is the delusion. For me personally I don't understand or know how I am god . I only have a "emotional guide " that I'm God. It happens in glimpses . Stuff like synchronization..Deja vu ..when you read something somewhere and it just fucking "clicks " and you have great epiphanies. Etc that's what I have experienced. @Razard86 OK sir just politely get the hell out of this thread .I won't engage you anymore. Neither in this thread nor anywhere else. And I 100% stand by every single word I said.
  20. Which delusion? Can you be more specific?
  21. @Razard86 you spend 24/7 on this forum telling imaginary Internet people how wrong they are and how your spiritual dick is bigger than theirs .. Maybe get a job to get busy and have something going on on your life instead of this daily verbal dickheading .
  22. @Razard86 I'm sick and tired of you.