Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. You take this no self bullshit seriously πŸ˜’
  2. That doesn't make solipsism true . It just makes it undebunkable.
  3. You are right . The two videos about solipsism and the radical implications of oneness are not 100% certain for me . But I'm directly conscious that free will is an illusion. Solipsism doesnt make sense by the way .its not practical. As long as people exist in my direct experience then it doesn't matter if they are fantom projections of my mind or not . I still have to deal with them
  4. How do you know? Been dead before? Please elaborate. No . You could say I die when i sleep temporarily . But the normal waking state everyday life seems a continuous state of existence. I don't experience anything related to death in the waking state .
  5. I agree with you all . I would argue that the central question is: Is there something that is "better" than continuing to exist? Because I don't believe that there is a taboo against suicide..per se. The taboo is against claiming that life is valueless. Which should be so fucking obvious if you dare to contemplate that you gonna die anyways . And life is filled with suffering. So why not end it all already and be done with it all ? Seems better than suffering for fucking 90 years then dying anyways πŸ˜† 🀣.
  6. I don't understand the question. That's just due to the English language's vocal and grammar. It has the verb "to-be ". So you say: I Am. Or :he is . In Indian language I would just say : I human .
  7. @Princess Arabia I know exactly who I am, my love...Im a freaking human being . Living in a world with other people. (This is ofcourse the most obvious thing to say and I feel ashamed that this needs to be said..only because the degree of this solipsistic brainwashing is immense that it must be ripped apart mercilessly).
  8. If I'm not conscious and only you are conscious (which is what solipsism Indicates) then talking to me is like talking to yourself. Would you talk to a door or inanimate object ? No of course because you know it's not conscious to hear your words . But with all seriousness you claim that only you are conscious and yet you spend 24 fucking hours a day on this godforsaken forum convincing "others " that they don't exist. Its just spectacular the degree of naivety here .
  9. Ah kids of these days ... A solipsist talking to "others "is fooling himself and others . If you Truly are a solipsist..then be consistent with your worldview and shut the fuck up. Why are you talking to imaginary people? Stop it .it dumb!
  10. @Princess Arabia If solipsism were true and I only exist in your head..why are you having me use the word "potato" in this sentence?
  11. Very nice . I benefited a lot from this . Thank youπŸ™
  12. I'm actually dating a redhead American girl via Discord app . We have exchanged nude photos of each others . She was shy at the beginning because I wasn't clear that I'm hitting on her . But then she started calling me " daddy " lol πŸ˜†. We started flirting and I send her pictures of my (obviously) massive dick . Then we had phone sex plenty of times. We masturbated together. Obviously I can't move to the US. To date her she will remain an online outlet to release my sexual tension with her . So don't let anyone fool you that online dating doesn't work. Try Discord . Join servers which are related to there being girls who want to sext .
  13. @Migue Lonas stop being jealous of me
  14. @Spiritual Warrior thanks . It definitely works .Trust me . Leave the Tinder and Tiktok nonsense..join a Discord server that is tagged by anything sexual. And you will find plenty of people who are interested in online dating .guy or a girl or what have you .
  15. No not at all . I'm pleased .
  16. I'm aware .thanks . I'm not interested to live in America. I love my country.
  17. Yup . Its just something that cannot be explained logically . Its only Intuitiveness there is such thing as good and bad . Killing another human being is bad ..raping a child is bad ..donating for Gaza is good ..feeding a hungry cat is good etc .It's like in a video game if you put infinite money or god mode on. Now that you can wave money around to get whatever you want..your ethics and morality will really be put to the test. You will see how spiritual of a person you really are. When you CAN do anything you want..will you? If you fuck around too much..karma will probably get the best of you and sort you back out eventually. So do good and that will eventually lead to goodness in your own life .
  18. @NoSelfSelf ok .I forgive you for the 7 days restriction from posting .
  19. @Thought Art of course. I'm biased .and I'm attached to my own personal agenda. To live or survive as an organism you must be biased. Otherwise you literally die 🀣.
  20. @NoSelfSelf why so happy ?
  21. @Thought Art no worries bro .I know you mean good . But I'm just being honest about my understanding and where I am in the path . To me..evil exists. It's obvious as day light. I need to contemplate few things like the importance of sex ...sleep and few metaphysical topics. Thank you πŸ™
  22. 1) everything is not totally random . It's a duality between randomness and order . 2)us =God. 3)yes everything is predetermined. 4) no . Free well is anillusion .
  23. I recently came across a quote by Sadhguru: β€œIf you use your activity to entangle yourself ..that is called Karma. If you use the same activity to liberate yourself.. that is called Dharma.” This quote simply intrigued me. I kept wondering ...don’t we literally get entangled in our day to day chores ? Atleast myself.. I tend to keep thinking for hours long on the outcomes or the result of a task I did. I literally get attached to the result so much so that it gets difficult for me to focus on any other task at hand. But then I also there any other way out of this? Like what does it mean to be liberated? If I just lock you up in a room.. if you're tired and sick.. you will say :give me two meals a day..I don't mind.. I will sleep here only. No problem....right ? But you want to do something more..right ?don't we spend most of our short lives indoors like a chosen prison?(yes ..60-80 years is fucking nothing) So my point is..If you lost all enthusiasm and energy for life ..all your dreams and desires will only want to sleep. It seems like Mahasamdhi and complete and total formlessness forever is the only "salvation " possible πŸ€” .