Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. What I mean by intuition is its a gut feeling not a logical deduction to realize that you have already been God.
  2. Why the fuck is it so fucking awful to have a convo with you? You are truly an annoying human. You you've ruined the goddam thread with your Narcissistic replies. But I'm doing my best to accept your vomiting as part of my radical acceptance of spiritual path. Ive read If you try to think positively about someone.. suddenly the brain responds with more positive things..and the reverse is true. And the more you do either of the two..the stronger it gets and the more space it’ll take in your mind. Think negatively for long enough.. and you’ll find that you can only think negatively. That’s where I am now. The reason I post here so often it’s second because I like sharing my thoughts with the world . And I won't let naysayers and people like you to Rob me from that joy . I will keep posting what comes to my mind here ..and if you like continue your negative comments. I don't give a damn .
  3. So much so that I'm about to block you . Love can be brutal .
  4. No you are not grasping what intuition Is. I think one of the most important aspects of spiritual development is learning to trust and accept what your intuition is whispering to you without doubt.. expectation or judgment. Allowing intuition to flow unimpeded is a great way to penetrate to these higher truths . You do your psychedelics. I do my intuition. No problem !
  5. I stand by everything I said . I don't see where is the delusion. For me personally I don't understand or know how I am god . I only have a "emotional guide " that I'm God. It happens in glimpses . Stuff like synchronization..Deja vu ..when you read something somewhere and it just fucking "clicks " and you have great epiphanies. Etc that's what I have experienced. @Razard86 OK sir just politely get the hell out of this thread .I won't engage you anymore. Neither in this thread nor anywhere else. And I 100% stand by every single word I said.
  6. Which delusion? Can you be more specific?
  7. @Razard86 you spend 24/7 on this forum telling imaginary Internet people how wrong they are and how your spiritual dick is bigger than theirs .. Maybe get a job to get busy and have something going on on your life instead of this daily verbal dickheading .
  8. @Razard86 I'm sick and tired of you.
  9. 1. I know why I am here live on earth 2. I know what I need to do during my life. 3. I know where is the final destination which I will end up. 4. I know how to prioritize things in life. Are these really known for you ? If yes please share how (to each point ). If no ..then you're in the same boat as me .
  10. OK 👍 thanks. Nice perspective.
  11. This is profound . Could you elaborate please? 🙏 But nothingness or formlessness forever is not nonexistence .
  12. Thats gay . Let's face it ..the ONLY reason you are alive is because you are afraid of death .nothing more . Life sucks as fuck . Everyday is a constant struggle to satisfy this biological machine that is called your body . And your destiny is to become old and dysfunctional and maybe develop alzheimer's disease and forget your fucking name or start shitting and pissing your pants like what toddlers do.
  13. Interesting. Though I would say there is in fact something else to do instead of playing the game..and you know exactly 💯 what it is .
  14. Lol. There are literally infinite other scenarios. You could be some alien living in a parallel universe . You could be a creature from a different dimension that resembles no similarities to our current existence as humans on this earth floating around in the middle of nowhere. Do you see how dangerous this can be ? To claim that morality is relative and you could do whatever the fuck you want why not rape my own daughter or steal a bank ? There is no contradiction. All that exists is the present moment. However..this present moment is NOT solid .it could disappear instantly for no reason at all .
  15. Now seriously? if there is no me.. Then who is it that you are trying to give advice to? And if there is no me.. How can me realize that there is no me? ... This whole' no self ' business.. The entire Buddhist doctrine that teaches no-self could be easily debunked by simply saying "I'm this body right here. This organism that breaths and eats and sleeps..".are you going to say body is a thought and whatnot? Sorry but that is just utter nonsense. I'm really not baby-sitting anyone on here. I'm a hardcore Truth seeker. I identify as that. And I ask you to respect this. But thanks for your perspective 🙏.
  16. That's not an answer . That's quasi Trolling. Living doing what? Praying for Jesus or masturbating or maybe laying on the couch waiting for death to come . How do you know ? Maybe you die and disappear forever and that's it.
  17. disclaimer: OK..I've started a thread about suicide yesterday but it got locked because some mod thought it might be dangerous to say this to people here who might be having trouble living in the world . So please understand I'm not advocating suicide or urging anyone to commit suicide. This is just my thoughts on the subject . So I said In that post : the idea that i could be trapped or forced in a situation against my will with no way out is one of the more truly horrifying things that i try not to think about. certainly the ability to "will myself dead" with no way for anyone else to stop it, would give me a certain comfort. I'm a proponent of the right to death idea. I have an agreement with myself if I become terminally ill I would exit on my own terms. You gotta really think why is death and suicide considered bad or wrong ? It's only because of social brainwashing . Life is not always better than death . Sometimes the suffering can be really intolerable. I've actually made peace with the idea of suicide and that's the only reason I no longer fear death .
  18. Common sense Is what helps you distinguish a sensible argument and a load of dog shit . The world is not a dream . A dream is a dream. The world is the world . A=A. Aka law of identity. BTW when you die you will probably Incarnate into Tom and and Jerry 😆
  19. The first video on free will ..where he said that you have zero free will and you don't even choose your thoughts let alone your actions and behaviours . The second one is the Halloween video Elf mask . The idea that I'm gonna experience absolutely everything that is possible to experience. And since God is unlimited I will experience everything possible. Including the most painful shit you could ever imagine. How is that for destroying your goddam life for good lol 😆? The third one is the solipsism video .he explains it in a very convincing way that I'm the only conscious person in existence. And all you guys are mere dream characters without any substances whatsoever beyond my experience of you . [not gonna post this video here for obviousreasons. You can find it on YouTube though. ] The interesting thing though is that leo is ruining our lives for good while smiling at us 🤣
  20. Leo says all refined carbs should be avoided because they are just junk and filled with sugar and caus autoimmune diseases.
  21. I'm geared more towards that recently actually. Thanks .