Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I mean guys are so lost in spiritual puffy buffy land of impersonal cloud of "consciousness " floating around without a "you " owning it . You gotta outgrow that shit . That's kindergarten to this work. Are you aware of cartoon wolf awakening 2.0 ?
  2. Damn .you are a smart guy. Did not expect that you easily fall into the "there is no you to awaken " Neo-Advaitan crap.
  3. Ramana Maharshi was a homeless nobody who died from cancer and he didn't complain a single bit . Be grateful that you live in the technology era where you can connect with other spiritually interested people. Enlightenment is your nature. Not something you do or maintain. That's all "leo-ism"
  4. Can confirm 👍. Just a cup of coffee with regular 3 hours of mindfulness meditation raises your consciousness and makes existence more sparkling.
  5. The Egyptian girl ..remember her? Her beauty is ruining my goddam life
  6. @Princess Arabia aight girl ..go drink water and go to bed .
  7. @Princess Arabia nah I'm being serious..that's the explanation as far as I can comprehend. You do understand the illusion of the thinker of thoughts. I don't think my thoughts . I don't believe my belief. They just occur and change and that's it .
  8. Short answer.. Because there is no one who can be sure about his beliefs . That's the root cause for all our intellectual swings. Who is there to believe in this or that? No one . If there is a center of your being "ego" who is the creator or source of thoughts and actions.. You won't have a single contradiction in your worldview... Why would you? Also .. If you are the source of everything you do and think.. There is no possibility of failing at losing weight or kicking any bad habit. But since it's not "you" who is creating your thoughts and actions.. The results are always random as random as these thoughts and actions.
  9. It's very simple my are a conscious human being . I'm a conscious person just like you .and that's that . Stop this solipsistic cancer. Have a great day.
  10. @LastThursday also stop quoting fucking segments of my posts and dismissing others. I know exactly why you are doing this.
  11. Because existence is infinite and eternal. By definition was never born and can never die. But to grasp that you must realize that Atman=Brahman. As the Upanishads speak . The identity of the human self is equivalent to the universal /existence Self. A belief. A fucking thought . A fart in the wind. OBVIOUSLY! Thanks .
  12. @LastThursday you are smart ..I acknowledge that . But also you are quite arrogant and full of yourself. Its very obvious that my view is the correct one least in this case (you can't neither prove past ..being born ..childhood..nor can you prove a future death). But your intellectual dishonesty is blinding you.
  13. It seems like I'm the only one in this forum who gets that death is just a belief.
  14. No one mentioned God here. fuck God . This has nothing to do with God. You bring to the table the definitive evidence that Schizophonia will die into the table and then Ditto for you .
  15. @LastThursday the past never happened. You didn't grow up . You are imagining this right now. You are never going to awaken if believe you were born and gonna die.
  16. I see . I don't believe in conspiracy theories as well . But imagine you are dreaming and believing the dream is real . How you convince yourself that it is real ? By calling waking up =death . I do believe Illumiinati exists btw . Who do you think owns the drugs industry..the tobacco industry? This is just speculation but I like to voice my opinion.
  17. That's a vague poetic Way to put it. I don't like playing these Zen games . I like to shatter people's delusions. Death is a fiction. Full stop ✋
  18. People don't seem to get it . Death is a belief that you've been brainwashed with by religion. To keep you asleep .
  19. At least I ain't a pedo. Thank goodness!
  20. Do you have even ONE single evidence that you gonna die? Please show it to me . I want to see it .make me see it. Actually show it to me .Actually bring it forth. Actually provide one single fucking evidence that death is real.