Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I don't quite understand what you are saying . Are you familiar with Tony's teaching? He basically says there is no self to awaken and awakening is simply as you are already Nothing needs to be attained or achieved. Cab you reframe your post in a simplest way ?
  2. For me that ends the debate . The debate is between two players . Not between teams. We are not comparing titles and trophy because that extends to include the whole team not a individual player .so the point should be who is better individually? And the answer to me is simply Messi far.
  3. But actually as a Ronaldo fan I think Messi is better. His ball is way better than Ronaldo.
  4. We are just ignorant motherfuckers. Everyone here don't get that they don't fucking know. You don't know who the fuck you are! this place is not for mental masturbation and parroting Leo..but I agree that "life is Consciousness". Ok fine explain what you say... What to make of this one line?.. Life is not anything other than what it is. It's actually a good pointer to disregard words.. Cuz that leave you knowing absolutely fucking nothing. But language covers this up. And I cringe when someone says reality is an illusion. I obviously don't know what the hell reality is. But I definitely know that it is not an illusion. Furthermore it's just a concept in the mind . "oh life is a dream and illusion bla bla". But all that is actually delusion in your mind. It's not actually experienced. Better to say I don't fucking know. Here's the thing.. Knowing is actually being... Let me explain.... Reading ten thousand books on astronomy explaining what the sun is won't give you a better idea about it than to simply look at the sun.. I mean the mysterious appeance. It's actually gonna get a little bit more mystical. We can know stuff on the relative pragmatic level.. But the deeper we go.. It is actually true that you don't know anything. I'm just saying it as it fucking is. Imo.. To know something is to experience it. Since all you have is experience. But notice your experience is unknown. You don't actually know what's up. But language covers this up. By giving lables to stuff. Whatever the substance of reality is.. Is exactly this present moment. This is the substance right now right here. Yet...... What is it? You know it in the sense that you know that it's happening and you are familiar with it. But it is unknown in every other sense.
  5. But I'm aware that I'm imagining you . If I close my eyes disappear . If I go to sleep..the whole universe disappear. Its soooo obvious when you think about it . .but I'm oscillating between realising that intellectually and pretending that I've never accepted this line of reasoning before. How can I forget? Leo has fucked my brain in the ass in his solipsism video jk. I feel like I'm in the middle of grandiose cosmic conspiracy 🤔.
  6. @Inliytened1 Nothing can exist outside of consciousness. I agree . just like a dream at night has no existence outside of my mind . I know that solipsism is true but it's literally ruining My goddam life whenever I think about it . I know its true but I can't come to peace with it. Like what Rupert Spira said its madness . Any advice?
  7. OK..sorry for trolling. For OP..the answer is NO. You are helding the entire universe inside your consciousness. If consciousness is fundamental to reality (which it is ) then there is no escaping the solipsistic implications of that.
  8. I'm curious What is the difference between "living in accordance with 'What Is'" and "spiritual bypassing"? As I understandthe earlier is suggested by many spiritual teachers/people.. But "spiritual bypassing" is highly discouraged in psychology. There are actually sages here in India who can literally survive on light and breath alone . Because they fully embodied godhood . Imo spirituality comes before survival.
  9. I agree partially. Actually my own view is much more open minded. Another way to look at this statement (we know nothing)is to see it as a recognition of the inherent limits of human knowledge. We can never really know anything for sure..right ?and even our most firmly held beliefs could be wrong. Of course..this doesn’t mean we should give up trying to learn and understand the world around us..but it reminds us that we should always be open to new information and perspectives.
  10. I don't understand what that means . We can know stuff on the relative pragmatic level..
  11. @VeganAwake hey bro ..sorry I've been ignoring your comments on my posts recently because you seem to be still stuck in the no self stuff but no worries.. I'm curious as to why you only post on the spirituality section..why don't you post on the dating know..sharing what kind of porn you watch? (jk).
  12. I know I'm being a broken record with this whole "not knowing " stuff . But I feel I'm the only one here who recognises that nobody knows anything.
  13. I'm still not convinced. I respect your opinion but I have a few points... Would you be happy if you tested positive cancer? Or if your children die in a car accident? Or if you become blind ? And I mean the list can go on and on .. The point is ..if you really look objectively at the world you will immediately realize that it's a big pile of horseshit . Our life swings between boredom and pain as Arthur Schopenhauer said. If I'm burning or in deep can I be in love with Being?
  14. There was an ancient philosopher called Gorgias..he is little known ..but this quote of him is well known in philosophical circles which basically summarises what "Epistemological Nihilism " is .. which can be summarized as “Nothing exists ..and even if something exists..nothing can be known about it.. and even if something can be known about it .. the knowledge of it cannot be communicated to others.. Even if it can be cannot be understood” . And I want to share some thoughts on this quote. We are born with literally ZERO knowledge. We don't know anything .but then as we grow up ..we get bombarded with knowledge from our: etc .. But actually we enter life and leave life the same as we started..knowing nothing. Everything we "knew " was just empty theory that doesn't tackle the profound unbelievable mystery that existence is . And so we learn mathematics and physical world and socializing with others etc..but we are brainwashed with these . We never actually derive actual direct knowledge that comes from direct consciousness. And that's something totally different than learning knowledge. Notice that you literally do not know what anything is . I mean sure you know how to tie your shoes or how to make a cheese sandwich..but you got not the first clue what the fuck is a shoe or a cheese sandwich .and even more don't know how you're doing it 😆..The body just moves . There is no ego .but who or what is making the body make a cheese sandwich? No idea. And this applies to absolutely everything so I won't give other examples. My point is ..adopting this Epistemological Nihilism or what Peter Ralston calls "Genuine Not-Knowing " is actually getting you closer to enlightenment than claiming you know this and that . You don't know Jack shit . Humble yourself.
  15. OK so let's dive into it right away : 1) fear . You are afraid of life .of death .of God. Of hell. of insanity etc . Drop that fear . Take your Holy book and piss on it .insult all the gods etc. Tell life to go to hell . 2)attachments. You are attached to positive experiences . Pleasure basically. Do a dopamine fast . Stop eating delicious food and eat bread with water .stop jerking off .stop caring. 3) off-loading your sovereignty into others. any other spiritual guru who you think they know better than you. Realize that you are 10000 times more intelligent than them . I'm done . Just felt like sharing this .
  16. No. Reality is endless. There are endless awakenings. And you get to cycle back and forth between them for eternity. Enjoy!
  17. It's helpful to explain what version of Nihilism are you talking about . I'm not talking about ontological or moral Nihilism where you say nothing matters and you can go snort Cocaine and rape children etc I'm talking about Epistemological Nihilism..which asserts that knowledge of the true nature of reality or what the fuck existence is an impossibility
  18. Happiness doesn't come from things in the world . Happiness is your true nature . Go exhaust all the material pleasures you can aquire...and notice how you would still not be satisfied. Counterintuitive..Happiness comes from sobriety. Stuff like fasting ..nofap ..meditation..those are "clean " highs . I'm not demonising sex ..I'm saying it's just ONE activity out of INFINITE activities you can enjoy ..its overrated.
  19. @Squeekytoy quasi Trolling. I can rip you apart with a Bazooka of trolley shit that isn't even witty enough . But go drink water and then brush your teeth and go to bed .