Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. OK so we agree that others don't exist as agents with subjective experience.
  2. @OBEler if you want to deconstruct reality then have some balls to deconstruct others . Don't just stop at deconstructing time and space and the sense of self behind the eyes etc . It's either all or nothing . There is no middle ground. Either you don't exist as well as others or everything exists . And btw you cannot experience reality without concepts because "reality " itself must be a concept (a word or verbal description). If you do this correctly you should just remain vegetated and silent.
  3. @Carl-Richard let's say you are looking at an object like say a there really a 'you ' plus 'looking ' plus 'chair' or are these boundaries constructions in thoughts?
  4. I've struggled with intense anxiety and depression in 2021 because of the quarantine...and I still from time to time feel like shit . I see a therapist..i take SSRI’S and while that does help I managed my thinking process is what made all these symptoms disappear. So I actually want to share a technique of meditation🧘‍♂ that helps with negative thinking and negative feelings . And it's very very very simple : Just watch them. Let them come..let them do their worst.. let them drive you crazy and you don't care,..let them. But don't you try to stop them ..let them. Just surrender 100%. do nothing and watch what happens. You're actually just doing just absolute zero. You've turned yourself off and you have the attitude of: even if I die right what? It doesn't matter. Even if my worst fear manifests..good.. let it. It seems difficult. But it's not really.. it seems difficult but it's easy if you do it.. try it. Get by yourself and just sit down..put your hands together and do absolutely nothing. Don't tell yourself you're watching or you're practicing anything at all. Give all practices up, give it all up. This will send you into amazing levels of peace and serenity. Watch this video by Eckhart Tolle to have a better understanding:
  5. It does but when you stop assuming you know what I know and what I'm just spouting as Leo ass kisser parrot . In my mind ...I'm totally enlightened and you can't gaslight me about this . @ivankissAll states are temporary. They come and go. If enlightened was a state.. It would be temporary. And it would not be worth "getting" since you can't get it anyway. @OBElerWhy can't you just awaken right now ? What's stopping you ? Do you think more meditation is necessary ? Do you think you need to clear your mind more ? Do you think you need to activate a specific chakra ? Do you think it's necessary to self inquire for months ? Bullshit! All of it. Enlightenment is your natural state of being. Everything is already enlightened. All is well. It's the seeking that veils it. Just like thinking that you need money or sex to be happy in life.. The same goes for thinking you need to blast off on psychedelics to be who you already are. You will be chasing your tail FOREVER
  6. Well I most definitely get it .not sure about you . If interested..what part that you don't get?
  7. I'm omnipresent. So ofcourse I'm behind the eyes..behind the ears the blood and bones ..I exist as the entire bubble of consciousness right here right now. I'm just letting go of the idea that there are other similar bubbles that exist because it's not found in direct experience.
  8. Hi ivan..thanks for jumping in .. I wonder your direct experience right now of being there a clear boundary between 'you ' and ' other '? If we nail all concepts on the cross them even the boundary between you and the physical world dissolves . Actually the present moment is 100% clear that consciousness (which is you) is the only thing that exists .
  9. true Self? As pure awareness? Or what exactly? Is the true Self a thing ?and at what point is there not the true Self? How do you arrive at a distinction of what is not the true self and what is ? (Sincerely trying to understand your comment) . Nonduality or Advaita literally means "Not-Two ". So there is no false self and true Self . That's a duality that is not based on direct experience. However..let's just take the Self you are referring there others to that self?or is it the only thing in existence by virtue of being infinite and all-encompassing? And how does that relate to solipsism specifically?
  10. If the self is "illusory" then who is gonna have separate additional awakenings ? If you stick to the noself stuff ..then wgar you are Really saying there is nobody home in all of existence. There are no selves. So that would be the end. There cannot be awakening even to noself if there is no self .
  11. @Princess Arabia blind or not blind ..everyone is YOU and is either experiencing sight or blindness .
  12. Aren't you contracting yourself here ? Spiritual work is discovering truth . If a question is itching you should spend nights and days trying to solve it . And this is not ego. This is your genuine desire to wake the fuck up . You do need theory at first .of course as I said once you do awaken all of the questions in the world will be laughable . But don't get too ahead of yourself. It's very simple my friend..the same consciousness is looking through our eyes .either simultaneously or at different timeliness. I am you .either simultaneously or in different lives . The bottom line is there is only you ..which is equivalent to me .
  13. I'm listening to contradictory views on what awakening or enlightenment is . One is that of Leo and Peter Ralston..and the other is of Jim Newman and Tony Parsons. Leo suggests that enlightenment gives you understanding..and that enlightenment has levels and degrees..and that your default state is not enlightened and that you should seek it in the future. Those other teachers say that "what is " is already exactly what reality is and there is nothing to awaken to or to understand (in fact reality cannot be understood as a whole but maybe separate parts ).and I don't know which view is correct. The empty mind vs. The understanding mind . A cat or a dog or an ape is fully content and fulfilled by an unreflected life. But animals aren't enlightened.. Obviously. Just like small human kids (2-5 years old). They are so free: FULLY expressing WHATEVER arises.. laughter cry ..rage.. WHATEVER.. it just gets expressed. They are SO fucking immersed in The Now. EVERYTHING is exciting for them. But are 2-5 year old kids enlightened? HELL FUCKING NO So someone like Ramana Maharshi teaches that silence is the highest teaching. Having clear mind empty of thoughts is what makes you enlightened. Honestly I resonate more with this view ..the only thing you can do to achieve enlightenment is nothing . What do you guys think 🤔?
  14. Sounds like a crock of nonsense. It's the opposite. God is an idea in my mind.
  15. @Princess Arabia do you get it ? Or are you just toying around?
  16. @Princess Arabia it's not just 8 billion. There are infinite conscious beings in existence. But they are all the same consciousness . So if you don't like can think of it as that you are living everyone's lives simultaneously. But actually if you think about it deeply will realize that no..there is only one conscious experience happening at a time in existence. And that experience is your consciousness right now . I'm you in either a previous incarnation or a future incarnation The Truth is we are all one . End of story .
  17. @Princess Arabia no no no no .. I finished this dilemma for myself . And it feels like a giant ass mountain has been lifted off my shoulders. You little devil with this quasi Trolling are trying to make me lose my lucidity in the dream . You are an evil dream character in my world. I'm you btw .
  18. @Princess Arabia go drink water and go to bed .
  19. Well he would say there is no one doing it .it just happens. Because free will is an illusion since the ego or the doer is illusory. Again..if you listen to his talks ..this very question gets repeated to him and he says there is nobody doing anything. His message comes out of the spontaneous un-premeditated nature of things . So it's a message from no one to no one for no why or how . Same answer as above .