Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Obvious. I'm wondering why Is that the case ? What is the root cause of insomnia? And how exactly do we fall asleep? Does it happen gradually or like an on-off switch (awake-asleep)? Bro you sleep at night? Did you experience deep sleep before?
  2. Speaking from direct experience or you're just quasi trolling?
  3. @MellowEd profound question 👍 Honestly this question can be answered by stage blue in SD as simply by obeying the religious laws conditioning and family and community values etc. From stage orange perspective..right and wrong are relative was right 1000 years ago to have sex slaves ..nowadays its wrong. So who or what determine right and wrong ? I would say your intuition and gut feeling. That's the only moral compass . You know it by how it feels . If you rape a child you will feel guilty and regretful afterwards . If you feed a hungry homeless kitten you will feel noble and happy afterwards.
  4. No it is in the quran. It says we shall make them marry the huur.
  5. @Carl-Richard do you believe/think / consider that this universe actually exists absolutely speaking (that is under all circumstances)? Its ONLY taking place in your consciousness...isn’t it so ? Are you gonna deny that the only evidence that the universe exists is that its in your consciousness right now? So what happens if we subtract away that consciousness from the equation like when you sleep or die? Just the mere fact that when you sleep you shift to different mental universes (dreams ) or more significantly to deep sleep which is the collapsing of the entire universe is enough to prove that nothing actually exists . Another point .you can't grasp something real and show it to me . All forms are In a state of constant flux . Nothing is there .or here .or anywhere. We are no ones .and no where .
  6. @Yimpa I told you multiple times already..stop pissing around with conments like that .. are your other 000 posts like that ?
  7. @Carl-RichardExistence is not possible. Matter is not possible .an objective external world existing behind the scenes is not possible. Only mind-stuff aka consciousness aka hallucination aka imagination in the mind of nothingness is possible. Materialist paradigm is false . Idealism which is really solipsism is true .
  8. "to Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn yourselves or your faces there is the Face of Allah " -Quran. Chapter 2-verse 115
  9. What are you my mom or something jk 😂? Learning to an extent is NOT about applicability or pragmatic value philosophy transplantation is literally love of wisdom for its own sake. Also ... learning itself is also about making a person better than they were before. It’s not just about how it can apply to the real world..that’s boring..It’s like a mental exercise. And come on as well indulge in philosophical discourse often on here .so don't play the innocent angel .
  10. Sorry but that is just utter nonsense. I'm really not baby-sitting anyone on here. I'm a hardcore Truth seeker. I identify as that. And I ask you to respect this. If you don't like me and my threads simply ignore them . Simple ..right ? A piece of cake .
  11. What about you then? CEO of physical masturbation? How many times you coomed today? Must been 4 bare minimum.
  12. It's pretty simple if we use @Nahm style Right now ..with respect to direct experience...."Sleep " and "unconsciousness " are thoughts in your mind. There is no debating this. That's what these two are ..right now ..In direct experience. No negotiation about it .
  13. @zurew the ultimate goal Is to bring Truth to sight and remove falsehoods which obscure it . Consciousness is capable of understanding itself . If humans can understand how to build a rocket or invent the Internet...then why can't they grasp the absolute truth about existence?
  14. What is the purpose of anything? For me personally and honestly..I just enjoy cracking my mind over metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. It's one of the things im passionate about in life . What is the purpose of art ?or any creative activity?
  15. @UnbornTao please say more than these short nuggets if you want to engage in the conversation if you find it interesting.
  16. That's the chief mistake. Nonsensical materialist paradigm . What you see right now is all that exists . The world is not being perceived by perceptual system or sense organs. So when you look at a tree ..there is really no "looking" happening . Its just the appearance of a tree and nothing more . Isn't it ? But even more so..What you perceive via sense organs is NOT a limited portion of existence's the totality of all that exists .. If you can't see the back of your head right now ..then it quite literally does not exist .
  17. @Carl-Richard are consciousness and reality interrelated or not ? That is the external world a projection of consciousness or are consciousness a byproduct of the external objective world? @LfcCharlie4 the purpose of life is relative .Every person carves his own life purpose. No where in the universe is it written what should you do in existence.
  18. @LfcCharlie4 no worries brother. I apologise.
  19. @Yimpa back at ya I know you have a lot of potential that you don't unleash are only expressing 10% of your potential ..and instead you fixate on being the cute lil boy.. Why do you that ?
  20. @Princess Arabia no worries. But keep them niche and high quality..not like what our beloved forum comedian @Yimpa is doing .
  21. I agree with the first paragraph. Not sure what is meant by "mirror " .
  22. I think he is trying to say we are tangled up inside infinity. To grasp infinity completely is impossible ..because that would mean stepping outside of infinity and look upon it ..but of course it has no outside since its infinite