Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. OK so ..I'm going to change my whole style of posting .. But you guys have to help me on this . No more mental masturbating over useless metaphysical shit that no one really knows the answer to . Also I apologise for my last two threads. I will take them down .no more bitching and moaning and avoiding the real work . The only problem is that the real work as it were ugly and brutal and even painful . We are all in the Same boat together. We are all here supposedly to grow ourselves and to self-actualize. To reach the pinnacle of our existence. Practically..and spiritually ..and sexually ..heath-wise etc So I apologise if my overly philosophical out of touch of reality posts have misled people here . I'm not awake . I don't understand awakening. I don't even know my ass from my head lol. So as I said I'm going to change my whole style of posting. But you guys have to help me in doing that .when I post utter nonsensical me out on it to correct my behaviour in the future. Clearing up myself more will come in further posts. But that's what I have to say for now !
  2. @IshangaNo “thing” exists independent of awareness. Things exist only existentially as they are being experienced . So it’s not a matter of things that could have been.. or might not existed. None of these possible concepts matter or have any relevance without an awareness of them They cannot be actualized without such an agency. Taking away an object and not replacing it with anything of itself is incorrect. Any such object is not isolated.. nor does it’s underlying building blocks go anywhere if you take away its appearance. All appearances...fine or dense.. solid or flimsy are made of the same stuff. You could call it energy. Nothing new can be introduced with this.. nor anything taken away. Like what @r0ckyreed said reality is malleable and liquid-like . Objects appear dense but thats illusion.
  3. I disagree. The methods to awakening is necessarily a destructive road. You first deconstruct otherness and accept aloneness. Then you deconstruct the self .then you deconstruct every single thing in existence. Our essential essence is what is real im not stupid to deny that .but everything else that is added to this essential nature are false imagination . They are additions. Facades. So in order to find the original essential essence.. it is necessary to negate.. or subtract these false imaginations . I have no comment about the rest of your post because I honestly didn't understand it . But thanks for your comment Carl. You're intelligent guy
  4. @Ishanga first of all these are all religious concepts. They are not necessarily true . not making this shit up can research what Advaita is and what emptiness/ajata are . Well.. that’s the thing. There are no objects at all.. nor any world. There is. however.. an appearance of objects and a world..which is not at all what it seems to be. Asking why there really are not ACTUAL objects is an understandable question. Contemplating the actuality of an object is similar to wondering if images on a filmstrip are actual objects. An imagination projects these seemingly “actual objects”.. but they don’t have a fixed shape.. they don’t have a location.. they don’t exist in any time.. they don’t have identities.. no inherent purpose.. and are not substantiated through any external objective medium because such a thing is just not possible. Dig it? ... "reality" is NOT Possible. Only awareness of an appearance of reality is possible. This is really stretching my capacity to explain . If you don't get it no worries my friend . We are here to learn from each others .thanks for your comment
  5. Answer me this please . why is there something rather than nothing? Not a single answer can be provided coherently other than that there simply isn't. There isn't! Tada!! So supposedly that's the universe's ultimate question. Let's dig into it. And prove that reality doesn't actually exist lol Ponder this : how is it possible that a physical universe made of physical actual "real" matter can exist at all in God's earth? Yeah its impossible. Notice that your experience right now is an impossible phenomenon. Infinity is the impossible made possible as Leo calls it.'s absolutely nuts when ya get it .
  6. I would diagnose it as OCD or perfectionist illness. The best way to deal with irrational fear is to move into it. But also be willing to accept the consequences of that too like a grown-up. I get to the point sometimes where I push things just to see what happens. And usually all that happens is a whole lotta nothing.
  7. Who said God is exclusively good? Don't you see the suffering in Gaza? Gid is equally evil as it is equally good.
  8. Sorry . She just always jump to my threads to derail them. Noted ,sir .
  9. @Princess Arabia true . Now let's end it here. Now ..go to bed ...a sip of water before
  10. @Princess Arabia nah sweetheart ..whenever i check i see you posting something...I know you don't give two fucks about self-actualizing or none of that are just killing some time .you are in deep suffering and don't ask me how I know.
  11. @Princess Arabia obviously you . You are online 24/7 posting hodgebodge. You have out-clowned me . That makes me sad 😔.
  12. I don't lack maturity. I lack being understood by people. No one here is able to understand my profound wisdom except Leo. Is this a serious comment or a joke ? Guess again..
  13. I already did die for the truth..or rather from seeing truth. I did have glimpses or minor awakenings . Call it whatever you want but I'm not lying . It's not a good trade though to die for truth .. The thougt often comes to mind "kill me with the truth. Lem'me have it". Better to keep that guy down than go through all that shit again....that's why I admire Leo and his work. He is fully on the path.. While truth may be harsh and take away happiness but it lights you up and shows you the true picture. It may hurt but later on it would have an even deeper effect. It is hard to deal with it and accept it but it's the harsh reality that matters than the false belief.
  14. Great question! I think it's comprised of having direct experience of who or what you are at the ultimate level aka God .
  15. I know that you know that I'm not awake . I myself know that as well. That doesn't mean I was completely full of shit when I posted threads in the past saying I have awoken to X ..Y..Z..etc It just means I had a moment of insight or a glimpse of the Ox. And this can fool the spiritual seeker into thinking he is fully awake . Keep in mind that since it's obvious for us by now that awakening has infinite levels because consciousness/existence /reality is you can have small degree of awakening. Others can be more woke than you. Leo has posted in his blog that he apologies from being indifferent about us here .
  16. @Princess Arabia God bless you .. but no . I really like you .you're a smart woman (srs )
  17. @Princess Arabia sorry but nah ..i wont engage you .
  18. @Schizophonia part of my changing my style is to not engage with such comments . Because its useless and stupid. It Wastes my time and other's time.
  19. Meh... I'm not impressed so far . Have you guys even tried masturbation overload? ..when I was in high school I was such fucked up horny day I masturbated 15 times . I swear .
  20. That's fine . You must be joking .
  21. @r0ckyreed spot on .