Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Subjective and objective are relative . Not absolute. Only through intense suffering alone will you realize that reality is objective . Pain makes reality real . On the other hand if you isolate yourself for a long period of time in a room You gonna feel that reality is solipsistic. It's called Solipsism Syndrome.
  2. @Emotionalmosquito let's say you have deep intimate mindblowing sex with the most gorgeous girl in the world and you have 6 explosive orgsams ...... NOW WHAT?!
  3. "Everything " is not like an infinite possibility of potential beings and experiences. Its just whatever exists right now and nothing more . That's the mistake in your reasoning.
  4. @Emotionalmosquito Sex Is overrated. You will know once you finally lose your virginity. Its just in and out robotic movements combined with animalistic moans . There is nothing magnificent waiting for you if you have sex . In fact its the opposite won't fully fulfill you . Nothing finite will ever fulfill you .because you are an infinite being .
  5. What's up with the threads about hell? If hell exists ..then so be it. The only thing that will save you is knowing that all of reality is illusory and that ultimately nothing matters. Let whatever the fuck happens to happen. Unconditional Love .
  6. @Javfly33 of course I'm joking hehe @Leo Gura I know the real reason is you are working on courses.
  7. One possibility is that he just realized that all of his teachings up to now were bs and how full of shit he was . And now he is believing in materialism,dualism, and reductionistic science. He might've discovered that psychedelics are brain induced chemical alterations and have no validity when it comes to understanding the nature of consciousness and such. Especially if you notice recently in his posts on the forum he shits on spirituality saying its all nonsense 🤣
  8. @Osaid Reality is an individualistic thing.. Every being experiences its own reality. Be open that there degrees to infinity . Remember that even mathematically speaking there is omega or infinity of infinities. Which is what Leo (actually George Cantor) calls Absolute Infinity.
  9. "And there is none of you except he will come to it. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed." Quran- Chapter called Mary -verse71 The quran says everything shall taste hell . Keep in mind that God is infinite madness .
  10. @Princess Arabia that's bullcrap. You are afraid of death to the brim. 4 years ago I literally was completely done with life . I tried to jump off a tall building..but the fear of death just fucked me in the ass . Even If life is a hell hole..death is worse. You have no other choice but to accept that and become a Mystic. That's why we have Christianity..Islam..Hinduism..Zen..Taoism etc..they give you Panadols to Comfort your fear of death . The Truth is when we die we will be shot right back to the mysterious unknown which we came from . Deal with it.
  11. @Princess Arabia death is the ultimate existential fear . Anything might happen when you die . Anything. All you can do is becoming religious /spiritual. Meditation to find what is it that dies and what is it that does not die. It seem possible this question is coming from a deeper source to stir your soul to a new search. A search for meaning and truth. It is all contained within you.. look inward
  12. @Carl-Richard reality is not a dream .dreams are parts of reality . You can't define the whole with the part .
  13. @Carl-Richard dreams are strange . might be off topic but what exactly is a dream existentially?
  14. Suffering exist because you are biased .(judging good and bad ). Watch Leo's video on bias .
  15. @Vibes you know that you gonna go to hell
  16. @Jac067 You might want to first define "purified "..for unless you are naturally motivated from the inside to go in the direction of greater awareness..wisdom..compassion.. etc. no amount of learning and “practice” will make you “pure.” If you want to become more purified..I recommend practicing daily Meditation plus prayer for it removes the sludge that blocks your innate vision..and the act of transcending (going beyond) keeps awakening you to the larger and more spiritual world.
  17. @StarStruck Ramadan Mubarak. Do the dry fast . Nothing enters your body from sunrise to sunset . go to Masjed. Recite the quran. Islamic rituals are very powerful .
  18. Great ! The body dies .but what is eternal and is never touched by the blazing fires of death ? That is the whole point of the spiritual path
  19. I am not trying to write a negative thread.. but my perception is that so much is going wrong in the world and after so many centuries with so little being learned from mistakes. Of course... I am aware that my own and other people's outlook is filtered through the news..controlled by the media and political powers behind the scenes. It is also dependent on where one lives in the world and personal circumstances. Etc ...but the world Is pretty fucked up . Like goddamn we can land on the moon and do heart transplantation surgery and talk to each others globally etc ..but we still cannot fucking stop killing each other lol After so much history and knowledge what has gone wrong? Can philosophy help in the dire times? I am also open to more positive interpretations and ways of trying to see beyond the bleakness rather than collapse into pessimism and nihilism. Any thoughts?
  20. And is there anything else behind or beyond what you call the absolute? The big bang is in the past ..the entire past is nothing but memory and mental how could you say the big bang actually happened ? If there is no time then there is no beginning automatically. And even if there is an illusion of time then still..nothing began because time is endless in both directions (past and future).
  21. Nothing has ever began . If you move back in time infinitely you will not find a beginning. Just as if you move ahead in time there is no end to creation . It's beginning-less endless mystery.
  22. @Buck Edwards & @OBEler @@Javfly33 I will share the experience that I had and have withholded from sharing in the past because it was the worst thing in my entire life and I was literally a millimetres away from killing myself. I joined so many online support communities and said that I'm suicidal and I experience suicidal thoughts 24/7 . I also visited a therapist and took SSRI’S and all that didn't work back then .. but thank goodness I'm well now . So ..basically what happened is I experienced a very intense OCD . Out of the blue . I became obsessed with EVERYTHING. Will the sun shine tomorrow? If I go to bed is there a garuntee that I will wake up tomorrow? What if I go to hell when I die ? Is the world still there when I close my eyes ?etc and those kind of thoughts . They were very very disturbing. I could not sleep nor remain awake . I was like a drunk zombie. Nothing made sense anymore . That was in 2020. Fortunately by surrendering my ego and taking medicine and praying every single day im healed . The lesson i learned is that Psychotic illness (speaking from experience ) is when that physical avatar changes..or when the perspective in which the present moment is looking through (or looking at infinity through the finite mind) much that consciousness seems to disrupt itself. In other words synchronicities which we all take for the fact that we miraculously find a job..the planets are miraculously holding themselves together.. the graceful flow of consciousness breaks down and devolves into a disruptive stream. I'm not entirely sure though what exactly causes this . Does it all boil down to chemical unbalance in the brain? No idea .