Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Awakening to the facet of immortality and who you actually are Is very simple imo and can be done with simple logic. Only that which is unborn will never die . Is this clear ? Because if it dies then it wasn't eternal. It can only be eternal if it had no start in the past and therefore infinite amount of existing has already passed and it doesn't die . So ..again..only that which was unborn shall never die . Let's investigate what that "thing" is . Think about it ..What was born ? The human body ..This person that you appear to be ..this whole universe with its origin via the big bang. Etc All these were born they will vanish eventually sooner or later. And What was never born? What didn't have a beginning and cannot have an end ? You should immediately see that it's Nothing . No thing . Only nothing is eternal. And therfore your true nature is nothingness. I hope the point I made is clear . If you guys have any questions or objections go ahead. Thx.
  2. @ivankiss Can you go spend some time in a cemetery?
  3. Excellent. Survival and fear in general are the real God that got people by the balls . And the ego hates its own power being threatened. When you tell the ego its gonna die and go to hell fire because you jerk off to porn the ego just go bananas and crumble in fear . Society is geared towards making you a slave and a fearful person. When in fact you're not even a person. You are that innocent child that was unconditionally happy without any identity.
  4. Imagine you're 90 years old in your deathbed in some hospital.. And now Imagine instead of your death ..your body starts a reverse aging do you become a child again. Falsify that . Notice that you can't. Can you ?
  5. What conventional way ? Yup . With that being said ..I would be a liar bitch if I said I don't fear death ..I haven't make the final step into fully 100% knowing that I'm never ever gonna die . People fear the unknown that's why they fear death ..which is normal Not only is it normal to fear the unknown but in these current difficulties .. we’re probably going to find our thoughts turning to our own mortality even more. ..And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact.. contemplating death can spur us on to make important changes in our lives. It can make us question whether we’re living a life that’s based on our values the things that are important to us etc. But it can also play the opposite role and make us anxious all the time .expecting our death to be near .
  6. Yes of course. My whole point. It was just for arguments sake . Notice between the brackets I said if it even happens.
  7. Simple..because I'm eternal. Im existence and existence is eternal. We are eternal. We will always exist in one way or another .but as to what way exactly will we exist as after so called death (if we just assume its real for arguments sake )of our current bodies is the unsettled mystery. In physics classes in school they told you energy cannot be created nor destroyed..It simply changes states.
  8. @Razard86 don't you know..that death and solipsism are my favourite topics? Ive made countless posts about these
  9. Interesting. Well ..tbh I'm stil working on filtering the fear of death which was injected in me by society. Im conscious that death is a thought..but im still afraid .depends of course on how does one die. Suffocating to death doesn't sound like a pleasant experience. Although you can die without any melodrama (like dying while sleeping). But the moment of death..that one final moment is when the levels of fear reach infinity. This moment is what I'm terrified from to an unimaginable degree .
  10. @Princess Arabia do you fear death ? If I pointed a gun towards your head and said you make one more post today and I'm gonna shoot you ..what would be your reactions? Can you stand straight on the edge of a cliff or a very tall building without fearing that you might (intentionally or unintentionally ) jump ? are you conscious right now that death is literally just some idea you've been brainwashed with and holds ZERO actuality ? Do you get how radical this is?
  11. @Thought Art great ! But it is my fault . I should've cleared up my terminology so I don't confuse people that I think consciousness isn't eternal.
  12. I'm not denying consciousness. Please try to understand my position clearly . Consciousness exists . But what is consciousness? Its a shape shifting substance that has no ground . What's tripping you up in this inquiry is you imagine nothingness to be black void . No ..nothingness is a shape shifter that takes on endless forms but in its essence its not any particular form specifically
  13. @Thought Art its getting silly at this point . We will keep arguing past each there trying to outsmart each other . Something is nothing. This is the ultimate duality that must be broken to fully awaken. If you don't believe me watch Leo's video why there is something rarher than nothing. Might be illuminating.
  14. "All there is " must include division. . Otherwise it wouldn't be all there is ,would it ?
  15. Sweet You are on fire recently. Please continue posting stuff like this . BTW are you aware of the journaling section? Why don't you start a journal there and write whatever comes to your mind there? For me I don't want because my writing sucks lol.
  16. "Absolute is all there is and there is only the Absolute"...I don't entirely disagree..but you have to define the word absolute because in front of me right now there are a chair and a TV screen (two objects ).. I understand that there is no boundaries between objects only appears that way on the macro level ..but if we zoom into any boundary between two seemingly separate objects we will not be able to distinguish them from each other because there is a blur and unity underneath the apparent separation. Interesting stuff .
  17. @Princess Arabia so what happened ?
  18. Yea actually I meant to post it there not here ..sorry..follow me there lol
  19. @Princess Arabia can't really read all that ..tell me a brief description of what exactly did you experience/became conscious of ?
  20. A beginningless thing cannot die because if it can it must've been dead since infinite time in the past . Only that which is beginningless can be endless .and that thing is nothingness aka God.