Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Nothing has ever began . If you move back in time infinitely you will not find a beginning. Just as if you move ahead in time there is no end to creation . It's beginning-less endless mystery.
  2. @Buck Edwards & @OBEler @@Javfly33 I will share the experience that I had and have withholded from sharing in the past because it was the worst thing in my entire life and I was literally a millimetres away from killing myself. I joined so many online support communities and said that I'm suicidal and I experience suicidal thoughts 24/7 . I also visited a therapist and took SSRI’S and all that didn't work back then .. but thank goodness I'm well now . So ..basically what happened is I experienced a very intense OCD . Out of the blue . I became obsessed with EVERYTHING. Will the sun shine tomorrow? If I go to bed is there a garuntee that I will wake up tomorrow? What if I go to hell when I die ? Is the world still there when I close my eyes ?etc and those kind of thoughts . They were very very disturbing. I could not sleep nor remain awake . I was like a drunk zombie. Nothing made sense anymore . That was in 2020. Fortunately by surrendering my ego and taking medicine and praying every single day im healed . The lesson i learned is that Psychotic illness (speaking from experience ) is when that physical avatar changes..or when the perspective in which the present moment is looking through (or looking at infinity through the finite mind) much that consciousness seems to disrupt itself. In other words synchronicities which we all take for the fact that we miraculously find a job..the planets are miraculously holding themselves together.. the graceful flow of consciousness breaks down and devolves into a disruptive stream. I'm not entirely sure though what exactly causes this . Does it all boil down to chemical unbalance in the brain? No idea .
  3. Actually by looking at direct experience it turns out that there is no source . There is only me .
  4. Yup I wish someone smashed me in the face with this simple fact back when I experienced those discordant thoughts . Would've saved me days and week of insomnia and hellish nightmares of suffering. Thanks.
  5. How to define any mental illness clearly? I did some research but it's mostly referring to the "person ". For example split personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder (DID) is described as "a mental disorder where a person has two or more distinct personalities. The thoughts, actions, and behaviors of each personality may be completely different.". Now I have had some no-self and nondual experiences recently and can see clearly through the "person". Or the self that is separate from the traits of the conditioned body-mind.. And to this " self" is the reference of being " disordered". The body-mind is simply programmed or conditioned to behave in a certain way and think in a certain way. Everything "you" do all day is simply a program that has been implemented in your mind over the years.. By your parents.. By your culture.. Society etc. Also genetics play a huge role. this conditioning is what is called the "personality".. The personality is simply the conditioning of the program that you are operating under. If you fly over to the other side of the world.. And you are forced to live under radically new circumstances.. Your conditioning will change.. Which will result in a different personality..slightly or to a radically different degree depending on the degree of the change in the new conditioning. My point is.. the personality is just a program. It's not in the slightest little bit who you really are. That's why you can act. That's why you can fake a personality that is not yours. Cuz it's just a mask. The fact that you can fake a 1000 different personalities in one day means you already have 1000 personalities inside of you. Potentially . Accurately they are just different characters that the empty self can take. I wonder how do we define the authentic self? Or what should people behave like? Or what is a personality disorder? If your kid suddenly started to act in a totally different way then he used to .. Does that mean he has a personality disorder? Did he have a personality in the first place? Why do we expect human creatures to act under a certain personality when just by one look inside ourselves we can see that we have hundred personalities(. Cuz ultimately we are none of them and all of them) ?.
  6. Is there a two of me ? The one who is listening to the voice and the voice ? Schizophonia stuff .
  7. We all know that one of the core pillars to spirituality is reducing your egoic tendencies..and it is necessary to adopt a serious spiritual practice to get there. I know because thats a trap ive fallen into . You cannot achieve awakening through theory alone. a practice That constantly trains you to drop your sense of ego is mandatory. I like the sufi /Islamic mysticism practices. The constant chanting and prayers and uncontrolled body movements (including rotation) is supposed to give you an experience of losing your sense of self and oneness with your environment. So you are no longer the one who is chanting.. You become the chant itself. You are no longer the body that rotates.. You become the rotating itself. You become one with Allah. La ilaha illallah =there is no deity but Allah. This gave me a sense of ego death and melting with the universe and becoming one with Allah.
  8. There's a wrinkle of wisdom and truth in all religions. The Bible and the Vedas also are interesting. I didn't study comparative religions so I can't judge which holy book is the best .
  9. Not the entire thing . But I've read hundreds of pages . It's interesting.
  10. Those are great . But at the end of the day Islam is a fixed or limited religion (just like all religions) ..and God is Absolute Infinity so you cannot expect a 600+ pages book (the Qur’an) to capture Infinity. That's just the nature of God. It's endless. So you cannot expect Islam to have a monopoly over God. That for me Is the only thing or barrier that prevents me from accepting Islam. Same with Buddhism and Hindu traditions. They are limited . The Truth is unlimited. A piece of dog shit in the street is equally God as the Bible or the Qur’an.
  11. I am currently researching islam . I actually made a thread here before your unban that I want to become a muslim . But people here made fun of me and thought I'm a nutcase. I think the Islamic tradition is one of the most potent forms of spirituality. Especially the Sufi sect . But unfortunately it's not trendy in the west because of Islam being portrayed as an evil religion that allows violence (ya know 11/9 and the rest of the story ).
  12. May him rest in peace . Dead people know the truth .because the veil has been lifted . BTW it's ironic your profile picture is of sufi dervishes rotation 😂
  13. @Zeroguy that's because you are not enlightened.
  14. @Zeroguy isn't it kinda weird that whatever you focus on firmly tends to just pop up in your life magically? have you noticed that yet ?
  15. you see guys ..the bottom line is that Solipsism can't be disproved. Not in a zillion years lol. And I know this very well. we are all solipsists deep down as Leo says . What is the problem with solipsism? Why is it bad or scary ? It seems like I'm looking for a solution without a problem. Philosophically..I am a solipsist and a panpsychist. My position is that we are all solipsists in superposition with each other and so the only mind that exists that we can know for certain is our own. From that standpoint (mine).. all the other entities (solipsists) might as well be NPC'S (8 billion at least lol). For example: I am writing these words and from my vantage I am a sentient being that experiences all these words . Qualia and physicality are mine and exist because I consciously create and experience them. To "you" guys reading this i am whatever you conjure as an abstract concept. I am the pixels on a screen that you conceive/perceive as some forum user with the label “Someone here” generated in continuous threads about solip-fucking-ism. What do i mean by this? You are projecting the idea that what you are experiencing right now has a deeper independent reality to it. Which you call the external objective world. You Believe the world exists when you are not perceiving it. You have recognize it’s a more of convoluted belief system that requires extra mind baggage.. that careful and objective direct study of experience and reality does not need. your consciousness of the present moment is actual. regardless of whether you deny perception/’s here.. it’s’s completely undeniable. Any extra metaphysical claims about the substance of reality are subject to unfalsifiable skepticism. And again.. It's impossible to prove an objective external world outside of your imagination due to the nature of conscious experience only having the ability to exist as experience. Consciousness is all you have to prove a world. So you are always using consciousness as the actual substance of inquiry and you cannot step outside of consciousness to verify is something outside of consciousness.
  16. This is a Q&A between me and Leo in November 2020...about infinity and hell . Me: Leo why does it have to be this way? I had a crazy nightmare last night I realized what you are talking about. Consciousness can materialize everything imaginable. This is a total mind killer. In the dream I saw how there is no limit to what can be created by consciousness.. Why just why? Infinity fine I get it but still just fucking why?!! Who is controlling this? There is no limit to what can created and experienced.. But why God is such a fool to use his infinite power to create hell? Would you address this? I want to understand why it is such that consciousness will dream hell if it's infinitely good and infinitely intelligent? Is it being dreamed randomly like consciousness can't help itself but explode all it's potential? Is there not a choice for consciousness to create only a limited section of its capabilities? Why am I a fool as God to create hell and torture myself? What's the point? Leo: Consciousness likes to dream. That's what it does. Why would there be any limits upon what one can dream? The nature of dreaming is that it's unlimited. You are still judging good vs bad. From the POV of Infinite Consciousness all dreams are valid, interesting, and part of the whole. God is not going to exclude stuff nor eliminate stuff just because a human doesn't like it. You can't really appreciate how unlimited and powerful Consciousness is unless you experience some of the nightmares it can dream up. Your question is basically the age-old question of: If God exists, why would he allow evil? To which the answer is, God sees no evil, but you do since you are attached to finite forms. Reality is far too profound of a thing to make logic sense to a finite and fearful human mind. To understand God you must surrender all your judgments and attachments. God is infinite imagination, but you are asking God to be something less than that because it makes you uncomfortable. Well, sorry, but God has bigger priorities than you personal comfort.
  17. Because what exactly the thing that reincarnates? The body? The soul? The self? The Self? The awareness? The ego? All? Some? What??? Because as a matter of observable fact the body decays into dust and rot alright?.. Once your physical body dies it just dissolves into it's essential elements and just evaporates in nature.. Gets diffused into the soil etc. So that's that. What is it exactly that reincarnates then because obviously it's not the body? The self? There is no self "inside "the body lol !. The body is inside the" Self". There is no ghost inside the machine. What you really have is a machine inside the ghost lol. The self (ego) is a negative hole that appears as a consequence (byproduct) of entanglement of thoughts.. perceptions.. feelings etc. It's a misidentification really. It's a negative.. not an existing entity onto itself. So there is no self to reincarnate. IMO reincarnation is no different from Abrahamic religion's notions of hell and heaven.. Both have ZERO evidence!. As for karma as an evidence that supports reincarnation.. Well it's simply that for each up there is a down and for each action there is a reaction. You throw up a ball in the sky.. It falls down in the opposite direction taking the exact time that it took to reach the highest peak to fall from it into the ground. That's karma. The universe is already at perfect balance. There is no need for reincarnation to achieve balance as if balance could be lost to begin with. Balance is already the case. It's inconceivable that something unbalanced could even exist! And if you look at it from a pantheistic worldview.. You are already living inside every creature in this planet.. So at the moment that you are beheading a chicken you are the chicken that's being beheaded and the human who is beheading it simultaneously. Karma is instant.
  18. What's the spiritual value of a mystic/religious type of beard ?
  19. Oh really? Care to elaborate on which kind of solipsism Leo have talked about ..because I've watched the solipsism video and the "infinity of Gods " episode thousands of times already 😂. Has absolutely nothing to do with OP. Which is exactly what I'm saying my love . I'm gonna unleash it and not give a fuck .
  20. I'm thinking of growing one
  21. "I" can't become enlightened . When "I " drops ,enlightenment happens .
  22. Are you saying that these are equivalent to patterns? Because I don't get the sense that patterns are conscious agencies. Do you consider yourself a conscious agent ?or are you a "no-selfer"? I need to see an actual example of what you call "patterns" because you overuse this word .. To understand a cat.. you have to observe the cat. You will not understand much if you only describe that cat or show up a picture.