Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. A beginningless thing cannot die because if it can it must've been dead since infinite time in the past . Only that which is beginningless can be endless .and that thing is nothingness aka God.
  2. @Thought Art Semantics. Nothing =consciousness =something =physical world.
  3. Like you said: something = Nothingness. You just need to recontextualize how you view physical reality (aka consciousness) to realize first-hand this Truth. I'm not saying consciousness does not exist . I'm saying consciousness is nothing.
  4. No one has found's just the five sense giving you input from what seems to be an external world . People have seen, heard, smelled, touched and tasted. Then added the idea and names of things to make "sense" of senses. It certainly is radical. But Stacking labels onto nothing.. and it still ends up being nothing. THIS is utterly unknowable.It can't be pinned down because it's already everything & nothing. Its like trying to sit on a cloud..or catch a fart in the wind.
  5. Thanks . Well..There is an old Buddhist saying " form is empty. Emptiness is form". It's basically pointing to the collapse of the duality between somethingness and nothingness. I've realized it many times.. That something and nothing are identical. Not on psychedelics. Just by observing my experience of reality and contrasting it against a dream state . The mistake is thinking that "nothing" is some blank black void somewhere. No.. Everything we are experiencing all the time is precisely nothing. It's completely hollow and unstable. No different than appearance of a Dream. Even scientifically speaking.. If you break down the atoms that make up the universe.. You will get waves of energy. Break down the energry and you get nothingness . We know now through quantum physics that the universe is literally made out of nothing.
  6. Yes nothing new under the sun . What I said is spirituality 101. But I just thought about it carefully this evening and I thought I would share. It's simple. No mental gymnastics are needed . You can easily discover this fact . As @Thought Art said..something and nothing are the same thing . Its ALL nothing but with different densities if you will. The dream state is less dense than the waking everyday world . And the deep sleep condition is even lesser in density. Nothing doesn't become something. Nothing =Something. Again think about dreams at night..are they nothing or something? I'm waiting for your answer to this question but to me the answer is it's both .
  7. @Thought Art I don't claim to be awake . plus i clearly stated that this is a logical deduction and not an awakening to immortality.
  8. OK so that's how you interepert it are basically saying that God is evil motherfucker for creating suffering in the world . But its actually the opposite.. Because God is good ..he has to create every potential being .Read the Islamic kalam(theology) scholars. God knows every possibility before creating it .and out of his mercy and love he brought every single possible being into existence . Because God is in the business of discovering itself . Infinity is endless. Its not all roses and rainbows .some serious fucked shit are inevitable parts of reality . Its a fact . Its done .its over .You have no other choice but to surrender and accept. OK dude .
  9. @Ishanga God has mercy for all its creation. When I see incidents like that video I just remind myself that its all being done by God for the greater good . Its actually a mercy to die as a kid and unite with the God-head instead of suffering for fucking 60-90 years as a human and then die at the end in any case .
  10. @Princess Arabia good .you are getting somewhere . Or perhaps nowhere i don't either care lol. But here's a full script of a Satsang by Guru Robert Adams called "its all a cosmos joke ". It's lengthy. But so funny and insightful and liberating. Give it a read when you have time . God bless you 🙏 the script below: "There is no certain purpose for you being alive. Think about it. There is no special or real purpose for your being alive. Why are you here anyways?. What did man do on this earth? What did mankind achieve even with all it's sages and saints? Civilizations are coming and going. And where are we now? We think we are important. Who do we think we are?. We get born. We experience a lot of stuff. We work. We gather a lot of money.. Maybe. And then we get old and die. So what is the real purpose of all this? There is no one. We are nothing. You have no reason to exist. As a matter of fact.. You don't exist. You never really existed. It's all a cosmic joke. There isn't a real aim behind you being alive and being here. This may sound like an insult.. It is!. But it is the truth. And the truth hurts. it is the truth and the truth hurts. You may think you are important.. that you have come to earth to accomplish great deed..or to get enlightened. That is not true. The enlightenment is already here and it doesn’t need you. You are not wanted by anything or by anybody. You are a complete failure. In truth you do not exist. The illusion of your existence makes you think that you are important.. that you are somebody. That is why we talk about being nobody so much.. there is no body. Yet, no matter how often I say this.. you appear to be real. You appear to have a body. You appear to go to work. You appear to eat and sleep.. and believe the illusion is going to continue. But as you know, soon you will be six feet under. So what good are you? This is why it is important to wake up. Yet, you are never asleep! So who wakes up? Therefore, nothing is important. You think some things are important. So long as you think them important.. you give them power, increasing the power of living in things... making you feel more and more–so called–alive. The beginning of wisdom is understanding that there is no wisdom. There is no body to have wisdom. The more you try to analyze things.. the more you use your brain to function on this plane of existence.. the more you put into Maya, into nothing.. into illusion.. the more that effort is inevitably doomed to failure. All your dreams and aspirations come to nothing. There is nothing you have to become or be. Think of all the people looking for liberation.. for enlightenment. Who wants to be liberated? The ego. There is no ego. (Laughter) There is no one to be liberated. Yet you continue to believe you exist. Awakening is a joke. Liberation is a joke. My sitting here talking to you is a joke. There is nothing to be found, nothing to be achieved, nothing to become. You are attached to your mind and its false beliefs. So why are you here? You want a teaching. You want a lesson. You want a mantra. You’re looking for a way out. All this keeps you back. Your searching.. your seeking keeps you back. It doesn’t make you fulfilled. It doesn’t do anything for you. Awakening is a joke. Liberation is a joke. My sitting here talking to you is a joke, for you think you have to find something, you think you have to achieve something, you thing you have to become something. This is what the scrip- tures mean by attachment. You’re attached to your mind, and its false beliefs. The so-called mind tells you that something is this way and something is that way, this is good and this is bad, this is right and this is wrong, and you react to it, bringing more problems into your so called existence. But, wouldn't it be beautiful if you could just awaken one morning and realize you don’t exist, that you never existed, and no one exists, there’s no existence whatsoever? Then where would you be? Who knows? But as long as you believe that you exist, you’re going to stick up for your rights, you’re going to fight for survival, you’re going to seek wisdom. It is all very funny to me. Even when I tell you to wake up, there’s really no one to wake up, for no one’s ever gone to sleep. To wake up you have to be asleep. Who sleeps? You may say, "The body, the mind sleeps, “ but there is no body, there is no mind. There never was. All the teachings you’ve been through are a waste of time, the struggling, running all over the world looking for masters and teachers, reading all these scriptures in detail, to what avail? Why do you think you need these things? All you really have to do is understand what I am talking about. Ponder what I say. And then forget it. Do not hold on to thoughts, to words, to messages. The reason the bird sings beautifully, and exists so beautifully, is because it doesn't know it’s a bird. It doesn’t know it’s anything. It has no idea what it is. We give it a name, “bird.” We could have given it the name “cow.” We call a bird a bird and we call a cow a cow. We give names to all these things, but these things just are. They aren’t here, they aren’t there. They aren’t good,they aren’t bad. They just are. And the same with you. You are not this and you are not that.. you just are. There is nothing you have to do, absolutely nothing you have to do. Think of all the years you’ve spent studying. Where’s it all going to lead? What will become of it? You may have altruistic attitudes.. believe that you’re doing good for the world, for the future of the world. but this world has no future. It never did, it never will. As I mentioned in the beginning, we have had millions of civilizations on this earth, they’ve come and they’ve gone. Civilization has surpassed where we are now. It’s all gone. What I’m trying to say is you can’t do any good for anybody. Everything is right just the way it is. Nothing in this world needs improvement. The improvement idea comes in to your own mind. You believe you are a person, you believe you think, then the ideas come to you, what you can do to improve the world, and you try, and you try, and you try, to no avail. You must know yourself as no thing. Do not look at yourself as something. Always bear in mind, there is absolutely nothing you have to do. This is how you become happy, peaceful, joyous, for when there is nothing in the mind, happiness itself becomes preva- lent. Awaken from this mortal dream. When I say this ask yourself, “Who has to awaken? Who is there who has to awaken?” The way to make progress… there isn’t any progress to be made. This will contradict everything I’ve said. Again, when I say, “Wake up,” ask yourself, “Who is there to wake up?” When I say “Drop everything, inquire, “Who’s to drop everything?” In other words, what you’re doing is you’re saying there’s never was anybody or anything that has to wake up or to drop. Nothing like that exists. There’s no one who exists like that. Can you see now why there is nothing to say, really? Can you see all the words are redundant, superfluous? We can play all sorts of games if we want to, do all sorts of mantras, Tantric tech- niques. We can do all of these things, but for what, to what avail? You just have to know that you are nobody, there’s absolutely nothing to do, and no one ex- ists. This relieves you of everything, doesn’t it? It relieves you of all responsibility to yourself and to the world. Again, what I’m telling you will not turn you into a vegetable, where you just sit on a log and contemplate your navel. If you're listening to me correctly, you will do whatever you're doing now but you'll be happier than you've ever been in your life, because you'll realize that it doesn't matter. You'll know there's nobody really doing anything. You will be doing the work that you usually do, if you want to do that. You will appear to be living a human existence, but you will know there's nobody left to do anything. The doer is gone. There’s no doer. The doer has been completely wiped out. Some of you still believe that if you become this way you'll become so sarcastic and belliger- ent, you will not care, you will not be loving and kind, but this is not true. On the contrary, as you drop everything, as you let go of all your preconceived ideas, your dogmas, as you forget all of your rituals and all the things you've been doing all your life, what we call love begins to function as you. What we call compassion begins to function as you. Loving kindness, peace, these attributes will automatically take over, for you have lost all fear. When you have lost all fear for existence, love automatically takes over. But as long as you fear existence and you think something's wrong somewhere, then the mind blows up all kinds of pictures, and you have to go out and defend yourself and do things, for your own self- aggrandizement. Never put goat’s milk in a wooden pot."
  11. I'm from India..I know exactly about this unatman (no self ) from Buddhism. Buddhism is extremely limited religion and they believe in all sorts of mythologies. One of which is this thing about no self . Hinduism claims that there is the true Self or brahma..Buddhism rejects all self-identity..there isn't true self or false self ..there is just nobody home Every Schmuck with more than zero brain cells knows that this is completely nonsensical.
  12. Without consciousness you could not even write this post .
  13. Prove to me the existence of demons inside this physical realm.
  14. Demons don't exist. Its just fairy tales that parents scare their kids with to go early to bed otherwise the boogeyman will eat them. It can also be a metaphor for the ego. Satan is the ego .
  15. Probably the same thing that happens during sleep . You drift gradually into unconsciousness..Then you start having nocturnal dreams . And I have a hunch that this is also what happens during physical death just rest for a while and then you start a new dream of existence or a new fantasy. All worlds are nothingness . Sleep is nothing .dreams are nothing. Existence is nothing .
  16. No. The universe is extremely ordered and fine tuned to contain life . If the earth was a little bit nearer to the sun it would burn ..if the earth was a little bit further away from the sun it would freeze. The cosmological constant. The gravitational constant. All the laws of physics basically.. According to Stephen Hawking if they were slightly different during the big bang we would not have life and intelligent species like human beings . All of that makes atheism a joke .
  17. "You are God's bitch " -profound quote from Sri guru Leo Gura.
  18. @Leo Gura are you even conscious of Alien cartoon wolf shemale Buddhist rat? if you don't know what that is you have no clue what consciousness is.
  19. @enchanted try sitting on the eggs ..might crash and breed chicks