Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @VeganAwake hey don't get too cocky ..this whole no self baloney is yet another illusion which the illusory you have to bust through . If an illusory bus hits the illusory you ..the illusory you will die ..will fuckin die..for real ..not ego death kids play. I agree that the self is illusory. But its needed to function in the illusory world .otherwise you will go bananas and bad illusory things will happen to the illusory you 😉
  2. Not ridiculous at all . It doesn't take more than 5 minutes of classic old Self-Inquiry to realize there is nobody inside the body .
  3. Haha That's right man .. You are me.. All people are me! Not just dear Leo But That's the final goal of this work . The aim of all my seeking .. Is to merge into you and become one with you. Whoever reading these words right now.. Is me. The awareness. There is apparent separate persons though. But what "you" are is not a person. You are the background that is observing. And I am that. Therefore I am you. I know this . You are literally physically actually accurately me.. Now we can fall in love with each other. We can focus on what seperates us though and that's equally true.. You are not me =you are me.. Makes no difference .. But I choose that you are me because that's more attractive. Truth doesn't have to always make sense. Nothing makes sense anyways 😂.
  4. Of course. So Is that why you've deleted "you are Leo " from your signature and replaced it with "you are Truth "? Or is it because it was super cringe? jk
  5. That's obvious as hell. That's not what I'm saying of course. You said what is being dreamt is none of my business as a human but to God and not even God because infinity is inevitable and God's infinite plan must be played out completely until the puzzle is completed and everything fits in in the bigger picture possible . So I asked who ultimately controls this mechanism if even (as you said ) God himself cannot stop himself from himself .
  6. @DocWatts what are your thoughts on ontological nihilism? It doesn't say objects are mental construction nor says there are literally no objects at all..nothing at all exists in truth.
  7. What if there is zero distance between you and God.
  8. So I as a human being are completely powerless pertaining how this dream I'm dreaming in this current life unfolds? let me use analogy of a an actor in a movie and the director. What the actor does is determined by the scenario of the author and the director of the movie ..but here you are saying God doesn't have a sense of self .it's complete selfless like an infinite amount of multiverses that must be dreamt there is no conscious agent that is controlling the dream (existence)? Even God is not an agent ? Brilliant. Thanks
  9. @Leo Gura a quick question please: When you say you are dreaming all dreams and all dreamers from the most absolute sense as god ..then you say you cannot undream the floor underneath you and such .because your ego isn't in control of the dream unlike the god you so to speak...why is that ? You answered this question in your interview with Curt J. That the dream must be convincing and not loosey-goosey ..but when we dream at night some dreams are just a bunch of nonsensical hodgebodge of unorganised unrelated events and some dreams are 100% coherent and logical. I once dreamt an entire life. I was born ..I went to school ..I got married and raised a family and then I died and awakend in my bed . So why the waking state is always consistent unlike the dreams at night ..? If there is no difference whatsoever between the waking dream and the sleeping dream then shouldn't that not be the case ?
  10. Kylian Mbappé has officially announced that he will leave PSG this summer . Nothing is official yet about his next destination but its 99.999999% to Real Madrid . My question is : if Rodrego plays on the right wing ..and Vinicius Junior on the left..and Bellingham as a fake 9 beneath them ...where the hell will Mbappé play? 🤔
  11. Cigarettes feel better than sex. Try Marlboro Gold.
  12. What to do ? Surrender totally. Accept reality unconditionally . I know easier said than dons but you have no other choice . Even enlightenment is simply Surrender.
  13. "Many awakenings " . That's the whole problem. Since reality is infinite .you will never be done with awakening. How many times have you awoke from a dream surprised to discover that you were actually sleeping? imagine you wake up again realizing that you had merely awoke to another dream state. Imagine this continuing on..waking to more and more successive degrees of wakefulness..on and on for countless centuries. The longer I live the more I realise I know nothing 🤣🙏
  14. I do my best to always check myself to make sure I'm not like this. It takes genuine humility to not lose yourself. Realize how tiny and insignificant you are and how LITTLE you really know. Being awakened isn't any better than being asleep. Being asleep is natural. Awakening is painful..the truth is painful and can be alienating and I see lots of people who are aslee.. living happier lives than me and fitting in society better than being awakened doesn't mean shit in terms of living a superior life. It feels like there is a thin blurry line that separates being '"truly awakened"' and being delusional and pretentious. I don't know it myself... I don't know if being "awakened"' is just a self-help and self-empowering kind of word that leads to the trapping of oneself into a lost forest. Something certainly feels real..but it is being shrouded by a kind of cunning falseness. Not sure if anyone will understand what I mean..but looking forward to your thoughts.
  15. To me.. meditation is exactly like breathing. So whatsoever you are doing and wherever you it more consciously. For example..I can raise this hand without any consciousness..just unconsciously.. out of habit. But you can raise your hand with full awareness..and you can see the difference between the two. The act is the same: one is mechanical..the other is full of consciousness.and the quality is tremendously different. Try it..because it is a question of taste and experience. Walking..just ust try for a few minutes to walk consciously. Each step be alert and you will be surprised that the quality of your walk is totally is relaxed. There is no tension and there is a subtle joy that is arising out of your relaxed walking.
  16. @r0ckyreed I see your point . But are you aware of Osho's dynamic meditation? When you think of meditation you probably imagine someone sitting in stillness and silence with a look of serenity on their face. But Osho's dynamic meditation is not that. It Involves chaotic breathing..screaming and crying and shouting to express everything out of your’s a far cry from sitting on a fringed cushion and loading up your Headspace app.
  17. In my humble opinion there is no end to suffering. Life will always fuck with you .always . Grow some balls and deal with it.
  18. 6 Champions league in the last 10 years . This is unbelievable.
  19. I don't think you should Google it or look it up in the dictionary..accepting means knowing that every mistake you do or others do is OK. Because there is no doer . Its all the absolute which is the puppeteer and we all puppets. Not a single atom in existence is out of its place .God has preordained everything from the beginning to the end to be a perfect drama that is worth every moment if you see the big picture and how it's all for the greater good for yourself and others . It's not mine . It's from Robert Adam's book "Silence of the heart ". Much love brother 🙏
  20. Accept yourself completely. You are perfect just the way you are . Be yourself .your authentic self . Even lf you can't accept yourself..Accept that also .Accept that you can't accept. And even simpler not accept nor not accept ..just let life do whatever the hell it does. Leave everything and everyone alone. There are no problems. Nothing is wrong . Trust in God. "He" knows exactly what is he doing. Every hardship or suffering is for the greater good if you zoom out and see the full picture.
  21. I just came back from the grocery store with a huge basket of fresh avocado And I will be eating those for the next few days . Only relying on fruits . Its just an experiment to test out if this diet is the optimal diet for human beings . I know it's high in nutrients but low in calories. So I will add some milk with banana to create a thick juice . Anyways..what should I expect from this diet ?
  22. What "hologram" are ya talking about ? What you are missing is that this ⬆️ is something you are imagining right now ..isn't it or not? Answer me are NOT a will never be a crocodile..this is just a thought experiment from you to try to illustrate or convey a meaning (which ironically you deny that absolute meaning exists ). No problem with this .I agree .
  23. I agree . But perhaps tone down the technical language a bit so that everyone who read can be able to understand. I will talk about enlightenment since that's what relevant here to OP.. I will just say my opinion and to each his own to agree or disagree.. Enlightenment/awakening/nirvana/ liberation etc is basically absolute solipsism. You are God alone dreaming up this entire world .its becoming ever more obvious to me day after day ..and rest assured I'm not emitating Leo or anything like that ...YOU are imagining EVERYTHING right fucking now . Before you were born there was nothing in existence. When you go to sleep there is nothing In existence. Why is it hard for you to accept that when you die there will also be nothing in existence? You are attached to the idea of otherness and to objective reality being real awaken you MUST surrender this attachment and accept Absolute Aloneness .
  24. Not sure how is that related to my post but anyways..I'm not saying consciousness is a thought ..I'm saying thoughts and everything else for that matter (like perceptions and bodily sensations )are held within consciousness. The whole world that you perceive now is being carried inside your bubble of consciousness right now judt like how data is stored in the hardwareof a PC absolutely never ever be able to deny this .tell me where is the world when you go unconscious either by sleeping or coma etc?