Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Just to provoke some thoughts . The Truth is of course you are God dreaming its everything. A dream within a dream with no beginning or end .
  2. No . Stories are essential for survival .you couldn't have human life without em. Imagine living as an empty headed nobody who abandoned society and just begging for bread on the streets will end up like that without Stories. When you interact in society with other human chimps who are also not awake and deeply stuck in the matrix just like have to practice etiquette and play by the social matrix's rules . Without Stories you couldn't sleep at night..because you need an ontological bedrock of assumptions that it's safe to drift off .as an atheist myself..I don't have that . And I suffer from insomnia. Do you know that deeply religious people are more happy than secular people? There has been studies done on thar.
  3. @Nemra what's infinity minus one btw ?
  4. @Nemra I was about to tell a joke about infinity ..but then i realised it never ends
  5. @Bazooka Jesus so what's your alternative? Do you have the nerve to claim you live without "a story "? I mean we don't nesscary need to squeeze goats testicles or read the tarot or any woo woo myths to believe in ....but at least since you are not awake you believe you are a human chimp living on a rock that orbits around the sun in the middle of nowhere...
  6. Haha that's an exception for the rule . It seems like a Sine wave function (Google what that is because I don't have time to explain it here)..I say there is an ebb and rising to the maturity function. Kids cry over candy . Teenagers cry over video games. Adults cry over money or their spouse cheating on them. Etc but it seems like when you pass through a certain threshold (like 70 years old ) that you become like a kid again.
  7. @StarStruck all living beings are a mistake in evolution by natural selection. You are decaying every single day and getting close to the grave ...but because you feed your body you stay alive. If you were a rock you would decay faster because rocks have inertia. You have no right to live ..because your life depends on other creatures' life . Life is a design of a sadistic motherfucker.
  8. Good question. I would say it depends on the person's maturity. A slob teenager will cry like a coward if his dad took his PlayStation out. But a mature person is OK with most of his life . Maturity usually comes with age and life experiences. My theory is that the older you get the more you become able to experience unconditional happiness that isn't contingent on external conditions.
  9. @UnbornTao that's hedonism not happiness . I agree tho that We don't need to abstract off and theorizing about what happiness means. I can Actually go back in my past and remember my experiences of happiness..but Weren't they linked to specific things (maybe getting high grades.. Buying new iPad.. Getting new friends etc)... Now a hedonist will argue that you just keep doing more and more of these good feeling activities and that's basically what a happy life is! Do you agree ? As long as this "message " is making you happy then go for it . You are on the right track . Don't listen to naysayers.
  10. @Princess Arabia been reading /listening/watching Jim Newman..Tony Parsons ..Anna Brown as of late ?
  11. As long as you are a human rat you will keep running hunting the will chase pleasure and escape from pain..this does not ever change. Even enlightened folks need to eat ,shit ,and fuck..But the difference is that they are deep down aware that its all for nothing at the end . To be in a state of 24/7 bliss and ecstasy is something that does not seem realistic to me . Even Jesus suffered on the cross . This is spiritual nonsense to say the ego will be in bliss. However..the ego is inside bliss . Bliss is the substratum of existence. Its the background of the ego. The ego appears inside this bliss in the background . But the ego will never be blissful eternally .unless you disidentify with the ego completely and identify as bliss ...but that's called death.
  12. @Dodo law of attraction..daily affirmations a vision board . Plus taking huge action and actually improving your attractiveness as a man and actually having the balls to talk to the girls you found are beautiful.
  13. It is flowery 🙂! Its too good to be true isnt it ? I believe wholeheartedly 100% in the Law of Attraction. Two years ago i was about to suicide myself because i dont have a girlfriend..i just used vision board and practiced manifestation and in less than a year i met a girl and i fucked her brains out llol. So i don't just "believe"..but I KNOW! The Law of Attraction is a law of the Universe just as the law of gravity. But instead of gravity LA works by your thoughts. So instead of an object being thrown or falling towards you..its your thoughts coming to you. Your thoughts are alive and whatever you think creates what you see in your life. 🙏
  14. Always be careful what you wish for and what you don't wish for as well..because I have verified multiple times in my own direct experience that whatever you think about often you tend to create. You are the creator of your reality whether you like it or not why don't you create consciously? I'm sure that most of you guys can relate that when you think about something so often it tends to magically pop up in your life's the law of attraction at work. The bottom line is..everything you think will come true one way or another. Not necessarily in the way you think about but most often than not..what you think will happen. For example.. if you're a virgin with no sexual experience with women..constantly thinking this will sustain this situation forever..because thinking you're a virgin.. and thinking you have no attraction skills WILL make that stay exactly like this (this is what reality is for you . and you don't want it to change ...). It's only when you change your mindset.. and everyday think positively about th situation... instead of focusing on the negative that it lwill change. That requires faith..and an enormous deal of courage..and hard work . but it can and must be done. You must find away to create your dream life .this is a win or win battle and I'm committed to change my life and take self actualization seriously.
  15. Haha its very simple my dude ..when I tell you try to NOT think of a blue kangaroo ..immediately your mind will get filled with mental images of blue kangaroos floating around . Whatever you focus on either negative or positive is attracted . So when you fear something too much too often it will more likely happen..and if you want something so bad so often..the chances of it being attracted info your life will harness. That's what the law states .think about it as each thought carries an electric charge ..could be positive charge or negative ..negative attracts negative when you think fearful thoughts ..and positive attracts positive when you think positive thoughts .
  16. It is accurate to call attraction as well. Literally everything is made of vibrations at the bottom level . So your thoughts attract similar signals when you put them out of your head into a vision board .
  17. I agree . I'm using a vision board and I put it right ahead of me in the wall of my bedroom so that I can see my goals every day when I wake up in the morning and before going to sleep . Up to now I managed to manifest some stuff and it wasn't just a coincidence or self fulfiling prophecy..a girlfriend and quitting smoking .
  18. Great Post. But you know ..nothing new under the sun ..this was discovered thousands years ago .. The Hindu 🕉️ tradition calls consciousness "Sat-Chit-Ananda". Meaning existence..awareness..bliss .
  19. So I've catched up with Palestinian-Israeli war..but help me understand something.. so after the attack on the 7th.. why not ask the Palestinians.. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE ATTACK? and/or.. DO YOU AGREE WITH HAMAS.. ARE THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE ON THE SAME SIDE AS THEM..AND INDEED ARE INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM HAMAS? If yes to any of these.. then why are you feeling sorry for yourselves? If they are innocent then none of the above applies. I just want to know the answer to this question ..why on earth have they not been asked? Beem watch the news recently to learn from CNN ..a lot.. so if I did miss reporters asking Palestinians if they agree with the attack.. they should ask it again and keep asking. The news are persistent with other why not such fundamental ones?
  20. Guys's very simple (not easy but simple )..see girl..approach girl . That's it . Get out of your goddam head .go straight to her and say hi I like your dress or whatever. Its not weird .it's not creepy .it's not cringe. Nobody in this world hates compliment .do you know how happy you make her feel when you tell her "I find you cute "? Imagine the reverse situation..if someone (from your gender or the opposite gender) came to you and told you they find you attractive..isn't that gonna make you happy? Well this is what I'm saying . Just compliment her in a cool non-sexually vulgar way and you will make her happy will probably (about 90% of the time ) find her smiling or giggling a lil bit . Then see how she responds ..then comes the real bitch to Carry the conversation? your honest feelings towards her ..again with caution and not so sexually connotated way . Ask her for a phone number and that's it . It's really is so fucking simple . And you will get rejected..oohhh boy you get your ass rejected a dozen of times ..but trust me it feels better to go out and talk to girls and get rejected than to stay home or go out and not open any girl . Appreciate the joy of approaching a girl . It feels awesome. You will feel awesome. And that's exactly what you want isn't it ?
  21. R u saying this because I'm talking about sex and lust a lot in this thread 😂? My Ex girlfriend rimmed my butthole with a strapon and I'm completely sexually satisfied haha Thanks man. I mean think about it ..quantum mechanics says that everything is made of vibration. Your thoughts shape your reality because every though carries a vibration or an electrical charge ...when you send it out to the world it's gonna attract similar charges. Nope . Both are equally important. But you must start with the material before the spiritual.
  22. @Razard86 REAL=pure being =actuality =direct experience =sensation.. feeling.. consciousness. So what is real must be persistent? The only thing that doesn't change is change itself . Gotta appreciate the pradadox.