Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. No I'm watching Leo's videos for two years now. But I'm not convinced of everything he says. I listen to rupert Spira and mooji as well.. I don't accept everything spiritual people say but I don't reject it all either. I take what resonates with me. It's important to notice that the purpose of this topic is not to validate nonduality. I'm not begging the question here. I'm interested in finding the truth whatever it is.
  2. You are asking me here to go against not just common sense and logic but even direct experience. I'm not sure which "direct experience" are you referring to? I'm having direct experience of reality right now.. I feel my body and I see the world around me.. It consists of clearly distinct objects like TV chairs tables rocks animals people cars etc. What do you mean if I stopped thinking I will die? I clearly don't think while deep sleeping but I'm still alive and then i wake up normally! How do you know that "all is one"? Just how did you arrive at that conclusion?
  3. I can't explain that with language because language is dualistic and it is dualistic because it's a description of reality and reality is dualistic. An orange is an orange and a rock is a rock .i can sit there and pretend that there is no duality between oranges and rocks for the rest of my life but still if I eat the orange it will nourish me and if I eat the rock it will kill me!.
  4. Because the world is dualistic? Language and logic describe the world. And because we live in a dualistic world language and logic are dualistic.
  5. Thank you. Will try to consider your points. I might be missing something. Your key points if I'm getting it right is that I'm lost in the intellectual level when there is greater levels beyond the mind that I'm missing. I don't know how to reach these levels yet but will try some of your methods even tho not sure about psychedelics. Will take a look at those books as well.
  6. Sorry I tried to understand your question but I couldn't. Could you elaborate on it pls.?
  7. I obviously have no clue how anything work in the deepest sense possible. However what I can be sure of is that these atoms and matter are there and they do behave in a certain way that is predictable and consistent which means they follow certain rules.. Logical rules like causality and physical rules like conversation of energy and matter etc.. Why is it this way? How is it possible that it works this way? I just don't know! But just because I don't know and it's fascinating doesn't mean it's not this way!
  8. Well yeah that's the key point. Our description is irrelevant to the actual reality in the sense that it is some way and doesn't care about our descriptions. You might describe it in a false way but that won't change anything in the outside. If tomorrow everyone started to believe that the sun doesn't exist it will remain there and won't just disappear. If tomorrow I started believing the world is my imagination that won't change the appearance that it's not.
  9. And what are these tools other than empirical experiments and logic "intellectual faculties"?
  10. I'm not sure why should the fact that "1+1 =2" is a "thought" make it less valid or anything of that sort. Thoughts are simply descriptions of reality. Some thoughts are valid and some are not.. To the degree they accurately describe the actual world around us. 1+1=2 is a valid thought which means if you go out in the world and put one orange aside of another orange you get two oranges and it can't be otherwise!. "Reality is made out of love ". Is invalid thought because if you look at the world you find matter and energy time and space and you don't find any "love" in there!
  11. You can ask the same question about litteraly anything in existence. I pointed that out in the OP. You can ask what is a "tree"? From absolute perspective no one actually knows what a tree ultimately is! But from a relative common perspective we all know obviously what "tree" is!. Same with "logic" and everything else. Logic is a bunch of abstract rules which describes the fundamental structure of our reality as we observe it.
  12. As I said if I to even start the inquiry I have to start somewhere with certain assumptions. My assumptions are based on logic because that's the only tool I have other than my senses. So if you ask me to drop logic and reason there won't be any inquiry and I will be left with mystical reality where I simply don't know anything.
  13. It's the same issue with saying that consciousness is the substance of reality and saying love is the substance. I can't make sense of this at all.. The word "love" in all human languages was made to describe the emotions that we feel admiration and attraction to other people or stuff... How is that the substance of the universe.? You might say it in a metaphorical way in the sense that everything is in a union but I can't follow how is it that the very clay out of which everything was made is "love"? Love is just an abstract emotion.
  14. Well consistency and logic are inherent to reality. Basic logical rules are undeniable otherwise we won't be able to have any discussion of any kind. The structure of language itself and communication and thoughts follows rational patterns. And I think its there even if didn't thought of them or try to prove them.. A=A.. 1+1=2 and the whole is bigger than its parts are valid even if you claim otherwise.
  15. How can "consciousness" be the substance of reality? I'm having a hard time figuring this one out. Consciousness is apparently a quality that certain creatures have like humans and animals.. A rock ain't conscious for example.. It doesn't see or touch or smell or even know that it exists. Unless if you redefine the word "consciousness" to mean something else than what it was originally intended for. This "nothing" or whatever but i don't see any "nothing" here.. All i see are limited distinct things!
  16. Thanks for trying to clarify but I still didn't get my answers. Nothing is not everything in my simple logic.. Nothing is not anything it's just a self contradictory concept. And again I'm open to the possibility that reality might be not what we think it is.. We might be living in a simulation.. I might be dreaming right now etc but that only means that the substance of reality is not what we think it is and does not mean it's "unreal". The notion of reality being a total illusion just doesn't make any sense. So far my own investigation can't go beyond what is conventionally known that reality is just this material system with certain laws and logic to it and we don't know why it's there or what's beyond it but the only thing we can be sure of is that it's there and it's this way.
  17. I hope to find answers to my questions!
  18. How do you know this? How is it possible that nothing imagines something? If reality is absolute nothing it should be nothing forever and we can't be here even as an imagination. 0+0+0+0+0+0 to infinity is still zero! If you have nothing at all you can't have something. If I want you to make me a meal I have to give you some raw material "food" to make thr meal. But if I give you "nothing" you won't be able to turn that nothing into food! What does it mean "seems there but not really there".. It's either there or it's not.. It might be a mirage or a dream like but that doesn't change the fact that something of any kind is just there. Hope that makes sense.
  19. Well I didn't try psychedelic but from hearing other people's stories it gives them mystical experiences and they start hallucinating stuff and then the chemical goes off and they are back to the normal perception of life. I don't know why should we think a hallucinating drug can give us explanation of the nature of reality.
  20. So far my contemplating led me to the following : 1- the "real world" in the waking state is no different from the dream's world in terms of the apparent phenomenon. It's just that the latter is more consistent and more logical. 2- the substance of reality is completely unknown. Could be matter or imagination but that doesn't say anything about what it actually is!, 3 - also whether it be this or that I still don't know why anything exists at all whether it's matter energy awareness God etc
  21. Show me.. How am I doing this? It's not in my direct experience.
  22. "Real " is reality this thing that's here around me. My question is what is the very substance of Reilly and why does it exist?
  23. Well I don't exist as just awareness. I'm in this body it's obvious. The awareness definitely seem to have a limitation. I'm in this body not your body. What is "real"? I don't know that's my question here.. All I can say is that this stuff here that we call the world "people cars animals etc" that is what I would call "real" but I know that it might an illusion.. That's a possibility.. But still that's the only thing to be sure of.. This stuff is just there in front of me. Yes it's fluxes but it's "there " nevertheless. I wouldn't call it unreal just because it changes constantly.. If i to doubt the existence of what's in front of me and the only thing that exist then the whole discussion would end.. We have to start from a ground.. And my ground is the existence of myself (my mind and body) and the world around me. Notice I didn't jump to conclusions about the nature of the world or the nature of awareness.. I just stated honestly my raw direct experience which I cannot doubt.
  24. Yes I agree. I would say the following are absolute facts : I exist and this world exists and I am aware of it. Which means these things are right now in direct experience they can't be doubted. The nature of experience or anything else is open to discussion.